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  1. Perfect for Toxic Titch from Arbroath. Two of his favourite colours too.
  2. Faraway Saint remains on the Forum because other Forum Members are decent St Mirren Supporters who don't resort to grassing to the Forum Webmaster.
  3. Faraway Saint has been busy reporting Buddies to Div again. Percy Veer and Karmageddon 2021 are now banned from the Forum. The two of them were only exposing and answering back the main Forum abuser and bully, Faraway Saint. Very unfairly banned.
  4. Did you nearly choke on your toast, trolling toxic Titch ? You're totally tormented by a few on here. You cannot get peace of mind. They have ruined your head by being decent Saints fans . You are neither decent nor a Saints fan. Fakey idiot.
  5. Wee Bud has just joined in the circle with Titch and others. Mmm, nice. But I will stick with Elizabeth.
  6. Betty is sleeping already. She was reading your posts. Stop posting, I am nearly in a coma.
  7. His mates dumped him. Don't blame them. Boring sod on his phone all night and ignoring his friends. Sad. Rushing home now to watch Celtic and Rangers on sportscene.
  8. Still on his phone and ignoring his mates as they give him a run home. Strange.
  9. He is still in single figures in games attended in over 60 years and none attended as a Saints fan. Went tonight, so he says, and spent whole night on his phone and ignoring his chums. He might say thanks and cheerio when they drop him off. Toxic Titch, the fake saint. Just a bully, troll and an abuser.
  10. A non Saints fan taunting a St Mirren supporter when Saints are winning. Weird.
  11. Hey Toxic Titch from Arbroath. The last 60 years don't count for you. You're not a Saints fan , you never have been. Totally conspicuous by your absence on every St Mirren memories thread. You're a fake, as well as a troll, bully and abuser.
  12. Toxic Titch from Arbroath arriving for his first training session at Ralston.
  13. Toxic Titch from Arbroath hitting out and abusing Ricky for being a decent and very well mannered and successful man . The jealousy of the tiny idiot has just about wrecked his head . Ricky is a great St Mirren supporter which Tiny Tears never has and never will be . Poisonous dwarf.
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