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    Frank McGarvey

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  1. Jamieson and Strain asleep for the third goal. Thats really not good enough. Poor defending from the two subs
  2. Something rotten In the heart of Ayrshire. Another artificial outcome.
  3. Very sad day for Scottish football. His knowledge of the game and meticulous approach would put most other managers to shame. I only wish we had heard more from him perhaps as a pundit in later years. Still the last manager to lead Scotland to a world cup. When will we see his like again.
  4. Yes, I'll take your word for it, but you shouldnt get banned for being an arsehole. If that was the case the place would be half empty. My point is, if theyve banned him then they think he has an accusation of which they are scared.
  5. Banning the guy for criticising the board? Who does this character Needham think he is. If this so called board had a clear conscience they would laugh it off from their complimentary padded seats. Bannng Wardrop or anyone else for that matter is an admission of guilt. Poor Poor St Mirren. Poor poor.
  6. Nonsense. There are 3 points available against the rascists and the team should be working hard this week to achieve that. Im sure the manager would agree.
  7. The only thing that this proves is that the general public should not be allowed to vote.
  8. Bit like the layabouts that were born here.
  9. Best MOD in ages on Saturday. It was so short I didnt even have time to fall asleep. Has there ever been a more overrated giggling Prima Donna than Lineker, Shearer or Wright. Yes there is. Micah Richards By emboldening crisp peddler Lineker and his primary school opinions over Qatar, the BBC have created a monster. Not a Monster Munch. I sincerely hope that Saints legend Steven Thomson gets the gig, with subtitles in case he gets mixed up.
  10. As the manager said when he signed Tony Watt. 'We are too robotic. We need someone to do something out of the ordinary.' I think we all know which of Fergies Furies that would be.
  11. Great to see Paisley's Liz Truss back at the top of her game. Lets all hope her work is treated with a bit more respect this time round.
  12. Jim has shown great dignity in his managerial career, whereas what was actually needed was what he showed in his playing career. Kicking arse-ity
  13. Saw big Jackie sent off in a proper man's battle with Shug Edvalsson in a thriller in the gloaming under the old lights at Love Street. Great player, St Mirren legend and a leader in the greatest ever Saints team. However, can you believe that Saints actually won the league cup? That didnt happen by luck. It happened because that season we had Saints' greatest ever centre forward, and greatest ever centre half.
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