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Bawbag Tv

The Sandman

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Some more for the weans.......................

Camberwick Bawbag

Captain Bawbag (Featuring Bawbag Stains.)

Andy Bawbag

The Flower Pot Bawbags

Deputy Bawbag

Urban myth, mate. Captain Bawbag's crew were Bawbag, Bawbagus, the Master Bawbag & Tom the Cabin Bawbag.

Here to help. :)

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Top TV ad slogans

1, The Bawbags are on me

2, Probably the best bawbag in the world.

3, You know when you've been bawbagged

4, What's in your bawbag?

5, Calm down dear, It's only a bawbag!

Not forgetting

1. There's always change at bawbagnews

2. Ah cannae get the bawbags tae light

3. Pea and ham - fae a bawbag - now that's clever

4. Lovely, lovely bawbags

5. Open bawbag - that's handy

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1. Bawbag Brother - Most participants seem to be totally disconnected from reality from the brief snatches I've seen.

2. Bawbags got Talent - Once the deluded and insane have been kicked off it's just a bunch of mediocre performers who have no real talent.

3. Bawbag Time - Now I'm not a violent man but have you ever been able to watch a politics Q&A program wishing to shoot at least one member of the audience?

4. A Question of Bawbags - All comedy panel shows with the exception of QI.

5. Trisha's Bawbags etc, - Where do they find the people willing to go on these shows

6. Bawbagnanny - see 5

7. Make-a-Bawbag-over Shows (Homes + People) - I can see the point for the people who get something from it but why would anyone else want to watch it?

8. Bawbag Antiques / Cash in the Bawbag's Attic etc - Why?

9. Property Bawbag Shows - Why?

10. Hospital Bawbag On The Wall Shows - Black Diamond Bay - Bob Dylan

This is by no means an exhaustive list of Bawbag TV.

Edited by Bud the Baker
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Music Show: The Old Grey Bawbag Test

Comedy: Mock The Bawbag

Soap: Bawbagenders

Chat Show: Tonight with Jonathan Bawbag

Childrens Tv: Balabawbag

Current Affairs: Bawbagarama

Quiz: Golden Bawbags

Sport: Match of the Bawbags

News: The Ten O' Clock Bawbag

Sitcom: My Bawbags

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sci fi - red bawbag

historical comedy - blackbawbag

polis comedy - the thin blue bawbag

american sentimental shite - Bawbags

improv comedy - whose bawbag is it anyway?

topical comedy - have i got bawbags for you

pretentious comedy panel show - QI (with a bawbag presenting it)

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