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Smisa - Where Are They In All This ?


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Couldn't make it along to the meeting tonight as missus is away out and stuck at home with the kids, but I gather there is a bit of heat coming from SMiSA to 10000Hours.

I know from previous forum posts that WB had written to their members to ask their thoughts on withdrawing their previous backing for the fans bid to buy the club, based on what I believe were frustrations in communication between SMiSA and 10000Hours.

SMiSA are in for the tune of £50k into this so a not insignificant sum, but the real damage would be an influential supporters group, whose stated aim on inception was to get on the board, turning their back on the opportunity to do just that.

Where would that leave the bid ? Does it matter ? I think it does.

SMiSA - let's be hearing from you - what is your stated position - or is that none of our business unless we are members ?

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Interesting post.

I read the recent letter sent out to SMISA members and it is disappointing that they feel the way they do for whatever reason. Hopefully themselves and 10000hrs can sort out whatever differences exist. But, what I would say, is I thought it slightly ironic that SMISA's concerns were largely over 10000hrs (lack of) communications. Have to say I don't really know what SMISA actually do or who they represent. I've always thought of them as a bit of a "closed shop". Maybe I'm way off the mark, but I'd say that is down to a lack of communication. I wouldn't be so sure that the majority of fans away from this forum even know SMISA exist. I don't want to be overly critical of the group but think it is worth making them aware of how it looks IMO from the outside, we all have areas whether improvements can be made and grouping together can only give a stronger talent pool. I would also like to say that I don't doubt they do some good work.

Anyway, like I said, hopefully both these groups can reconcile any differences to give our club a stable future.

Edited by civilsaint
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Interesting post.

I read the recent letter sent out to SMISA members and it is disappointing that they feel the way they do for whatever reason. Hopefully themselves and 10000hrs can sort out whatever differences exist. But, what I would say, is I thought it slightly ironic that SMISA's concerns were largely over 10000hrs (lack of) communications. Have to say I don't really know what SMISA actually do or who they rempresent. I've always thought of them as a bit of a "closed shop". Maybe I'm way off the mark, but I'd say that is down to a lack of communication. I wouldn't be so sure that the majority of fans away from this forum even know SMISA exist. I don't want to be overly critical of the group but think it is worth making them aware of how it looks IMO from the outside, we all have areas whether imrovements can be made and grouping together can only give a stronger talent pool. I would also like to say that I don't doubt they do some good work.

Anyway, like I said, hopefully both these groups can reconcile any differences to give our club a stable future.

Yeah I was a bit surprised about it when I read it. The guys involved with SMiSA would, for me, be the sort of guys I would see putting themselves forward to get involved at board level in the new organisation. They are deeply passionate about what they do and to be fair to them they have stuck at it even after the immediate threat to the club was gone once the stadium sale went through.

I stopped being a member at that point as I couldn't really see where they were going but they remain an influential group in my opinion.

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I'm not a member, but reading between the lines, SMISA are investing a lot of money in the CIC and expected to be treated with a bit more respect. It wouldn't surprise me if the communications SMISA were getting was the same as the rest of the CIC sign ups.

Might be right Steve, but it would be interesting to hear from them exactly what has gone and what their stance is.

Maybe it's none of my business, I'm not a member any more so if that's the way it is then fair enough.

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I don't remember the full contents of the letter, but I'd hope it's nothing to do with a lack of "extras". I did try checking the SMISA site, funnily enough it's currently down.

If it's communication, then in all honesty I'd imagine the people giving large chunks of funding would get a bit more than us plebs though with SMISA not being directors of 10000 Hours itself I'd think they'll be distanced from the more in depth details of discussions with the consortium for example.

All that said...yup, it'd be nice to know their thoughts.

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I'm not a member any more so if that's the way it is then fair enough.

Can't remember when my membership elapsed and every time I read about the CiC I think, why can't/haven't SMISA gone down this route.

My arse has 10 thousand splinters in it as i've sat on the fence for so long after making more U turns than an Italian army when it comes to 10000 hours CiC proposal.

Edited by Kombi Buddie
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I don't remember the full contents of the letter, but I'd hope it's nothing to do with a lack of "extras". I did try checking the SMISA site, funnily enough it's currently down.

If it's communication, then in all honesty I'd imagine the people giving large chunks of funding would get a bit more than us plebs though with SMISA not being directors of 10000 Hours itself I'd think they'll be distanced from the more in depth details of discussions with the consortium for example.

All that said...yup, it'd be nice to know their thoughts.

www.smisa.net is up !

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Can't remember when my membership elapsed and every time I read about the CiC I think, why can't/haven't SMISA gone down this route.

My arse has 10 thousand splinters in it as i've sat on the fence for so long after making more U turns than an Italian army when it comes to 10000 hours CiC proposal.

I've been a member of a number of ISA's in my time and I still am a member of a few down south. I quit SMiSA when they blew a pile of cash on towels and the t-shirts for the squad as I believed they should have focused more on purchasing shares. I know they were always frustrated that the board wouldn't sell them any though. ISA's becoming SEN's is a more recent development with the likes of FC United leading the way.

I have to say though I'm surprised anyone is particularly interested in SMiSA's opinion on this. If they have a smoking gun I would have expected them to have stated it by now, but if not then whether they join or not is completely up to them. Perhaps they feel that maintaining their share holding might give them a route onto the footballing board from the 48% shareholding side. It's entirely their affair.

Edited by Stuart Dickson
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I've been a member of a number of ISA's in my time and I still am a member of a few down south. I quit SMiSA when they blew a pile of cash on towels and the t-shirts for the squad as I believed they should have focused more on purchasing shares. I know they were always frustrated that the board wouldn't sell them any though. ISA's becoming SEN's is a more recent development with the likes of FC United leading the way.

I have to say though I'm surprised anyone is particularly interested in SMiSA's opinion on this. If they have a smoking gun I would have expected them to have stated it by now, but if not then whether they join or not is completely up to them. Perhaps they feel that maintaining their share holding might give them a route onto the footballing board from the 48% shareholding side. It's entirely their affair.

Think it is important to know what SMiSAs position is. If they back it and are prepared to put their money into it then great, if not then why not would be a reasonable question to ask IMO.

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Think it is important to know what SMiSAs position is. If they back it and are prepared to put their money into it then great, if not then why not would be a reasonable question to ask IMO.

They are only answerable to their members Div. I'd be disappointed in them as people if they had spotted a concern that no-one else had and they failed to highlight it but beyond that they are just the same as any other shareholder. I don't see anyone demanding that Gordon Scott or Ken McGeoch answer the same question

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Not convinced this thread is overly helpful to SMiSA, 10,000hrs or fans in general. The thread was actually commented on by the SMiSA guys at the meeting. The SMiSA guys were right to lay some criticism at REA in terms of communication. They came to the meeting very much in devil's advocate mode. It is definitely the most useful meeting in terms of information exchange.

Felt sorry for the Bud sitting next to me who had told his mrs that he was just popping down to the ground for half an hour to fill out his form.....three hours later.

Also feel sorry for the SMiSA guys as they are under pressure from their members at a time when the process hasn't reached the stage they would like it to be at.

Tyring to stoke a 10,000hrs v SMiSA rift might be good for hits; however I don;t think that is the case at all. You're a very naughty boy div.

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Not interested in rifts, just interested to know where they are at.

Someone posted a copy of a letter that smisa sent out to all its members the other day, can't remember what thread it was on. It suggested they were considering withdrawing their backing,

Just wondered if that was the case or not.

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Not interested in rifts, just interested to know where they are at.

Someone posted a copy of a letter that smisa sent out to all its members the other day, can't remember what thread it was on. It suggested they were considering withdrawing their backing,

Just wondered if that was the case or not.

Never saw that...and again I don;t think adding to the pressure already being heaped on the SMiSA trustees is helpful. Individual fans have the comfort zone of being able to make a decision on their own about whether they invest or not. The SMiSA trustees are in a very different position being pressured to act, when it is clearly too early in the process to vote one way or another.

Every fan is currently at the point of...yip, like the idea of fan ownership...let's progress as far as we can...then lets get down to the nitty gritty...there will come a point when we have the numbers in the bag and will be ready to hit the go button...that's when the constitution, etc will be defined to the finest detail. My reading as a non-SMiSA member is that the SMiSA's trustees are being pressed on votes too early in the process putting them in an almost impossible position. That pressure has been exacerbated by lack of responsiveness over too long a period for which he offered an unreserved and well deserved apology.

The SMiSA reps did very well tonight, as did Richard and it was actually a really good meeting.

The big scoop / revelation here is how did you know the SMiSA guys were "hot!" tongue.png Who was your mole in the room? bangin.gif

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Not convinced this thread is overly helpful to SMiSA, 10,000hrs or fans in general. The thread was actually commented on by the SMiSA guys at the meeting. The SMiSA guys were right to lay some criticism at REA in terms of communication. They came to the meeting very much in devil's advocate mode. It is definitely the most useful meeting in terms of information exchange.

Felt sorry for the Bud sitting next to me who had told his mrs that he was just popping down to the ground for half an hour to fill out his form.....three hours later.

Also feel sorry for the SMiSA guys as they are under pressure from their members at a time when the process hasn't reached the stage they would like it to be at.

Tyring to stoke a 10,000hrs v SMiSA rift might be good for hits; however I don;t think that is the case at all. You're a very naughty boy div.

I totally agree with this. St. Sid has got it just about right, although I would have said the SMISA guys, while making some good points, sounded at times a bit stronger than "Devil's Advocate". I had sympathy for them but Mr Atkinson did make an apology which I thought was the right thing to do but I am a bit concerned that any form of "situation" had come between SMISA and CIC/Co-Op as at the end of the day they want the same thing - the best for the Club.

I just wish I had taken St. Sid's advice earlier and went along to one of the other meetings to hear the information from the Horse’s mouth as it were but at least I went along tonight and came away with more understanding than you'll ever get from Clowns on here with their conspiracy theories and scaremongering tactics.

Edited by Tracy Barlow Loyal
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Smisa - Where Are They In All This ?

Good question!

Answer - Rightly Sceptical?


Sceptical about what exactly somner9. Now if you had gone to the meeting you would know exactly what happened and realise you are making almost as big a bwaz of yourself as div has with his "scoop". SMiSA added a lot of value to the meeting last night. More direct debit forms were signed. That's reality, and if you had gone to the meeting you would have seen that. 1eye.gif

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Maybe, just maybe this will nail this pathetic, never-ending,total embarrassment, hair brained scheme. I've asked this before and I'll ask it again when will the directors bring an end to this it's doing nothing for ST MIRREN FC.

Do nothing and Mr Ng or A.N Other will come along and buy is for 20 million a lot less than Rankers and sell us down the tubes

Linwood No More

Saints No More

Some people on here and other places dont know how much a threat this is. There has been questions asked I do believe (not Kens bid).

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Do nothing and Mr Ng or A.N Other will come along and buy is for 20 million a lot less than Rankers and sell us down the tubes

Linwood No More

Saints No More

Some people on here and other places dont know how much a threat this is. There has been questions asked I do believe (not Kens bid).

And as I said over 2 months ago - before anything was made public about KMG's involvement with Collier Bristow - if the offer was appropriately worded and the stars aligned it could become incredibly attractive to some directors, especially if it meant that the stadium and the training ground were left for a St Mirren Newco to use and there was a £million or so put into the new clubs bank account. Back then ofcourse I was rounded upon and told that all the St Mirren directors were St Mirren supporters who could never contemplate such a thing....:rolleyes:

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Sceptical about what exactly somner9. Now if you had gone to the meeting you would know exactly what happened and realise you are making almost as big a bwaz of yourself as div has with his "scoop". SMiSA added a lot of value to the meeting last night. More direct debit forms were signed. That's reality, and if you had gone to the meeting you would have seen that. 1eye.gif

Dost my eyes deceive me?

Is the ever cynical Sid starting to sound like a spin doctor for SMISA or is he after a cnutcillor's job after all?

Dear oh dear. How quickly the whiff of power affects a man's judgment.

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Guest somner9

Dost my eyes deceive me?

Is the ever cynical Sid starting to sound like a spin doctor for SMISA or is he after a cnutcillor's job after all?

Dear oh dear. How quickly the whiff of power affects a man's judgment.

Ha ha like it,

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