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I have it on good authority that Michael Phelps is the mystery American.

My grannies, brothers, sister, brother in laws, pals cousin saw him in Ramsdens in the High Street with an ASDA bag trying to sell his 14 gold medals.


I have it on good authority that Michael Phelps is the mystery American.

My grannies, brothers, sister, brother in laws, pals cousin saw him in Ramsdens in the High Street with an ASDA bag trying to sell his 14 gold medals.

Now I know that's a lie, Ramsdens is in Moss St.

Posted (edited)

Where have you been?It's been alive and kicking for three years now! A slow train coming?

However what has The American got in his locker???

Edit: actually we know what he's got in his locker! a bigger offer than 10000 hours over a shorter term. which do you think they'll plump for???

I think they would plump for fan-ownership to be honest. Me also, but really.... I couldn't give a f**k either way.

Que Sera, Sera

Edited by Vambo57
Posted (edited)

I think they would plump for fan-ownership to be honest. Me also, but really.... I couldn't give a f**k either way.

Que Sera, Sera

So do I actually - not least because I think it is still the only bid on the table.

A few weeks ago at the Armageddon meeting Gilmour tackled many serious subjects around the table that night. I was impressed at the solid eye contact he made, with me, when he presented some of the more "challenging" points he made that night. However, despite being billed as a meeting to discuss the Newco vote and the sale of the club, when I asked him about other prospective bids there was no eye contact, and a quick attempt to dismiss the topic. I made two attempts that night, and twice Gilmour covered the stumps like a batsman worried about the pacey spinning yorker being bowled at him.

I don't believe anyone with any serious knowledge of Scottish Football would be remotely interested in the 52% shareholding at the club at the moment, for free never mind the 3x£500k payments that have been suggested. And I don't think even Ticketus would be willing to finance such a deal in the current climate in the SPL.

Edited by Stuart Dickson

Me also, but really.... I couldn't give a f**k either way.

Que Sera, Sera

Pretty much were most people are now I think. There is no longer any trust in 10000 hrs leadership or the selling consortium. Any notion of selling the club to someone with the clubs best interests at heart has long faded, as has the idea that fans are actually going to have any influence on the club. We are now looking at three options:

- Continuing to be run by a selling consortium that has zero respect for its support.

- Be taken over by some jokers from Ayrshire who also have zero respect for the support and see the as a gullible source of funding.

- Takeover from made up foreign bidders that fans don't believe exist.

All shit options....all we can do is support the team and enjoy our football.


Just a thought,supposing REA does take over can you imagine how long it would take him to sign any players, considering how long this shambles has been going on we would have to start the negotiations when the player left primary school


Pretty much were most people are now I think. There is no longer any trust in 10000 hrs leadership or the selling consortium. Any notion of selling the club to someone with the clubs best interests at heart has long faded, as has the idea that fans are actually going to have any influence on the club. We are now looking at three options:

- Continuing to be run by a selling consortium that has zero respect for its support.

- Be taken over by some jokers from Ayrshire who also have zero respect for the support and see the as a gullible source of funding.

- Takeover from made up foreign bidders that fans don't believe exist.

All shit options....all we can do is support the team and enjoy our football.

It's a shite state of affairs to be in , and ALL the fresh air in the world , wont make any f**king difference!!


Just a thought,supposing REA does take over can you imagine how long it would take him to sign any players, considering how long this shambles has been going on we would have to start the negotiations when the player left primary school

REA would not be in control of that


REA would not be in control of that

Yes he will.....the interim SMFC Board will be made up of three ayrshire jokers + GLS & Tony F. He will effectively have majority control of the club. The supporters will have zero influence whatsoever. REA will be in complete control of everything at the club.


Yes he will.....the interim SMFC Board will be made up of three ayrshire jokers + GLS & Tony F. He will effectively have majority control of the club. The supporters will have zero influence whatsoever. REA will be in complete control of everything at the club.

They just don't get it Sid, they seriously think they will have a say in running the club. That is the perfect reason why committees should not run football teams, can you imagine what it would be like trying to get anything done while the three ? or more boards decide who makes the decisions, then REA would tell them what is going to happen.

They just don't get it Sid, they seriously think they will have a say in running the club. That is the perfect reason why committees should not run football teams, can you imagine what it would be like trying to get anything done while the three ? or more boards decide who makes the decisions, then REA would tell them what is going to happen.

I'd concede that there is a danger within committees that they sometimes are not very dynamic and that it can be very easy to bog down a committee so that no decisions get made at all. I've witnessed those kinds of situations first hand in the past and I've hated it. However if a committee can agree a set of goals and the give each member a mandate working within limits to achieve the goal set for them then it can be a fantastic way to run a club - particularly because it can pool talent whilst delivering checks and balances. Of course that depends on who the members elect into the posts and at the risk of annoying Rick again it is the capability of the St Mirren support to do absolutely anything logical that worries me.

Of course the charge you've levelled at committee's could just as easily be charged at the current ownership model where the board of directors operates at just about every level as a committee would do - the difference being that some members of a board of directors will have more influence than others courtesy, only, of the fact that they own more shares and that board members are there courtesy of their financial investment and not to represent football fans in the way they run the club. Now as Sid has already stated a major threat to St Mirren FC right now is that there is an opportunity for a single individual to take majority control of the whole club so all the checks and balances go and you will find your clubs future in the hands of a single individual who's motivation and interest might not be the same as yours.


Now as Sid has already stated a major threat to St Mirren FC right now is that there is an opportunity for a single individual to take majority control of the whole club so all the checks and balances go and you will find your clubs future in the hands of a single individual who's motivation and interest might not be the same as yours.

Stu, there have been no checks and balances on 10000 hrs or their constitution. I had to carry out a virtual toe nail removal on 10000 hrs for them to admit that they (the ayrshire jokers) would have majority control of SMFC. They would also have complete control of the 10000 hrs BoD and who can go on it.

However, the catalyst that has allowed the club to get itself into this mess is the creation of a 52% shareholding being up for sale.

Your argument about 10000 hrs being a lesser evil does not work. All we can say at the moment is that 10000 hrs is underfunded, backed the newco after slating KMG with allegations for the same thing, zero attempts to engage with fans to draft / amend the constitution despite having three years in which to do it, failure to sell their ideas to the commercial / corporate community, the political community and shafting the community community when they no longer became important......and lets not forget that multiple funding organisations all decided 10000 hrs business plan was shite.

A traditional takeover is an unknown; however that cannot be used to hide the utter bawlz up that is 10000 hrs.

Guest somner9

Day three of the new owners reign!

Wonder how he/she/they are finding things?


Day three of the new owners reign!

Wonder how he/she/they are finding things?

NOW 144 Hours and was only 48 Hours bangin.giflol.gif

Yes the invisible man and Mr Vanish are doing a great cleaning up act just now, cant wait till it gets dirtylol.gif

Guest somner9
Posted (edited)

NOW 144 Hours and was only 48 Hours bangin.giflol.gif

The 'New Owner TBA in 48 hours' thing was posted last thursday 48 hours before the deadline that SG/Rea etc assured us we would be under new ownership. By their reckoning the new man/woman/group have been in situ for three days now.

Yes the invisible man and Mr Vanish are doing a great cleaning up act just now, cant wait till it gets dirtylol.gif

Wonder when they'll meet the fans?

Edited by somner9

Stu, there have been no checks and balances on 10000 hrs or their constitution. I had to carry out a virtual toe nail removal on 10000 hrs for them to admit that they (the ayrshire jokers) would have majority control of SMFC. They would also have complete control of the 10000 hrs BoD and who can go on it.

However, the catalyst that has allowed the club to get itself into this mess is the creation of a 52% shareholding being up for sale.

Your argument about 10000 hrs being a lesser evil does not work. All we can say at the moment is that 10000 hrs is underfunded, backed the newco after slating KMG with allegations for the same thing, zero attempts to engage with fans to draft / amend the constitution despite having three years in which to do it, failure to sell their ideas to the commercial / corporate community, the political community and shafting the community community when they no longer became important......and lets not forget that multiple funding organisations all decided 10000 hrs business plan was shite.

A traditional takeover is an unknown; however that cannot be used to hide the utter bawlz up that is 10000 hrs.

The check and balances in the 10000hours model come from the fact that members can cancel direct debits at any time Sid. So if REA or 10000hours do something so repugnant to the membership they can force a sale in the short term, or simply elect new representatives who will amend the constitution in the longer term.

What checks and balances did Rangers fans have on Murray or Whyte? What tools have Hearts fans got to oust Romanov?


The check and balances in the 10000hours model come from the fact that members can cancel direct debits at any time Sid. So if REA or 10000hours do something so repugnant to the membership they can force a sale in the short term, or simply elect new representatives who will amend the constitution in the longer term.

The CIC is already underfunded with huge dependencies on "CIC initiatives". Fans monthly investments are already being robbed to make up for the failure to attract capital investment from the commercial / corporate sectors. 10000 hrs and their financers Bii already put the deal on hold because of concerns they have about not being able to manage cashflow issues. It will be too late to cancel direct debits - doing that will have an impact on the club as well as the CIC although we've all heard the throwaway marketing blah-blah response to that concern.

I suspect you already know what will happen when the finances don't add up. Bii conditions on SMFC as well as GLS conditions on SMFC for his "donation" are a pretty big hint. Cancelling direct debits could be viewed as a win-win for 10000 hrs.


The CIC is already underfunded with huge dependencies on "CIC initiatives". Fans monthly investments are already being robbed to make up for the failure to attract capital investment from the commercial / corporate sectors. 10000 hrs and their financers Bii already put the deal on hold because of concerns they have about not being able to manage cashflow issues. It will be too late to cancel direct debits - doing that will have an impact on the club as well as the CIC although we've all heard the throwaway marketing blah-blah response to that concern.

I suspect you already know what will happen when the finances don't add up. Bii conditions on SMFC as well as GLS conditions on SMFC for his "donation" are a pretty big hint. Cancelling direct debits could be viewed as a win-win for 10000 hrs.

f**k sake Sid - talk about the natsis right now you are out spinning them all.

On the other thread you are claiming that the Official St Mirren programme advised all fans to find out as much information about the deal as it could, when in reality it was a SMiSA column written by a gentleman who has a bit of an agenda against 10000hours. On here you are claiming Bii put the deal on hold because of concerns about cashflow issues, but the actual story was that Bii - quite rightly given Stewart Gilmours Armageddon warnings - wanted to wait and see what the effect of The Rangers not being in the SPL would be. And it's never too late to cancel a direct debit mandate. That's the beauty of direct debit mandates. You control them and can cancel them at any time and since there is no credit agreement attached to this - unlike Stewart Gilmours rip off of the fans 13 years ago where he floated worthless shares - there's absolutely no long term commitment required.

Maybe you know more than you are letting on, maybe you have inside information. You were always far closer to REA and the deal than anyone else around here, but if you are holding the silver bullet I wish you'd front up instead of just publishing ream after ream of endless spin.


Stu, there have been no checks and balances on 10000 hrs or their constitution. I had to carry out a virtual toe nail removal on 10000 hrs for them to admit that they (the ayrshire jokers) would have majority control of SMFC. They would also have complete control of the 10000 hrs BoD and who can go on it.

However, the catalyst that has allowed the club to get itself into this mess is the creation of a 52% shareholding being up for sale.

Your argument about 10000 hrs being a lesser evil does not work. All we can say at the moment is that 10000 hrs is underfunded, backed the newco after slating KMG with allegations for the same thing, zero attempts to engage with fans to draft / amend the constitution despite having three years in which to do it, failure to sell their ideas to the commercial / corporate community, the political community and shafting the community community when they no longer became important......and lets not forget that multiple funding organisations all decided 10000 hrs business plan was shite.

A traditional takeover is an unknown; however that cannot be used to hide the utter bawlz up that is 10000 hrs.

Thats just made up mince Sid. All but the final funder were all for the takeover, as you know fine well.


Thats just made up mince Sid. All but the final funder were all for the takeover, as you know fine well.

Nonsense Vambo57. I can't even remember the number of original funders...mainly because we were never told who they were. We were told that one key bidder was putting in £750K that was in grant form, but that there were another 5 or 6 funders providing loans - not grants. Now it one social bank providing a £500K loan. What is made up about that Vambo57?

6 or 7 social funders is now down to a single social bank. Why are people so keen to be dismissive of basic facts. It is time to look at the detail of this and stop just repeating the spin from 10000 hrs.

6 or 7 social funders decided the CIC wouldn't work. That is the bottom line. Now with plan B, a pipeline of a significant number of corporate organisations have decided the new version of the CIC won't work. Time for a reality check on what we actually know about this bid.

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