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I am delighted to acknowledge that 10000 hrs is 100% dead (has been for some time) and would once again like to apologise to the fans who were right all along that it was a bag of shite.

This thread is the opportunity for all genuine fans of St Mirren Football Club to announce their belief that 10000 hrs is dead and to demand that 10000hrs formally withdraw their bid and gies aw f'k'n peace for the good of the club, the community and most of all the fans.

Come on poz, you can do it!!! thumbup2.gif


I am delighted to acknowledge that 10000 hrs is 100% dead (has been for some time) and would once again like to apologise to the fans who were right all along that it was a bag of shite.

This thread is the opportunity for all genuine fans of St Mirren Football Club to announce their belief that 10000 hrs is dead and to demand that 10000hrs formally withdraw their bid and gies aw f'k'n peace for the good of the club, the community and most of all the fans.

Come on poz, you can do it!!! thumbup2.gif

You must be about 50. Time to grow and stop wasting your final years...

Posted (edited)


Lock the thread?

Not for me to say what should and shouldn't remain open, but this relentless campaign of slabbering drivel is starting to grate, and is likely to turn people people off what is a great site. I've got John on ignore, but my fear is that other peope who visit the site will be put off by his increasingly inane keech, and the site will be poorer for that.

Edited by Drew

Indeed, I don't like banning fellow fans, and I don't want to ban him, but if it keeps going like this I don't think I will have any other option.


Indeed, I don't like banning fellow fans, and I don't want to ban him, but if it keeps going like this I don't think I will have any other option.

Dont ban him,just send him up to faraway shrek for a week.....that should do the trick


I told you to stop winding him up Sid,

Poz is gonna get ye, Poz is gonna get ye!



I am delighted to acknowledge that 10000 hrs is 100% dead (has been for some time) and would once again like to apologise to the fans who were right all along that it was a bag of shite.

This thread is the opportunity for all genuine fans of St Mirren Football Club to announce their belief that 10000 hrs is dead and to demand that 10000hrs formally withdraw their bid and gies aw f'k'n peace for the good of the club, the community and most of all the fans.

Come on poz, you can do it!!! thumbup2.gif

A lesson in how to be put on ignore by an entire forum...

Posted (edited)

Lock the thread?

Not for me to say what should and shouldn't remain open, but this relentless campaign of slabbering drivel is starting to grate, and is likely to turn people people off what is a great site. I've got John on ignore, but my fear is that other peope who visit the site will be put off by his increasingly inane keech, and the site will be poorer for that.

I more or less stopped posting some time ago because of posters like Sid (he wasn't alone there were a couple of others). I wouldn't for a minute think my posts have been missed by anyone but I wonder how many others just got fed up with his pish.

I used to believe in freedom of speech for all but when some people just use it to play games, twist facts and finally accuse very good St Mirren fans of trying to deceive the rest of the support, with no basis for that accusation whatsoever, then maybe it's not such a great thing.

Edited by bingboy

Not sure what the sheep image is supposed to infer but I'd say the vast majority of people who post on this forum aren't stupid.

We know Sid and yourself were very much against 10000Hours.

We know you are very very pleased that the bid failed.

We know that you are feeling particularly smug about it.

All of this we know. We don't really need to be reminded about it every 5 minutes with yet another thread patting yourselves on the back.


Sid leave it...... you're outnumbered bud!

Not at all somner9. There are plenty of supporters off line that have ben thanking me for taking the 10000 hrs supporters and their lies to task.

How hard is it for them to just post an acknowledgement that the CIC is dead and demand that Richard and GLS withdraw their bid. It was all over the press yesterday that the bid was still alive. That is a disgrace to the fans that supported the bid.

Just get it a message at the top of the boards telling everyone the bid was shite and that'll be an end to it. It the rah-rah brigade were to own up and apologise to the fellow fans that supported them based on lies - everyone would say fair play and recognise otherwise good supporters. By not acknowledging their disgraceful treatment of the fans they do more harm to B&WArmy and their own reputations than anything my posts could do.

A few pals rallying rounmd online is fooling nobody. wink.png


Sorry to piss on your fantasy John, but actually you personally had nothing whatsoever to do with the bid failing.

Continuing to spread lies about the bid, whilst championing yourself as some sort of hero and saviour of the support is both distasteful and laughable.

Posted (edited)

I fail to understand why a bid not being accepted means it's 'sh*te' or anything else? It simply means that the current selling consortium personally chose not to accept it. That would be true whether it was a fans group, a consortium or a sole bidder. Subjective dislike or disagreement does NOT = objective 'sh*te'. What THIS thread is, is somebody trying to force THEIR opinion down everybody's throat and tell them that THEIR opinion is the only valid one - now that IS objectively.... well.... 'sh*te'! smile.png

Edited by zurich_allan

I more or less stopped posting some time ago because of posters like Sid (he wasn't alone there were a couple of others). I wouldn't for a minute think my posts have been missed by anyone but I wonder how many others just got fed up with his pish.

I know a few!


I know a few!

If you or anybody else does not like it, it's simple

don't read it. For months on end we had anybody who spoke out against the cic jumped on by the believers, nobody was banned for that, but now they don't like the wind up merchant that is SID having a dig at them. Get over it the cic is dead, now REA should go he was only brought on the board for one thing it's not happening so go ASAP

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