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The Updated "Likes" Leaderboard


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  • 11 months later...

2 hours ago, HSS said:

Just shut the site down @Div if this is the shite we have to look at

I’m there with you HSS……it’s a pity as B&WA was once a great Forum. There are still a few decent posters and occasionally decent discussion but we’re definitely in the death throes by the looks of it.

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3 hours ago, Exidor said:

I don't really want this thread to "run and run" as it were so I'll say what I have to say and (hopefully) put it behind me.

The general rule of thumb on the internet is, if you can't handle it being served to you, don't serve it to others.

There are several supposedly grown men on here who are more than happy to take "pot shots" at other forum members.  Fine, it happens on just about every internet forum, especially non-official ones like this.

The problem on here is that a number of people just can't handle it being given back to them!  Someone, who I shall refer to as "one poster" from hereon, is particularly guilty of this. I am now on my third account, or alias if you prefer to call it that, simply because this "one poster" can't take what he serves out to me and others.

I used to read this as a non-member for years and enjoy the different opinions on the games and people above are correct, this website was once great and is now a shadow of what it once was.

A poster a few above told us all he was at one of our european away fixtures earlier in the season. Excellent for him I thought, I was pleased for him he'd been able to go...until he started trolling other Saints fans, who it turned out where at the same european game! If I'd been able to go to the european matches in Iceland and Norway and been lucky enough to have gotten a ticket, believe me I'd have been there and the last thing on my mind would have been to come on here and reference other forum members, making stupid, petty, trolling posts towards them! I'd have been watching every second of a game that the club had waited 37 years to re-experience!

Under a previous alias, I posted how I'd found evidence of the aforementioned "one poster" liking all his own posts under various aliases he used to use.  I don't know all the ins and outs but apparently Shull did the same and was temporarily banned and his "like" count reset to zero. So if Shull did it, and I've actually read a post from himself saying he did it, and that was the "punishment" given to Shull then why did another forum member "get away with it"?

Anyway, I also found this post from nine years ago which is interesting...


All this "nonsense" for want of a better word was an issue over nine years ago? Well I didn't read this forum regularly back then and wasn't a member so it was nothing to do with me, so clearly the more longer term members should look at themselves before pointing fingers.

I don't think I've got anything more to add other than I'm not Shull, HSS is a bit of an idiot for saying I am and that there are clearly a lot of very sensitive individuals on here who will no doubt be offended by what I've posted and report me to the webmaster and demand I be banned.  What a shower!

Great post sir.

I apologise to R&B Campbell. Come back and MAKE THE FORUM GREAT AGAIN.

In fact, everybody come back.

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