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Dirty Sanchez

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Posts posted by Dirty Sanchez

  1. Just watched Scott Robertson of Hibs put in a far worse tackle than Goodwin and get a yellow for it.

    He then made two potentially bookable tackles just after and wasn't even spoken to.

    He's been subbed now.

    The big blonde guy for Hibs actually had two bad tackles inside the first two minutes of the game, particularly the second one.

    His lack of a booking, and the absence of any accompanying hysterics or pantomime was another instance to add to the ever growing list of 'if that had been Jim Goodwin...' moments.

  2. f**k off Billy Dodds, Richard Gordon and Derek Ferguson. That was a penalty...and if Thommo was influencing the referee by nagging him....good for him

    We will need to boss and overwhelm Thistle in the second half

    Thommo was nagging the referee because a guy quite blatantly pulled him to stop him making a run into the box. It's as clear as day on the TV footage. The ball is nowhere near them, and the guy just pulls at Thompson as he is going past, to stop him getting into the box to attack a cross. A ridiculous bit of cheating, missed by the officials and seemingly the Radio Scotland team.

    There was plenty of unsavoury stuff all round from Thistle, for a team who are still wittering about a Jim Goodwin handball six months ago.

  3. ..just wondering whether they will have the balls to then ask the logical follow on question about Thomson's reaction?

    I'd be really impressed, but absolutely astonished if they had the guts for that.

    It's how it should be, though. The reason given for Isma's two game ban for the dive against Celtic was for 'causing the referee to make the wrong decision by simulation'. What was Saturday if it wasn't that?

  4. To repeat - there were not nearly 3000 seats free in that ground on Saturday.

    I've made two posts here where I believe I've put up a reasoned, robust argument that it was indeed possible that there were 2700 empties.

    Just out of interest, which part of my argument is it that you are not convinced about?

  5. Whatever way you want to make it sound preposterous, it is indisputable that all that is required to account for the attendance is for one out of every three seats in the Saints sections to be empty.

    This is simple arithmetic, and is not far fetched.

    In the Alba footage (e.g. at 75:30) the white pattern in the seats is showing through in nearly every section. Those are empty seats, and they are the obvious ones, unlike the black empty seats. Remember, more simple arithmetic reveals that if the white seats alone were empty it would also more than account for the official attendance.

    Geologists use charts to estimate the relative abundance of minerals in a rock sample, and it is very similar exercise to this. Examples of such charts are on the following link and, tellingly, the accompanying notes state, 'observe that a 50% abundance looks like a lot more than 50%' whistling.gif http://csmres.jmu.edu/geollab/fichter/IgnRx/abundanc.html

  6. I'll admit to having been pretty anal about this in the past. When the action of the park was less alluring, I used to challenge myself to look around Love Street from the Main Stand and guess the crowd, and I honed it so that I was rarely more than a kick on the arse away from the announced figure. I've found that, unless you're having a right good look at it, you are prone to vastly over estimating how many people are in a stand.

    Take the Soapdodgers, who think they filled the Caley Stand every time they came to Love Street. In fact they filled it once, at the Diddy Cup semi final, but never came within 700 of filling it at any other time, according to the easily backed up official figures that were released in the Saints Club magazine back in the day. There's a big difference between a stand that looks or feels full, and one that actually is genuinely full.

    On Saturday, Hibs were allocated 2400 seats and left 900 of them empty + the segregation no man's land. Already you're well on the way to accounting for the announced attendance before you've even looked at the home end. In addition to this, if roughly two out of three every seats in the home end were occupied it would work out to a total crowd of just about exactly 5200. Try the maths yourself.

    If two out every three seats in the home end were occupied it would look pretty full. As it did on Saturday.

  7. Not quite.

    I watched that game in the living room despite have and season ticket. Also watched the semi final at home when we beat them 3-2.

    I'd probably watch a cup final against one if them 2 at home also so not quite the same comparison.

    ...but very similar.

    We did have a cup final against one of them a couple of days before die hards hit the pub for the Celtic game. Anyone who was at the final, but who dodged the Celtic game can't pull out that excuse.

  8. No mention of the Motherwell No.2's very clear head butt on Greg Wylde, right in front of the Motherwell bench.

    Not a squaring up. A clear, bona fide head butt.

    He was retaliating for Wylde making a cry baby, fingers to lips gesture to another Motherwell player who couldn't handle losing.

    Motherwell enjoy the moral high ground, so I've no doubt that they'll confess to the compliance officer on the player's behalf.

    I expect the whole episode to end with a two game ban for pantomime villain Jim Goodwin, who wasn't on the park at the time.

  9. Aye, a staggering decision. Even so, it should have fired up a sense of righteous indignation and steely determination, rather than toys out the pram and dismal capitulation.

    We ripped the pish out of Alloa for doing this back in the dark days.

    2-0 down and not at the races at Recreation Park, the ref gave us a joke of a penalty. Alloa then totally lost the place and managed to lose 3-2 after completely dominating beforehand. We were pishing ourselves laughing at the state of their left back, in particular, who spent the rest of the game in a rage after the penalty.

    That was a relegation season for Alloa.

  10. Kilmarnock, probably more than anyone else, have falsely inflated the stature of their club by living on crazy finances for years and years.

    It's quite easy to back this statement up. All you have to do is look at where they were before they started living outwith their means.

    They were a yo-yo team, at best, (see post#16) making only fleeting appearances in the top league, where they were usually out of their depth, and even managed to find their way into the 3rd tier at one point.

    During the 1980s their average gates were routinely under 2000, and dropped to less than 1500 for several seasons. Winning cups and playing in Europe weren't on the agenda.

    Welcome home, perhaps?

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