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Dirty Sanchez

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Posts posted by Dirty Sanchez

  1. Strangely, the H**s had an 'equalising' goal disallowed that day. I remember because I spotted a H*n tit from my school berating the Saints fans in the Northbank at the final whistle because he was under the impression that it had finished 1-1. 1eye.gif

  2. The weirdo will need to watch what he wishes for, given that he did easily enough to merit a touchline ban on Saturday.

    Remember Motherwell citing (grassing on) Jim Goodwin, only for their own neddy f*ckwit to be given a ban for his part in the incident they had highlighted?laugh.png

  3. Derek Adams job is to do the best for his team, to me that includes reducing the effectiveness of a key player for one of their immediate rivals - gamesmanship from Adams sure but I wouldn't rate it as odious - nothing personal, just business! You could argue the touchline bust-up won County the match as Goodwin clearly came of the worse from the clash of heads and I reckon he would not have been so easily brushed away had he been fully fit. Possibly it was hindsight when I was watching 'cos I knew what was coming up but I reckon Goodwin should've been subbed straight away.

    PS - You could clearly see Adams just behind the dugouts giving instructions to a minion after he had been sent to the stand - perhaps we should complain about that.

    I wonder if you're giving Derek Adams a bit too much credit.

    At the pinnacle of his club's history, when they'd just beaten Celtic at Hampden to reach the Scottish Cup final; far from being overcome with elation and pride, he spent his first interview on the pitch ranting an raving like a looney, wittering on about how everyone had been saying Celtic were going to win, etc. He was an up and coming manager,and was being tipped for bigger jobs at the time. If I'd been thinking about recruiting him that interview would have set alarm bells ringing in my mind.

    I don't think he's got Fergie-like mind games in him, I think he's just a f*cking weirdo.

  4. Was that not our very own Griff that organised that?(I could be wrong!!)

    If I remember correctly about 8 folk walked out.

    I also remember a mob of some sort assembling behind the Main Stand after that game. It looked more impromptu than organised, though. I tried to get in for a nosey, but they had locked the gates.

    There was, of course, the pre-arranged walk out during a defeat to Raith Rovers that attracted about four participants, despite Raith having gone 2-0 ahead minutes before the planned walk out time.

  5. I sold a car to webuyanycar in Hillington before Xmas.

    The guy doing the buying was non other than former Dundee, Rangers, Dundee United, Hearts & Motherwell striker Iain Ferguson.

    He was adamant that his 'goal' in 87 should have stood...

    Did he explain which two Saints outfield players were closer to the goal line than Kevin Gallacher? You find that most people who think that should have been a goal don't appreciate that even if Derek Hamilton had been playing Gallacher onside , it would also have required Tommy Wilson to have been more advanced than Gallacher for it to have been a legit goal, due to Campbell Money being so far off his line when the shot was struck. Gallacher was further up the park than anyone else, so it didn't matter a f*ck how many Saints players were there anyway.

    I shat it, right enough. whistling.gif

  6. Fuxake, David.

    It's just another example of the lack of desire to make things easy for customers - blame them - for not fitting into ever more bizarre constraints - and charge them a stupid sum when they submit. mad.gif

    Talking of stupid sums, we've quietly dropped the deal where you get a fiver off the next home game as compensation for paying £25 to watch the customary surrender to Celtic, which was previously a cunning way of charging them top dollar, but keeping the overall cost the same for us.

  7. The media need Sevco.

    Murdo MacLeod spouting drivel to Richard Keys on TalkSport last week, misleading the nation, like the simpleton that he is.

    Keys started it, but at least he's got an excuse for being wildly out of touch.

    Keys: I was looking at that SPL table, and I'm wondering how many of these clubs are thinking, 'what have we done here?'

    laugh.png Not (m)any, you clueless bastard.

    However, Murdo agreed, and then trotted out all the ills of the game, most of which were happening before Rangers went bust anyway, and were nothing whatsoever do with them being in the diddy leagues.

    Only the media and a faction of the Celtic support are missing them. I'd suggest that only the mislead and deluded think that anyone else is.

  8. Was the Les Fridge passback fiasco not in a completely different game at Boghead? I remember it being at the other end of the park from where Dumbarton scored their three goals.

    Apart from anything else, it was Campbell Money who was in goal in the 3-3 game, and Les Fridge was playing for Clyde at the time. http://www.stmirrenprogrammes.co.uk/StMirren/STM_Match_Details.php?Season=1993&GameID=2579

    I suspect the Les Fridge passback game was this one http://www.stmirrenprogrammes.co.uk/StMirren/STM_Match_Details.php?Season=1992&GameID=2545

    The worst thing about the 3-3 game was that it was John McF*ckingDonald who scored the equaliser. I didn't even know that diving bastard was still playing football until he popped up in the last minute of that game.

  9. I used to read as many papers as I could, but I can honestly say that I have barely looked at a match report since May 2001 after reading Ewing Grahame's effort following that amazing day of high drama, and twists and turns, that eventually saw us relegated.

    With so much incredible stuff to write about, I couldn't quite understand why I was reading lazy, negative cliched rubbish about how fat Mark Yardley was, etc, etc. I had long since reached the conclusion that newspaper match reports are an irrelevance in the modern era, so I can't pin it all on Ewing Grahame, but it can certainly go on his epitaph that he wrote a match report so bad that it stopped someone from buying newspapers forever. I'm not sure that's what he was looking to achieve when he got into the profession.

    Summary: Who gives a f*ck what these guys think. They're no more equipped to dish out worthwhile opinion than butchers, bakers or candlestick makers who've watched the same game.

  10. I thought we were pretty slack throughout.We also weren't direct enough. I was getting fed up watching all sorts of f*cking about when all that was required was a ball into the box.

    I think Thomas Reilly would be well advised to look at how Steven McGarry became a more effective player when he bulked up physically.

  11. Not comparable at all. They throw the 'football' about, not rolling it.

    Impressively observant.

    The comparison is about the attitude to finishing or abandoning games when conditions are difficult, irrespective of what sport it is.

    Playing to a finish in that Ross County game would have been no more dangerous, or any more of a pantomime than Philadephia v Detroit became.

    Playing American football in 8 inches of snow isn't any easier than playing football on a waterlogged pitch, and the snow had a big effect on what both teams were and weren't able to do in the game. It would have been a totally different game in perfect conditions.

    We all go home, they adapt and get on with it. There's your comparison, whether it's us or them who've got it right.

  12. There was a tremendous amount of snow for that game. Would any other sport played on grass normally have survived such weather? Would a rugby match have been played in similar weather? Now with undersoil heating the days of an orange ball and brushed lines must surely be gone for football?

    I think it's just a different attitude. That weather profoundly affected how the game was played, e.g. only one kick was attempted (which they f**ked up) because the weather made it harder. In the same way that it was harder than normal to play football v Ross County because of the conditions.

    They didn't abandon the game, they just adapted the conditions and got on with it. There's never been an abandoned game in history.

    They're officially not even supposed to clear snow from the park, other than to make the lines visible.

  13. Similarly, the same day we played Ross County the 'sweep, sweep, sweep' scenes below took place on the morning of a game in Chicago.

    The game started, only for a tornado to sweep through the area shortly afterwards.

    The players left the park, the fans all went for pie, and then they came back out and finished the game when the weather cleared up a bit.

    The picture of the scoreboard was taken just after 12pm, but it looks like night time because of the thunder clouds.



  14. I remember reading an article where a geologist debated whether he had found fossilied diarrhoea or fossilised vomit.

    Seemingly, after a couple of hundred million years in the ground, the distinction between shit and spew becomes less clear, although I'd like to know where I can get a job where you can be paid to have such a debate.

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