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Posts posted by lenziebud

  1. 3 minutes ago, Saint@Johnstone said:

    Three points is about as much as you could say about this game. Should have been miles ahead but as usual sweating towards the end. Entertainment value negligible. Yet again the forwards cannot score. 

    I really enjoyed the game. For me good entertaiment value. Dominated the first half but different County in second half.

    Ryan Flynn , top pro. That performance was credit to him

  2. On 1/19/2023 at 2:23 PM, TopCat said:

    Sure he will do great in MLS and make a tonne of money to boot. Was a bit unlucky that he was getting in the team under Bruno just when he got sacked. Loppetegui obviously doesn't fancy him so he'll need to move on. 

    Getting in the team is a bit of a stretch.

    Found his level 😁

  3. 8 hours ago, santaponsasaint said:

    On changing tactics during a game. Don't read what you want to see.

    Sent from my SM-S906B using Tapatalk

    Thing about this is that you never post anything positive about Robinson. 

    On the night he was appointed i agreed with you that i didn't think he was a good appointment and that time would tell on it

    He ha proven to be an excellant appointment. He has pushed the team onto a level that we have not seen in a long while.

    So...... time to admit you got it wrong and back the man

    I do agree with you on Gogic though

  4. 1 hour ago, santaponsasaint said:

    Agreed. Especially at home. Motherwell game was the same. got away with that one. Absolute dire today. 90mins at home and not one shot on target. Disgraceful. 2nd to every ball. Hibs were not much better, but they wanted it more. Robinson has no idea how to change tactics when it's not going well. He waited till they scored before getting subs on. But then played the same way. He's pretty clueless. And this playing Gogic at the back while Gallagher and Taylor sit on the bench. No idea. emoji107.png Got what we deserved.

    Sent from my SM-S906B using Tapatalk

    Clueless, hmm interesting ?

  5. 15 hours ago, faraway saint said:

    In the cold light of day, well it's still dark but you get mt drift, feel really down about the result last night.

    It says a lot how far we've come when we're disappointed losing unfairly away to the 3rd best side in the league.

    That's two games against them and it's only a slice of bad luck and a lack of composure that's stopped us taking 4 points rather than 1. 

    Like most seasons we're lacking a striker who can score goals, and that, with maybe a midfielder who can chip in with a few, is the biggest thing missing for our team IMO.

    We're the 3rd WORST scoring team in the league, with none of our players in the top 18 scorers in the league. 

    Pity we didn't hang onto Shankland, who wasn't deemed good enough by some of our support. 



    Jack Ross correctly punted Shankland.

    He was overweight with poor attitude. You could see his ability but he wasn't doing the business and Ross had to make a quick decision.

    He went to Ayr, sorted himself out with a lot of help from Ian McCall.

    The rest is history

  6. 7 hours ago, Helmettroll said:



    Not sure if this is uploaded correctly but HTF is this not a penalty or at the very least checked by VAR, time to scrap this fiasco...


    One other thing that baffles me is surely if the ref or the guys working VAR know it came off the defender why weren't we giving a corner at least....

    I think VAR is here to stay and on balance is a good thing

    For me the handball rule is a shambles and is crucifying VAR

  7. 15 hours ago, munoz said:

    Having seen Fraser's red card again, i think there's probably no point appealing it. Not sure he meant any malice, but can see why it was given. 

    Stonewall red card. Why people doubt it I just can't fathom. Even thought he had done the Hearts player at the match long before VAR got involved.

    Restarted with Hearts foul as referee punished the higher offence which was violent conduct by Fraser, who needs his backside booted !

    No issues with the referee who I thought had a really good match and looks like another really good prospect coming through. 

    On the football side Gogic was immense. Should have been starting every week IMO, why we pursed him all summer then put on the bench I'll never know. Much as I like Erhahon as a player, Gogic offers us more.

    So much better under Robinson than what Goodwin served up. 


  8. 17 hours ago, faraway saint said:

    Remove the yellow card for celebrating a goal.

    Oh, I know the snowflakes will immediately say "ah but, if they run at opposition fans", aye, big deal.

    Scoring a goal is the main aim and SHOULD be celebrated. 

    I tend to agree but was this not brought in due to fans all spilling forward and walls/barriers collapsing ?

    I think it happened a good few times and it needed a response. 

    Its also not stopping players celebrating a goal its stopping them leaving the pitch ?

  9. On 11/28/2022 at 12:29 PM, Percy Veer said:

    I think you should make an appointment with Specsavers as you clearly need reading glasses.  When replying to a post, it helps if you pay attention to the username of the person who has made that post.

    As for the rest of your post, in sports that are featured in events like the Olympic Games, which I always enjoy, I believe in some events the modern athletes are better compared to their predecessors.  In some cases this won't necessarily be case.  There's no real point in comparing Carl Lewis with Usain Bolt as you correctly point out.  However over the years, football and various other sports have put a emphasis on who is the fastest and strongest.  As far as I can recall Diego Maradona wasn't known for his pace was he?  I don't think he was.  Players from the past "had the first couple of yards in their head" to use an old phrase.  I love when they show old clips from previous tournaments during the World Cup and European Championships, especially the 1980s and 1990s, it shows up how the game has evolved and not always for the better.

    Hmm, the Diego Maradona I saw at Hampden was lightning quick in every aspect of the game

    Also the St Mirren team of 1980 that played St Etienne would trounce the current side !

  10. On 12/5/2022 at 2:59 PM, TopCat said:

    Erhahon has been in the team for almost five years and has played under four different managers, he's one of our most experienced players :lol: I didn't say he would or should be starting or even playing every week. My point is it would be better for us and him if he was in the first team squad getting minutes as and when instead of scoring goals against binmen in League 1 - which we already knew he was capable of doing. 

    I was expecting - and indeed Robinson said - that more youngsters would get minutes this season. Instead the opposite has happened, the youth players that were getting minutes previously now aren't, and there's no sign of anyone else breaking through. Pity!

    The reason they aren't breaking through is because Robinson doesn't think they aren't good enough. It not too difficult to work out ?

    Robinson  gave plenty of young players their opportunity at Motherwell.

    Maybe Robinson will get a better standard of young player to the club over time if he stays with us, in the same way that his recruitment so far has been excellent

  11. 9 minutes ago, guinness said:

    Did the last World Cup final not have a dubious handball penalty?  No-one seems to care any more. Think you just have to accept any hand ball is a penalty. Intent has gone. VAR  seems to be desperate to give penalties and cancel all other goals. Modern supporters seem happy with this. Either accept it or stop going. I am still undecided but have not enjoyed the last few weeks watching players hanging about waiting for someone to decide what is a penalty . With the one against St Johnstone , there is no doubt it was a handball. Therefore it is a penalty or not. Why does that take three minutes?


    Think you'll find most people in the game are against it and change will come. Suspect at the end of the season. Its not working and the unnatural position stuff is just beyond a joke, so much so that forwards are deliberately hitting a ball at a defenders arm. A Farce.

  12. VAR should not be involved in these decisions. Give it back to the opinion of the referee.

    The penalties being awarded are farcical and undermining VAR which in the main is a good thing IMO.

    The referee the other night had no intention of awarding a pen having 100% seen the incident as there was no intent. It goes against the whole spirit of the game. He awarded it as he had no real option after VAR got involved

    I'm hoping WC final is decided on one of these farcical decisions to kick FIFA in the nuts

  13. 10 hours ago, Sonny said:

    JJ was comparing Brophy's contribution on Wednesday night with Ayunga's. And he wasn't wrong imho. Ayunga seems to have a gearbox problem as of late where he cannot get out of first gear. Lethergic and disinterested. He is also incapable of lifting his head to see where his teammates are to pass to them but looks at his feet all the time until he runs into trouble. Maybe it is a confidence thing as he was playing far better at the start of the season. But for me Greive then Brophy should start before him as both offer so much more to the team.

    I'd agree with what you say on Ayunga recently. Seems to have lost his way and found himself on the bench. Before the loss of form he was far more effective than either Grieve or Brophy. Hoping he can get back to the levels he showed earlier in the season. Grieve developing well, Brophy for me hasn't delivered at all and that was even before the injuries kicked in.


  14. 1 hour ago, kevo_smfc said:

    Very good point made by Robbo. 

    If there is a handball from the fakes on the build up to the St. Mirren handball in the box, surely it has to be taken back from there and reviewed if its part of the attacking play? After all, that's how we got penalised a couple of weeks ago, when Baccus was alleged to have fouled the Dundee Utd player before Ayunga scored, resulting in goal chopped off. 

    Great interview. Spoke really well. I agreed with every bit of it.

    Looking forward to Rangers game !

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