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Posts posted by ErnieT

  1. His old man was one of the best I've seen at Junior level, pace and fitness immense. Young Stephen has all the attributes to grow if nurtured properly, great awareness, touch and shot.

    If we don't give him options upfront though ( play 4-4-2... Rather than 4-5-1!)I feel his growth may be slowed. The manager must help the youth develop in playing a formation that suits them and the flair of the team, not backs to the wall in holding out for results against part time and lower league opposition.

  2. There is plenty wrong with shutting up shop and having your fans sit on edge witnessing opposition attack after attack! At 1-0 today we revert back to the negative in flooding the midfield and isolating our lone striker. Why didn't we push to extend our lead? This after all is a bottom of the table part time side.

    Murray has clearly spent his footballing days as a defender and this is apparent in his narrow minded management tactic, we have to much flair in the team to adopt this strategy.

    Let's try and see out a full game or at least the majority of it in a 4-4-2.

  3. Let's hope that Murray's formation does not revert back to 5 across the midfield and lone striker model tomorrow. I would hope that it's a similar starting line-up to the team that faced Dunfermline. Gallagher and Shankland upfront with Thompson on the bench....4-4-2 please. Goodwin anchoring with hopefully a mobile and supportive midfield.

    If we score early then let's push for more, not shut up shop!

  4. Great result and 1st half performance at the weekend, Murray must have been taking his "presence tablets". The second half referred back to type, lone striker, inviting the opposition to attack, heart in mouth at times waiting on a reoccurrence of the Falkirk game. At least we saw out the game so good confidence booster and on to Livi!

  5. The recruitment of recent management has once again been that of a costing exercise, to the detriment of the fans. The frustration and restlessness is now apparent all around the ground. Whilst I personally have no real fear re relegation, I'm more shell shocked as to how quickly we've fallen out of play-off hopes.

    I don't think the management will come good as they are way out of their depth, lacking experience and have shown no sign of being able to adapt in games let alone set the team up properly from the outset.

    The lights are on but there's nobody home...about as bright as a black-out! Time for change???

  6. Spalding may well be inexperienced and comments are naive, however, at least he shows some passion and vocals from the sideline. Murray looks like a rabbit caught in the headlights, happy to stay away from the dug-out until the equaliser on Friday night. Murray has no idea on how to adapt/change things, personnel and formations are a complete mystery to all.

    We gave TC far too much time in turning things around after a poor start, if the board don't act soon we may well be caught out again.

  7. Agnew looks unfit, Goodwin a deep lying central midfielder, never makes himself available for a pass choosing to man mark even when we have possession. How can we then drive forward to support an isolated striker? Surely Howieson is the ideal candidate in pushing forward to support the lone striker.

    Murray really needs to get a grip on formation and personnel, quickly.

  8. Agree with TC, Murray seems lost as to formation and line-up consistency. Thompson is totally isolated, midfield are far to deep to support. We have a decent squad with a lot of pace, surely a 4-4-2 and have a real go at teams. Changes should have been made pre the penalty on Saturday, it's not only about protecting a lead but adding to it.

  9. Totally agree, he seems totally ineffective when played upfront on his own, the midfield don't support with Goodwin/Agnew far to deep. Why can't we play 4-4-2 and really have a go?? What's this nonsense of having everyone defend at corners.. No-one left up front.

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