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Russian Saint

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Posts posted by Russian Saint

  1. Except there's plenty examples of Farage saying he'd be happy with a Norway style deal (in the EEA & Single Market) during the referendum campaign - so he's not been consistent after all.

    My point being Farage was / is prepared to leave under WTO terms. That’s what I was referring to. A deal along the lines of the Norway deal would have been seen as a compromise and one he would probably be prepared to accept.
    Even TM stated “that a No deal was better than a bad deal”
    Still think this beggars belief and along with Diane Abbott saying they can get 80000 policemen for £300000 has to be one of the all time great stupid paid public servants we have.
    For those that cant be bothered listening to her, she again proposes that Labour come up with new deal with EU, then Labour votes against it. and Remains..… all this for about £150000 a year salary plus expenses...………….. a go
    Guy Fox had a better executed plan

    I watched that video earlier this morning.
    So Emily Thornberry states that if Labour win the GE, they’ll then go back to the EU and try get a better deal than offered to TM. Then they’ll call for a second referendum with a choice of Remain or leave with this new deal.
    Piers Morgan slaughtered her for that and rightfully so.
    The bottom line is Labour do not want to leave and will do whatever it takes to get their way.

    Farage (regardless of your thoughts on him) is the only one that’s been consistent over past three years. If Farage and BJ team up then it’s game over for Labour.

    Dianne Abbot reminds me of Leigh Francis take on Mel B on “Bo Selecta”

    This is another class Dianne Abbot interview.

  3. I don't want to be rude here but you really seriously need to re-think your view on this. I would start by researching what life was like in those areas of the world for black people when the Brits were in charge. It's not that your view is "offensive". It's that it's born of ignorance.

    Of course I condone what happened in the past WRT to Britain (and Scotland) part in the slave trade. You just have to look around Glasgow City Centre at the street names.
    The BBC Documentary “Slavery, Scotland’s Hidden Shame” was good viewing and educational. I’d also recommend a book called To the Ends of The Earth” by T.M Devine. This book is about Scottish immigrants going all the way back to around 1750 and onwards.

    I’m no expert on slavery, but having spent a few years in Trinidad, you’d be surprised by the Scottish connections there. All resulting from colonial days. So as someone who’s actually travelled and worked and lived in various countries impacted by colonial rule, I’m not as ignorant as you may think.

    Slavery still happens to this day.
  4. One of the most sensible things I’ve seen ever said on here.
    I’ve said it to myself for years - while one child is born in a decent hospital here, another child is born in the middle of a war zone in Yemen. Right away one child has a better chance than the other.
    There is nothing to stop the whole world working together and helping the poorer countries reach a decent standard of life - decent education, hospitals, schools, water systems. Unfortunately everything seems to be about money and power. Rich countries wouldn’t be powerful if everyone is on the same level. There would be no need for things like the G7/8 or G20. The US for example couldn’t just walk into random countries and begin wars, and get away with the consequences.
    Equal standards of living across the world would kill the need for economic migration. The whole reason we have economic migrants is because of your statement above - some begin in a less fortunate position than ourselves. Yet some among us despise these people simply for trying to take on a better life. As you say, we don’t choose to be born in a decent country or a poor country, it really is just luck of the draw. And as for immigration, we are all immigrants somewhere down the line. None of us can say our family has been in the same place since time began.

    “while one child is born in a decent hospital here, another child is born in the middle of a war zone in Yemen. Right away one child has a better chance than the other.
    There is nothing to stop the whole world working together and helping the poorer countries reach a decent standard of life - decent education, hospitals, schools, water systems. Unfortunately everything seems to be about money and power.”

    I agree in principle on this part of your post, but countries like Yemen, Somalia for example are very tribal based. Billions of $ have been pumped into these countries buy it always ends up in the wrong hands. I’m not one to advocate regime change in countries like these if it’s going to have the same outcome. Libya beings perfect example.
    I worked in Chad and seen first hand how hard life can be. I’ve seen families with 10 children and living in huts the size of a garden shed.
    The reasons I was told for this was due to the high mortality rates in children (have 10 and 5 may survive to adulthood) and the parents want someone to look after them in their later years (not many survive beyond their 50’s.
    Lack of education (and keeping in mind some religions are against females having an education, working or even driving) These people have lived this way for centuries and changing cultures and behaviours is a big ask.
    I do believe that the problems should be tackled at source but it needs all parties to be involved.
    We’ve seen what’s happened in Zimbabwe, South Africa and in Trinidad. I don’t mean to sound crass or offend but when the likes of Britain gave independence it’s like the lunatics taking over the asylum. I know many Trini’s that wish the British were still in charge.
  5. According to the Guardian, France threaten to veto Brexit extension.
    BoJo could therefore, theoretically, obey the new law about "asking for an extension" and have France play into his hands by refusing.

    I don’t believe it’s just France, but Macron has been most vocal. I’m not sure if it’s his poker face and to see who’ll blink first between him and BJ.
    IMO, if the UK leave under WTO terms I believe it’ll be the first domino in the line and other countries will follow.
  6. What stopped us when we were going in the opposite directions as economic migrants, resource and people exploiters? Are you saying that was OK but not when it is incoming? 

    Well I can’t change what happened in the past, nor do I know what era you’re referring to.
    You may be in favour of mass uncontrolled immigration, I’m not for reasons I explained previously.
    I have uncles that moved to Australia and some went the US back in the 60’s (in case that’s the era you’re referring to) They went through the proper channels etc, not by climbing through a hole in the fence or over a wall. They were invited to apply due to their skill sets.

    However what I will say (for what it’s worth) I’ve worked in many countries, but each time I have to go through various stages (Police Reports, Security Screening, Medical etc) before I’m granted a Work Permit.
  7. It certainly could be said that you reap what you sow but we are all adults here and don't indulge in that sort of childish nonsense.
    That bit in bold is irrelevant IMO. People are entitled to continue to press for whatever they believe in. It's up to the electorate to hold them to account if they disagree. As it happens, despite the SNP having this attitude and despite them not representing everyone in Scotland and despite being in power up here for an incredible 12 years, polling suggests they are on the verge of wiping out the opposition almost completely at the next Westminster election and heading for another landslide at Holyrood (just a couple short of a majority for the second time in a Parliament specifically designed to prevent that). Some may not like it but the SNP are talking for a very large percentage of the voting public in Scotland. They are, right now, the only show in town.

    I voted SNP for years, and before that it was Labour. To be honest I don’t trust Labour and I don’t like Corbin. John Smith was probably the best Labour leader that never was. I believe Labour have moved away from the grass roots working class people’s party.
    With that and the fact that the Tories have never been popular in Scotland since Thatcher, then it’s easy to see why the SNP are where they are in the polls.

    Two posts in a row and were almost agreeing on all points and not a derogatory comment to be had.
  8. No I can't guarantee there would be delays.
    There is the problem though - it's a risk.
    The least risky option is to stay in the EU and rip up the A50 invocation.
    If you like risk you'll be OK with Brexit. If you don't like risk you'll probably prefer to keep to the known situation.
    As for Scottish Independence, I would agree that similar risks exist although I don't agree that we'd need to re-apply to the EU. I have, temporarily at least, decided to change my mind on that issue and think we should stay in the UK until we can eradicate this shitty chip on shoulder, blame culture attitude that keeps our country on its knees because independence will crush us for decades if we have that attitude in the sheer volume of numbers in which it exists at the moment. Borders are the devil's play things. If I was king I'd remove the lot of them. Nobody should be constrained to live in specific parts of the world simply through luck of the draw on which piece of rock we were born on. We get no choice in the most important thing in our lives and that is wrong IMO.

    I agree with most of your points except for the borders, I’m not for open borders. I’m all for immigration, but as long as it’s controlled.
    Having open borders and the situation that’s seen daily WRT boats making their way from North Africa, that IMO has to stop. These people are coming from as far as Bangladesh and sub Saharan Africa and being exploited by people traffickers......... Big Business and are not necessarily escaping persecution, but are economic migrants. I’ve no idea how many but there will be a fair number will see the UK as the land of milk and honey. Having open borders will put further strains on already creaking at the seams NHS and Housing sectors.
  9. If you understand that, then I'm struggling to make sense of your point.
    There's a difference between where the SNP want to be and where they currently are.
    You don't just abandon your responsibilities just because you can't get what you want.
    The SNP have a mandate to fight for Scottish issues and the Scottish public are clearly anti-Brexit. They are not there to represent any other part of the UK. That is a job for THEIR MPs. The SNP also were not the party who gave the UK a referendum on the EU. They have no obligation to fight for Brexit.

    Scotland had the chance for independence in 2014, but majority vote was to stay within the UK. It could be said you reap what you sow.

    The Brexit vote was for the entire UK (Scotland included) It could be argued that more people in London alone voted to remain in 2016 than there were in Scotland (London had 3,781,204 votes against Scotland’s total of 2,681,179 with 1,661,191 Scots voting to stay in the EU against London’s 2,263,519) The London leave vote was 1,513,232 so you can see the Scottish votes in relation to the overall votes are relatively small. So because London didn’t vote for Brexit the result shouldn’t count?

    The SNP say the Scottish people didn’t vote for Brexit doesn’t mean to say they shouldn’t honour the result. The SNP doesn’t represent all of Scotland BTW. Brexit had nothing to do with political party affiliation.
  10. It's not about any of that. Of course you are correct that we could stand on our own two feet as the UK.
    The question is about how fast we can do that.
    Can you guarantee that there won't be short term or medium term food or fuel shortages in the next 2-3 years? If you can, you know more than anyone in the UK or EU parliaments.

    Of course I can’t guarantee there won’t be bumps on the road, but I’ll flip the question and ask you if you can guarantee there will be?
    There seems to be so called experts (Politicians, Economists and suchlike) on both sides of the debate, which side are correct is anyone’s guess.

    That question that you just put to me got me thinking. If (and it’s a big if) Scotland gained independence from the UK (keeping in mind we’d need to re apply to gain access to the EU) How would Scotland fair on its own. Would there be a border between Scotland and England (North/South Ireland Backstop scenario)

    Watched this earlier today, which lends itself to my post yesterday.

    There’s a lot of if’s buts and maybes on this debate, but in my opinion the government must uphold the will of the 17.4 million that voted to leave.
  11. 1. Thats not the question. People did not vote to leave the most damaging way possible to the economy. 

    2. Correct, the UK will not maintain its position in the global economy. I don't think there is much doubt at this, it is going to enter a serious period of decline and wont be in the top 20 in future.
    "One that benefits the UK". You actually believe all the guff you come out with? Once the UK leaves the EU without a deal it will need to go round begging for whatever deals it can get. What a starting point for any negotiation. The EU isn't going to abandon Ireland to make the Tory party happy either, the final deal is no way going to "benefit the UK".

    1. Thats not the question. People did not vote to leave the most damaging way possible to the economy. 

    The choice was a straight “Remain or Leave”

    2. Correct, the UK will not maintain its position in the global economy. I don't think there is much doubt at this, it is going to enter a serious period of decline and wont be in the top 20 in future.

    I haven’t seen anything to show the UK will drop out the top 20. Could you please share that info?

    One that benefits the UK". You actually believe all the guff you come out with?

    How is a deal that benefits the UK “Guff”?

    So “the final deal is no way going to "benefit the UK". What deal will benefit the UK?
  12. Good lord, this just shows how poorly informed most of the public are on this, yourself included.
    Leaving the EU and single market does not equate to leaving it with no deal for what comes next.
    Do you genuinely not understand that?

    I certainly get it. Do you honestly believe the UK will overnight become a third world country if we leave with a No Deal?
    The UK has the 5th biggest world economy, do you not think we’re capable of maintaining that by striking trade deals with other countries on our own?
    Ideally we should leave with a deal........ but one that benefits the UK.
  13. Because like it or not, we ARE part of the UK as it currently stands and therefore the SNP have a duty to use their votes as they see fit.

    Yup, I’m well aware Scotland are part of the UK
    However, my point being. The SNP MP’s (I’m assuming all of them) want to be an independent country from the rest of the UK,
    therefore Kiboshing the wishes of the 17.4 million voters (including those in Scotland) that voted leave.
    Also, if I’m not mistaken. If Scotland is gained independence they would then have to apply for membership back into the EU.

    Ian Blackford quoted this.

    So you're not considering any other "ways" of holding a referendum?
    "The way it should happen which is the same way as it happened in 2014. What is different of course is we have a UK government now saying that they would try to block that. That is the unacceptable and undemocratic power and I think you know those questions are really for them. Why on earth it's legitimate to oppose Scottish independence but to seek to block the ability of people in Scotland to choose and I don't think is acceptable but equally I don't think it's a sustainable position. And of course it may be put to the test quite soon in a general election, so we'll see the outcome of that".

    “The SNP certainly don't want Brexit and we would try to use whatever influence we have which might be significant after an election to stop Brexit happening but also to give Scotland the opportunity to choose independence because ultimately that's the only way we can stop Brexit happening for Scotland and make sure that we never face that prospect in the future.”

    So the SNP want to block Brexit which as we all know was put to the people..... (ALL of the UK) and the outcome was to leave.
    Now. In the same breath the SNP say that if the Tories rejected a second Scottish independence Referendum...... it would be undemocratic? Where is the democracy in ignoring the 17.4 million?
    We can’t pick and chose. So yes, we are part of the UK and should accept the democratic vote.

  14. 35 SNP MPs have just vetoed England attempting to leave the EU without a deal.

    Quite a lot of influence I reckon

    What I don’t get is. If Sturgeon is hell bent on Indy Ref 2, why block/Veto the No Deal. Is she hedging her bets that if Indy Ref 2 is a repeat outcome of the first attempt, then at least Scotland are still part of the UK, and by extension still in the EU?
    Why should the SNP MP’s get a vote on an issue that effects all of the UK if they don’t want to be part of it?
  15. This is nonsense. They constantly talked up how easy new trade deals would be struck. Crippling the country by leaving us unable to properly import / export goods for an extended period of time is not what people voted for.

    I’m afraid it’s true chap. David Cameron did state it’s an “all in or all out”

    David Cameron has said the British people must "have their say" on Europe as he pledged an in/out referendum if the Conservatives win the election.
    The prime minister said he wanted to renegotiate the UK's relationship with the EU and then give people the "simple choice" between staying in under those new terms, or leaving the EU.
    The news was welcomed by Eurosceptics who have long campaigned for a vote.
    France and Germany both warned the UK could not "cherry pick" EU membership.


    Also strange that within hours of the MP’s blocking a No Deal Brexit, the Bank of England state that a no deal Brexit would be less severe than first thought.


    If Brexit is stopped, then democracy is dead in the UK.
  16. In Aberdeenshire this morning and already he's said he will ignore any new law passed re brexit. He also says we can get a trade deal with USA that allows us to sell our beef but not have to take theirs into UK.

    He didn't mention the deal that the knicker wetter states has already been sorted between UK and USA though.

    All this before midday, the day is young!

    This is more nail biting than the transfer deadline day.
  17. I watched an interview yesterday with Nicola Sturgeon on GMTV (by Piers Morgan)

    The thing that got me was that she touched on the subject of another Scottish referendum for an “independent Scotland”

    One of his questions was. “How can Scotland be independent if the rules and regulations are basically governed by Brussels?”

    I was a leave voter (Indy 1) due to the fact that if Scotland gained independence at the first time of asking, we’d have been kicked out of the EU meaning we’d be totally independent unless there was a vote to reapply.

    So why would we want to be ruled by another body? Frying pan and fire spring to mind.




  18. got to 1 min 46 before the stink of bullshit filled the air

    Bullshit it may be chap, but at 2 min and 44 seconds it states the Mr Barnier and Mr Varadkar want the EU to block any new deal proposal by Mr B Johnson. Therefore a no deal Brexit will happen. Even if parliament vote to postpone the October 31st date the EU have the final say on that as well (going by the content of the video)

    It’s strange when the likes of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown lend their weight to the remain campaign that people are supposed to sit up and believe everything they say, keeping in mind that they took us into an illegal war.
    If Tony Blair told me it was raining outside, I’d look out the window.

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