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Lord Pityme

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Posts posted by Lord Pityme

  1. Aware I am being a massive pedant (sorry!) but we have finished higher than 6th before. More accurate to say in the SP(F)L's history. This is the fault of TV, with its insistence on pretending that things only count from 1998 in Scotland and 1992 in England.

    Maybe Danny's departure could have been handled better, but stabbed in the back? Plucked from the lower leagues and given the chance at SPL level, allowed to sign and manage players of genuine quality like we certainly have, and be allowed to pit his wits against guys like Butcher, McCall and Neil Lennon, now with a major trophy win on his CV, not sacked, and kept his team in the top flight?

    Stabbed in the back my arse - handed a bloody good opportunity for four years more like.

    I renewed my ST five minutes ago. No qualms.

    If that's not the bag over the heid.... On top of hiring a manager for the vacancy the Bod have already run out of qualms in the club shop?
  2. I agree it was time for Lennon to go, and with that I also meant for Craig to go. I am p'ssed off with this appointment.

    Tommy Craig is just as responsible as Danny Lennon for the mistakes over the past few years, which has ultimately led to his departure. The BOD have stated they want TC to continue developing our youth players. What exactly has Lennon done with McGinn, McLean, Naismith and Kelly? This has John Coughlin written all over it.

    This appointment must have been thought out over a longer spell of time and therefore the BOD must of knew before Saturday that Lennon was gone. They failed to allow the supporters to say a proper thank you to Lennon. If I was Lennon I would feel stabbed in the back and I feel sorry for him now. I heard rumours a while ago that TC was a very sneaky guy and was the result of some unrest. After this decision, what I heard seems to make a bit more sense, it wouldn't surprise me if he had his own agenda last season.

    TC has always been a coach. To be 63 and the only managerial experience to his name was 4 weeks as a Caretaker at Hibs and 4 months before getting sacked at Charleroi. For me, there is a reason why he has not been a successful manager before now.

    Four times in a row we have offered the manager’s position to the Assistant Manager, with only Millen knocking it back. Could we not have thought outside the box for a change? At least wait to see who has an interest in the role!

    I very much doubt anything will change next season. I expect the same old next season and no doubt everyone will be calling for TC head come October. I sincerely hope I'm proved wrong.

    The only good news is Goodwin and Teale being promoted as coaches. They've done well helping out with the U20s. My understanding is that Thompson is not interested in a player/coach role, but wouldn't surprise me to see him in the dugout in some capacity when he retires from playing.

    Look if will cheer you up we,ll arrange something to welcome Tommy to his new job....

    Mibbaes a bit like Djemba Djemba,s bunnet?

    We could all sport a pair of "Tommy's Farahs"

    Whose with me??.

    Tommy Craig"s Beige & Tan Armeeeeee!

  3. Well now the speculation is over and Mr Lennon has left the building who do you think should remain on the playing side out of the current players?

    I would like to see permanent contracts only no disrespect to Newton or his team mate Dummett but I would like to see 100% saints players. DLs best business IMO was the signings of Wylde and McGinnn, pushed us over the line at the end and pitched in with some top performances and effort.

    Not sure about Goodwin, great guy etc but as Ricky Gillies said no sympathy. We need our captain on the park playing not suspended. Would love to see Kelly and Naismith stay, both have came on to show they can be part of our future (Wilson and Clarke anyone?)....

    Whoever stays or joins I hope to see us improve on the legacy that DL has left and hopefully with a board that matches the fans ambitions......a top six place? Why are we not aiming top 3?? That's where we used to be fighting, not bottom 3.

    Look if you crying out for attention drop the pishy font and and pontificate on things you know little about.

    That's how the form book goes here.

  4. Obviously Archibald thinks he can get better VFM elsewhere now we're not subsidizing his wages.

    Nobody reckoned he was anything other than a Bottom Six CH on the wane but he played in all Thistle's games between signing for them and the end of the season and our failure to replace him left with us just two CH's for the remainder of the season.

    You know you should have mentioned this at the time :)
  5. John Collins for me. I think some of his methods didn't go down well at Hibs but I'm sure he's a bit wiser and more experienced as a result of that. Already has an exisiting relationship with TC and plenty of contacts from a wonderful playing career.

    I'd be equally happy with Owen Coyle if we could get him.

    Nobody else is really jumping out at me.

    Thank ff**k for that, it's right scary when somebody does that.

  6. Hopefully they,ll prove me wrong but if the best we can do is a manager whose top achievement is fifth in a weak championship, a geezer from Airdrie (FFS) or an ex tax dodging, ex sevco booze merchant ...

    then I can,t see me shelling out hundreds of pounds to come and watch the fare on offer. Great away day in the championship are but a season away.

    Alan..! Start the Badger Parade..!

  7. I think the most telling thing about today's events is what never happened. Most of us knew or strongly suspected Danny was leaving at the end of the season, so that news wasn't a big surprise. The most surprising news was that Tommy Craig is still at the club. This was an assistant apparently picked by Danny.[/size]To me that signifies one of two things. One is that Tommy is about to take over. I think that's pretty unlikely, he's more of a coach than a manager and there's never been any rumours that he's after the main job in his 3 years here. The second more likely explanation is that Tommy is going to remain as assistant to the new manager. [/size]This could mean that the BoD have earmarked Murray, but won't accept Jack Ross (his assistant) coming with him due to hi[/size]s hi[/size]story with the BoD, bonu[/size]s gate et all[/size]. Therefore Murray comes to us, TC continues as assistant as a condition of his employment and acts as the very experienced sounding board, Jack Ross gets the Dumbarton job. [/size]

    Alternatively, maybe they're intent on an internal promotion. Teale, Thompson maybe even Longwell, and they want an experienced coach like Tommy to be the tutor for a manager in his first ever [/size]s[/size]enior coaching job.[/size]

    Thirdly, and most intriguingly, John Collins and Tommy Craig have a relationship that goes back to Johns playing days at Celtic. Tommy has been Johns assistant at both of Collins managerial roles (Hibs and Charleroi). Perhaps the reason Tommy's still here is actually because he just happens to be the new managers chosen and trusted assistant.[/size]Anyway, the only conclusion I can draw from all this is that it certainly won't be Barry f**king Ferguson! [/size]

    Danny didn,t pick Tommy! He was told he was getting him after the Ian Jenkins escapade.

  8. Calderwood has no' a bad record on paper.

    Dunfermline - 38% win ratio

    Aberdeen - 41.% win ratio

    Over 400 games in charge between these 2 clubs

    Took over Killie in January who had won 16% of their games

    Win ration of 30% after this and kept them up.

    Took over Ross County mid Feb when they had only won 3 games all season (12% win ratio)

    40% win ratio for the rest of the season.

    Calderwood ain't nothing but a thuggish bully. Once the fear goes his players treat him with disdain and he gets fired.

  9. it has been a project that brian caldwell has been trying to put in place for a while - it will be paid for by a sponsor and will be a score board type screen not a tv screen

    It will be used to tap into a dormant revenue stream.

    At half time a series of letters will appear which correspond with matches listed in the programme there by cornering the market if you want to know all the half time scores.....

    Thank goodness not everyone has access to a radio , and all games kick off at three on a Saturday otherwise it might be feckin useless.

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