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Posts posted by pondsman

  1. Made several attempts to renew my concession ST online over the weekend. Website would not accept picture of my driving licence.

    Phoned the ticket office on Monday afternoon. Very helpful lady took my details and renewed my ticket in 10 minutes. No ID required. So, why was it asked for online? Puzzling.

  2. Agree with most of the points made above, though I do think that Killie have been better than us over the season. To take a couple of direct comparisons - Vassell has been more consistent than Mandron, who has been good in some games but not so good in others, yesterday being a case in point. Similarly, Armstrong has offered much more than Strain, who had the long layoff due to injury and has not yet returned to his form of early season.

    Despite that I thought that we would give them more of a game than we did yesterday. Olusanya was the only player who posed them real problems throughout and, as has been stated, if the shot that hit the bar had gone in, it might have changed the game completely.

    Overall, it's been a terrific season, in which we improved on 2022-23, and we can't expect much more than that. We now need a couple of players of real quality to take us on into the European safari, for however long it lasts!


  3. Gogic's new contract will surely put a spring in our step on Saturday. Great opportunity to celebrate prolonging his stay with us and collect 3 points at the same time.

    Before the the Dundee game, I said we owed them one after they hammered us 4-0 at Dens before Christmas, and sure enough the lads delivered. Same goes this week. We owe Kilmarnock one after the 5-2 hammering at Rugby park. This time we're at home, so........


  4. Excellent performance from the whole team today. Almost seems superfluous to mention that Gogic was tremendous again - he's been that way most of the season! Evident from the start that we were going to boss the game. Dundee hardly laid a glove on us. We paid them back for the 4-0 beating we took up there before Christmas.

    A couple of points from the last three games should see us over the line for Europe. Can hardly believe I'm saying that!



  5. Opened this thread this morning to give a few thoughts about yesterday's game, only to find two pages of 'fans' insulting each other. Is that what this forum is really for? If so, it's very sad.

    Anyway, I will persevere. A good performance from the Buddies yesterday. Excellent goal from Mandron, but the game might have been very different if he'd been able to put away either, or both, of his earlier chances. We really need a striker with more quality, though I know they're difficult, almost impossible, to find for clubs with our budget.

    Despite all their possession Rangers struggled to break us down and were fortunate to win, I thought. Hemming's mistake gave them the first goal and I thought that Bolton was pushed before Dessers scored the second. Did anyone else think that? TV pictures last night seemed inconclusive. 

    Unlike others, I wouldn't let Hemmings go in the summer. He's produced a number of excellent saves for us over the season.

    As so often this season, Gogic was magnificent, easily the best player on the field.

    Listened to Dundee v Celtic on the way home. Thought Dundee, like us, put in a very decent performance, so next week could be a cracker of a game if both teams perform to that standard. Last time we went to Dens we got well and truly humped, so we owe them one.


  6. Our target next season should be to achieve top 6 again with a points total that makes us competitive after the split. But for the points we squandered against Aberdeen in the 2-2 game early in the season, the last loss to Livingston (0-1) and the 5-2 loss at Kilmarnock (when we were 2 goals ahead at half-time), we would be well in the fight for fourth at the moment.  

    My hope is that achieving top 6 status two years in a row will convince players who are better than some of those we currently have to take a chance and come to St. Mirren next season. If we can manage that, we must have a good chance of achieving that target.

  7. 1 hour ago, CraigyBoy said:

    An absolutely fantastic win  - made all the very sweeter as it was the same opposition who " stole " 2 points from  us when they got an ill deserved draw back in August .  

    We have played better for less reward - which demonstrates the fight and attitude within the team 

    Yet again the Manager is getting levels of performances from players which almost defies belief 

    Comfortably top 6 and looking for more 👍

    Great times to be a Saint 😊😊


    Totally agree with this. The draw in August has rankled with me ever since, so to beat them in such a similar way was surely karma. The team showed incredible tenacity and character to still be pushing for an equaliser in time added on, but then to find a winner took the day to a whole new level. Going above Killie in the league was the icing on the cake. Hope Infantino enjoyed his day out at the SMISA stadium. Fantastic day!


  8. Dons haven't won a game since Warnock took over. They were beaten by St. Johnstone last night, and Willie Miller openly criticised Warnock after that result. So, surely no better time to play them at the Smisa stadium and give them another doing like we did at Pittodrie last time we met them. And that last minute penalty they got in Paisley at the start of the season still rankles. So, as always.........


  9. I expected more from St. Johnstone, but we pressed them from the start and didn't let them settle into the game. Apart from scoring 2 goals, I didn't think there was much difference from last week's performance - played well in both games.

    Usual players were standouts - Gogic, Tanser, Mandron, Kiltie, but pretty much everyone was solid and dependable. Would like to see Elvis do a bit more.

    Need to consolidate now by taking 3 points on Tuesday night. Remembering how Brophy played for us, after getting 2 goals yesterday he should be off fhe score sheet for a couple of months at least. So only Murray to worry about.


  10. I was confident that we'd take the points from Livingston last week, but look what happened there,. so not at all sure what will happen tomorrow. Clearly Levein has improved St. Johnstone, so it looks a tougher game than Livi. Like others above, heart and head say different things. We're at home, so I'll stay optimistic and say 2-1 to Buddies, but it will be tight.

  11. Thanks to everyone for your thoughts. I certainly get that we might continue to do well by going unnoticed and 'flying under the radar', but sometimes it just grates with me that we get overlooked. After the games I mentioned, the praise was almost like an adult patting a child on the head for doing something well before moving on to the serious business at hand. No real attempt to analyse why we've done so well in the past 18 months.

    Aberdeen have been up and down this season, but they've also played well and had some great results. Dundee had an excellent performance against Hearts and were unlucky not to take at least a point just 4 days before they came to Paisley. Surely these poor showings against us must have at least a little bit to do with good football and tactics by us? But no, it's all about analysing them and finding out what's gone wrong at Pittodrie or Dens Park. Grrr!

    BBC seem to be the worst culprits in this, with Kenny MacIntyre salivating over the next managerial casualty for weeks before the poor bloke actually gets the sack (e.g. Barry Robson and Derek Adams). Doesn't help either that Thommo is now on salary at the BBC and has to rein in his enthusiasm for the Buddies.

  12. In 3 recent games, against Aberdeen, Hibs and Dundee, we have scored 8 goals and kept 3 clean sheets. In each game media comment has almost all been about the beaten team ('very poor game from X', 'Y were strangely lacklustre', 'Z's poorest game of the season'). Analysis on radio, on TV and in the newspapers has focused on these poor performances with various explanations offered. However there has been no mention of the common factor in these games - good performances by St. Mirren. Very few of the pundits, analysts or columnists seem to have grasped that the poor performances have been due to our good play. Very disappointing, given that we have been in the top 6 all season. Surely we deserve a bit more credit than we're getting.

  13. Excellent performance and result. Usual suspects played well, Gogic, Boyd-Munce, Mandron, Kiltie(apart from his shooting). Kwon has now settled into his role, great pass through the Dundee defence for Mandron in first half.

    Disappointing to hear Docherty complaining about the pitch. I couldn't tell if he was right from the TV, but as always, it's the same for both teams. Statistics tell the real story about his team's performance; 4 shots on goal, none on target according to the BBC. 

    Three vital points which puts some daylight between us and Dundee. As others have noted, we have a decent chance of picking up points in the next few games, so, as always.....


  14. Due to circumstances I was forced to follow today's game on BBC radio.

    Well done to the lads. Sounds as if they all had a good game. Also, credit to the travelling fans. They must have surely enjoyed what they saw.

    I think we should petition the BBC NOT to send Michael Stewart to any of our games from now on. Every report he sent was all about how poor Hibs were. He complained over and over about the penalty we got. We understood that he thought it was soft the FIRST time he mentioned it! Also, he stumbled over the names of our new players - clearly hadn't taken the time to check them out. Finally, on Mandron's goal, it was fully 25 seconds into his report before he told us which team had scored. Abysmal!

  15. 8 hours ago, pondsman said:

    Given the weather forecast, credit to all those travelling to Pittodrie. Hope everyone gets there and back safely.

    Let's sneak in, nick a point (or more) and sneak back out again before they realise what's happening!


    Just as I suggested this morning. Absolutely f*****g brilliant!


  16. The post by Balmullo Bud pretty much sums up my view. I'd just add that SR's post-match comments were treading a fine line between giving an honest summary of the game and trying to keep our players' confidence up. He mentioned the gaps in quality and budget between the sides and indicated that he was looking for one of the strikers to start scoring regularly. Gave the impression that he was revolving the starting strikers to see if someone could seize the jersey, as has been mentioned on here.

    On to Wednesday and we need to get a big crowd into the ground, as Killie will surely bring a decent support given their recent run of form. So, as always.......


  17. 'Pessimism' and 'pessimistic' are perhaps too strong, but I certainly think we will travel with a degree of apprehension tonight.

    I agree with W6er that current form is a better indicator than league placings.

    Not so long ago I would have said we should collect 6 or 7 points at least from our next 3 games (St Johnstone, Ross County, Motherwell), but now I have to drop that estimate to 4 or 5 points. The first 2 teams have new managers and seem to have turned a corner. Like us, Motherwell are on a bad run and continue to struggle.

    This is SR's first real challenge of the season. He needs to get the players out of the rut and back to the form we showed in early season. Can he do it? I sincerely hope so. So.........



  18. Poor performance yesterday. Players slow to react , Dundee first to every loose ball and much sharper in possession. No point naming individual players , it was just bad all round. I'm sure the players will know that without needing to be told. There were signs of something similar against Hibs on Wednesday, but we managed to scrape a point out of that game. Maybe the illness in the camp had something to do with it, but well below the standard of play we've become used to.

    The break next weekend should give everyone time to recover from any illness and put the required work in on the training ground to get this out of their system. 

    As supporters (the clue is in the name) we should remember that these are the players who have put the club in its present strong position in the league and give them a chance to put things right. Next two games (Livi and Ross County) are eminently winnable, so let's wait till then before barracking them about their performance.


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