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Callum Gilhooley

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Posts posted by Callum Gilhooley

  1. 2 hours ago, pondsman said:

    Afraid I have to agree with most folk on here. Celtic are miles ahead of everyone else in the league in the quality of their players. Can't see us  getting much out of the game, but hope that the week's rest after a busy start to the season might help us.

    Heart says 'Let's get an astonishing draw'. Head says ' Keep the score respectable'.

    Gonna be a tough ‘ol shift .  I think it could be the latter of your predictions . 

  2. 8 hours ago, beyond our ken said:


    That is a comedown from having Bair last season.  i really think Watt is finished, but who knows

    Watt will have the odd good spell and is capable of producing the goods …….. for a wee while at least, until the teddies go flying again !!

    Such a shame that a player with such undoubted talent seems to have f**ked up his career wherever he goes.
    Had more false starts than Linford Christie .

  3. 4 hours ago, Swiss_Saint said:

    6min 57 of the video eastland posted you can see clearly the Brann goalie jumps into Toyosi

     Ah , just watched it.
    originally thought that was just like a fan blog thing & didn’t watch it . Someone dm’d me the clip & I’ve now watched Eastlands post.  Absolute f**king joke of a booking . Goalie was a cheating prick and should have been the recipient of a yellow card & the officials were useless. 

  4. On 8/9/2024 at 12:01 PM, Swiss_Saint said:

    I don't disagree about the ref however toyosi had every right to go for the ball in open play. If that had of been any other outfield player where would be no question. The goalie left the safety of his area to go for a 50/50 ball and made the foul , poor refereeing caused the yellow card as well as the goalies play acting. If toyosi had of pulled out everyone would have been questioning his desire, the ball was there to be won. The fact that the goalie got up after being "almost killed" ran back to his area before running back to take the free kick showed it was all bullshit. The ref was conned , not so much on some of the others as he could have easily gone with red for our goalies one.

    I’ve not manage to catch any footage of the Olusanya yellow, does it exist anywhere ?    Any links ?

  5. 17 hours ago, stlucifer said:

    The picture I took that frame from was an actual video of Trump meeting Netanyahu. NOT the picture you've indicated. Not the same one the nugget alluded to.

    You need to read my post again and look at the BBC link I posted .  The link IS to the Netanyahu meeting , indeed if you listen to candyfloss hair he clearly says it was the greatest dinner he’s ever had so whilst my clip was obviously video , the Picture you posted was a still from that dinner & both show the same remarkably “healed” ear. 

    Was he injured ? I don’t  know, but given his past history for exaggeration, lies , deceit , fabrication, cover ups and overall bullshit ……….. hmm 🤔 

    just very strange that two very well respected sources have fact checked and said pic is false but these pictures / video seem to show otherwise .

    Where does the truth lie ? Who knows ? 🤷‍♂️

  6. 16 hours ago, pod said:

    As has been said , he has a point .  I’ve always thought it was ludicrous that you could play football with your pal from next door at the weekend  buy walked separate ways on a school day . 
    All schools should be non denominational, it might go some way to help rid us of Scotlands sectarian shame ……….eventually ! 

  7. On 5/26/2024 at 11:53 AM, John Meiksy said:

    Yeah can’t understand why we don’t just sign a goalkeeper, plenty in the Championship who would do a good job for us.

    I assume you mean the Scottish championship , if so …….Really ? Like who ?     

    Don’t you think there’s a good reason most of them are plying their trade in championship ? 

  8. 7 minutes ago, faraway saint said:

    So the Tories voted for Brexit? 

    Well I never, here was me thinking it was a democratic vote. 

    Thanks. 😂

    Selective reading does you no favours.  I Clearly said Tory driven . Would you argue with that statement ? 

    Hands up time from me - I’ve rightly accused you for selective reading when I was guilty myself by missing your point about my pension pre Truss - we’ll call that one a score draw .🙄

  9. 2 hours ago, faraway saint said:

    You've omitted how it was doing previously, funny that.:lol:

    It seems that there had been quite a few up's and downs in the financial market and more serious than the short time the Tories fcuked up.


    PS Don't bother with the windows thing, mines are boarded up as I'll be away on holiday, better safe than sorry. 

    Two things :

    1. No one asked about my pension pre Truss so I didn’t feel compelled to answer 🤷‍♂️ 

    2. thank you for your graph , not only does it highlight the drop after that budget but also shows an even bigger drop in early Jan 2020 ……wonder which Tory driven event caused that ?  
    No ? , here’s a clue it begins with Br & ends with exit 😡

  10. 5 hours ago, faraway saint said:

    How was your pension doing before the brief fcuk up which was quickly remedied, and how is it doing now?

    Continually using that brief balls up is like our manager making a cnut of a couple of games and calling him a clown forever more. 

    There's an analogy for every point of view. :wink:

    It has almost got back on track but the money which was lost has never been recovered fully .   The f**k up was totally the fault of the Tory party . 
    and let’s not forget, it was “quickly remedied “ as you put it by the financial services market ( not the Tory Government) who exerted such pressure on the idiot Tory PM & Chancellor forcing them to be kicked out.  


    eta.  Btw , I’ll be round to your place tomorrow to pan yer windows in & I’ll be back next week to board them up. 

    make sure you’ve got my reward for putting it right 😎



  11. Love how that smarmy c**t Sunak was crowing about interest rates being at 2.3% while conveniently omitting  the fact that it was his stupid Tory pals who f**ked it up in the first place  causing rampant inflation and decimated pension funds !!

    Thats like me panning in all your windows then boarding them up for you & expecting a pat on the back !! 

  12. Well done to the club in keeping the rise to just 5% .  

    I will certainly be taking advantage of the early bird offer as I’m sure many thousands more will .
    Good to see the family stand offer again & the new Youth inventive. 👏👏👏

    Really couldn’t care less if some Auld fart taxi / private hire tosser decides not to buy - he won’t be missed. 👋 

  13. 1 hour ago, Hunterian said:

    That would assume Hibs taking full points in their last 2 games. Will you be betting on that?

    Hi Hunterian ,

    I’ll take your bet . A pint of lager ( or Beverage of your choice worth less than £4.85 )  on that by virtue of them winning both games but I’ll fancy the ‘Dee will drop points against “them” and also get horsed by Aberdeen .

    I’ll see in the pub of your choice at full time on April whateverthef**kitis to collect my winning pint . Cheers 🍻 

  14. On 3/20/2024 at 8:35 PM, faraway saint said:

    The forum, after another nail delivered recently, is on it's last legs anyway.

    As for your question, I'd assume the current moderator will do his usual and monitor the forum closely. :lol:

    Specifically, the bill criminalizes threatening or abusive behavior based on a person's age, disability, race, color, nationality (including citizenship), or ethnic or national origins, religion or perceived religious affiliation, sexual orientation, transgender identity, or variations in sex characteristics.

    Don’t know where you got the cut n paste bit but hopefully whoever put that together is first to be prosecuted for crimes against spelling - it’s colour !!

    something must be done about this blatant spellaphobia !! 😑


  15. I know there was a thread previously for this but I can’t find it !!

    We play 6 a side indoor at the MOBO facility on Inchinnan road 8pm on Mondays .

     We are always happy to take new players - all ages ,all levels of ability  ( but not too fast 😉)  If anyone would like to add their name to the list , looking to get back into playing & helping to drink the kitty 🍻 just drop me a msg .
    Would like to keep the game going and have as many Buds as possible in the squad. 

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