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Posts posted by ALBIONSAINT

  1. 24 hours since Dorothy the Liar posted, I wonder what story he's making up now. :1eye

    Give the guy a break, he can't be on here defending his radical views and attending the UKIP conference also. Their is important issues being discussed at conference, such as how the new priority passport control queues for the honest, salt of the earth , true Brits will work.

  2. When they go over to the Falkirk stadium, all you can hear is them singing Scotland says no and rule Britania.

    If they don't get there finger out in the 2nd half, they might be singing 'Scotland says no Rangers in the Scottish cup' ....or if they don't improve their fiscal position they might be singing ' Rule Britannia building society ' as that's where there wee savings account will be.

  3. 32 matches were played up and down the country with Yes playing No. Yes won 4. No won 28. Again in anyone's language that's a f**king doing. The goals for were

    No - 2,001,926

    Yes - 1,617,989

    from which I can only conclude that Marc McAusland must have been playing in both sides defences.....:rolleyes:

    Over the course of those 32 matches you conceded a massive 383.957 more votes. And when you consider that equates to just under 9% of the number of people in Scotland who were eligible to vote it's still a f**king doing.

    You (and by you I mean the Yes Campaigners in general) threw everything at this. Absolutely everything. Your lied like f**k, told all your members how to answer questions posed of it so as not to give the game away. You spread shit stories about the NHS that were meaningless, lies about what would happen in the event of even a minor accident at Faslane (claiming it would wipe out all living life forms in Scotland, whilst leaving everything else completely unscathed from just south of Dumfries) whilst knowing that there's hundreds of minor accidents at Faslane every single year since it opened with not one death as yet. You threw xenophobia into the mix, and a ridiculous form of inverted snobbery claiming that the well educated shouldn't be in power :rolleyes:, spent money fighting a legal battle against Freedom of Information requests to try to hide the fact that you had no idea whether you would get European Union membership. You threatened business leaders, threatened party activists and smeared individuals. You arranged mob squads to try to intimidate members of the public who might want to ask Jim Murphy or Nigel Farage a question. You put peoples saving accounts and pension plans on the line. You risked devaluing people's houses by £31,000 (according to Zoopla). You made pledges on free nursery care, free old people care, increased pension payments, a reduced pensionable age, and spent Trident money at least four times over despite knowing that you wouldn't make any savings on Trident until 2025.

    Now Scotland is faced with a situation where we're going to have to close A&E departments in hospitals - like Monklands - due to a massive funding gap that has been left by the SNP Scottish Government. A funding gap created by the expensive policy of giving middle class, rich and elite Scots free prescriptions and providing free car parking at all hospitals, despite warnings that would mean maintenance of roads and parking spaces coming out of the healthcare budget.

    You threw everything at this - your once in a lifetime opportunity - and you still come up woefully short, trounced in every single region in Scotland bar 4 and that despite the fact that the No Thanks campaign was a cluster f**k from start to finish. No wonder Salmond resigned in disgrace. No wonder most of Scotland is laughing at you. All your rage and bullshit bravado means f**k all. You lost in your one and only chance for independence in your lifetime. Shame really. Ditch the chip on your shoulder and accept the pummelling that you got. It'll be far more healthy than hanging on to a pile of rubbish what ifs.

    Anyway, never mind. Stewart Campbell is a good bit richer for it all. A man living in Bath who's now done with Scotland forever. :rolleyes:

    And despite all these alleged wrong doings, the pro-independence party's are recruiting members in record numbers! SNP membership up from 25000 to 52000 in less than a week, now the third largest supported political party in the UK, while the Green Party have trebled there membership, are you saying all these people who up until now were all armchair pundits are all , to paraphrase you ' all rage and bullshit bravado' I can only speak of my own experince of the Yes voters I have met, they came from all walks of life and all social classes.

    Whether you like it or not, the debate on independence will continue, Pandora's box has been opened and the spirit of hope is the only item left in it.

  4. Sorry? You want me to take responsibility for the implementation of something I didn't want in the first place? I couldn't give the slightest shite about proposals to devolve more powers and I don't think there are many No voters who were swayed by it either - especially when you consider in every single credible poll bar one the No's were always in the lead. Gordon Brown should have had no authority whatsoever to make pledges that he couldn't keep.

    And what do you mean that your large family won't just accept the result? Are you saying that you and your brothers and sisters are going to come round to Wishaw with menace to try to get me to do something about it? Can I just point out I'm not trembling. :rolleyes:

    Your absolutely right, Gordon Brown has no authority to make pledges, but it wasn't him that made the pledge it was the PM his deputy and the leader of the opposition. Mr brown merely set a timetable. I respect your position that you feel more British than Scottish, however surely having the ability to make decisions closer to where they will be implemented can only be of benefit to all concerned no matter your political perspective.

  5. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/politics/alex-salmond-blasted-over-suggestion-4302700?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter

    Alex Salmond and Jim Sillars showing yet more Nazi similarities. Apparently now they want the Scottish Government to overthrow Westminster. Throw that into the mix with Sillars " Day of Reckoning" and it's clear Scotland dodged a bullet last Thursday

    Sorry I don't read this news paper, however I have heard others say it is very absorbent :) pray tell what exactly are the Nazi similarities ?

    16000 new SNP members since Thursday ! If this level of recruitment continues we could start a youth movement ........ 10,9,8,7.......

  6. Aberdeen and Edinburgh both have a large rich population so obviously were very concerned about the pound. Independence groups must get the currency right next time they have to learn from this. Was also disappointed no one countered Browns speech properly this the man who brought the country to its knees on his watch.

    I agree that the currency issue was probably a key issue, I feel that more emphasis and detail could have been communicated, however would anyone of heard it above the propaganda machine that was in full swing, I doubt it.

    Everyday is a school day, so hopefully we learn from the experience. Personally I believe we should have promoted our own currency pegged to sterling, that way people know there is a risk but your not faced with having to gain consent from the very people you are debating against.

  7. Hahahaha... We're actually house hunting at the moment but moving back to Paisley fills me with dread. Walking along the High Street brings The Specials into my head for a reason.

    You are living in a place they named a bomb shelter after! There are lots of lovely places near Firhill, such as, Maryhill, Milton and Possilpark, I am sure you will fit in well your majesty ;)

  8. One of the most important ' stats' is that the percentage of people who want independence has gone up from 25% to 45% in less than five years!

    Other important stats, no campaign had £2.6 million to spend , the yes £1.8 million.

    The no campaign had countless billionaires , the yes campaign had two lottery winners and two homegrown tycoons

    The no campaign had countless heads of state from across the world, yes had Kim Jong -un apparently.

    The no campaign had the BBC, SKY, ITV and countless news papers , we had the herald .

    To be honest I think it's a bit of a miracle that we took it so close, and if you ever feel that all is lost, just remember the story of Robert the Bruce and the wee spider in the cave......

  9. Apparently new legislation is being drafted by the SNP as we speak, for over 65s to recieve a free holiday to a purpose built spa resort in Switzerland , however it will be means tested, and it will be piloted first in all areas except, Glasgow, west Dunbartonshire, Dundee , inverclyde and North Lanarkshire.

  10. Sorry? He hasn't done a bad job? There's a £450m funding short fall in the Scottish NHS. £100m of that money was spent sending NHS patients to private hospitals because NHS hospitals couldn't achieve the rather lax targets the Scottish Government set for them. £57m of that shortfall comes from his policy of giving NHS prescriptions out for free to middle and upper income earners in Scotland. A hell of a lot more of the funding gap comes from the fact that because prescriptions are free to patients drugs companies get to rip the piss in Scotland charging £3 odd for a packet of paracetamol that can be bought at Tesco and Asda for 19p.

    In terms of care for the mentally ill the council tax freeze has meant more of them falling into debt as service providers get squeezed. It also means that service providers - most of whom are registered charities - are taking on more and more dangerous patients as hospitals like Carstairs are forced to close wards and release patients into society.

    In Salmonds years in charge we've seen childhood obesity increase often due to their local councillors attempts to fill the funding gaps from council tax freezes by charging juvenile sports clubs ridiculous prices to use council run facilities.

    We've also got a stupid situation in Scotland where taxes taken from low wages unskilled workers are being used to ensure that we can teach the next generation of high earning but low skilled politicians for free.

    Oh and let's not forget that Salmonds government also was the one to value life so cheaply that they released the biggest convicted mass murderer of all time after serving just 7 years in prison.

    I could go on and on about Salmonds woefully poor record in Scottish Government but then the post would become ridiculously long. I'm just glad the f**kwit is going before we give more power to his incompetent ilk[/

    You have made some pretty sweeping points here, for the sake of balance her are mine.

    1. NHS budget has no shortfall , the budget was agreed by parliament in January, there is however a target for savings to be made through efficiency of the services,which is made every year and as a tax payer have no problem with this.

    2. 3% of the entire NHS budget is used on private hospitals, this ensures that folk don't need to wait in pain for extended periods for there knee ops etc. likewise I don't have a problem with this.

    3. Free prescriptions are a universal benefit, not just for middle, upper earners. I,m not sure what your GP is like, but I can't imagine he would be happy if you took up his valuable time asking for prescriptions for paracetamol you could have bought from a corner shop! Also it's actually cheaper to give free prescriptions than pay for the administration of the previous system.

    4. Council tax freeze...service providers...carstairs , sorry but this is not true. The state hospital is overseen by the Secretary of State for Scotland. Any patient that is discharged from the hospital has had a multiagency risk assessment carried out and a full and robust package of care is provided in the community. This sounds like a scare story.

    5. Childhood obesity has many contributory factors, genetics, environment and diet. To single out one factor over the myriad of others would be short sighted.

    6. Mr Megrahi was treated in the same way that any other terminally ill prisoner in Scotland. He had the right to apply to be released due to his condition and he excercised that right. Would you rather we were a bit less humane with our prisoners?

    7. Mr Salmond gave 20 years service to this country, whether you like his politics or not , he should be applauded for that or maybe you could have done a better job?

    And finally the referendum is over so you can take your pampers off now.

  11. Off to bed now, will look out the window in the morning and if it's raining fire and a plague of locusts are eating all my geraniums then I will know that it's been a yes vote, well that's what we have been told will happen :) night night fellow buds , no matter the result we will still be stmirren mad.

  12. The SNP want us to blame others because it plays to their audience.

    Alex Salmond says he is "Team Scotland". Stewart Hosie asks if Douglas Alexander will join "Team Scotland" after the Yes Vote win.

    Why do these politicians believe that if a person is against their vision they are not "Team Scotland"?

    Alex Salmond needs his bogiemen in Westminster for this vote.

    If Alex wins on Thursday and his vision for Scotland was not to materialise would his next set of bogiemen be those of us who weren't part of his "Team Scotland"?

    Stewart Hosie can become Minister of Enlightenment and Propaganda.I

    Tedious Tom and the 8 others who "Liked" his post of 12.44 yesterday can wear the brown shirts.

    If you don't have a brown shirt will beige do?

  13. Just back from Glasgow and can tell you I have never seen so many people mobilising for a political event in my lifetime, the debate has really sparked life back into what was at best a moribund subject in Scotland. Also glad to report that the Yes campaign are winning the war on the streets, totally out numbered the bitter together folk today.

  14. I take it that everyone on here who is criticising the BBC coverage of the campaign, knows that Alex Salmond has been courting Rupert Murdoch and has been in a number of meetings with him trying to get the Sun to back the Yes Campaign?

    He better get his finger out then there are only four sun issues to go until the vote.

    Or.....maybe he is discussing which media service will be replacing the BBC post independance ;)

  15. Been kind of busy today but what I've seen on line and in news bulletins I think you're right. The No people were too complacent but have had a wake-up call. Industry and commerce are now coming out and telling it as they see it and it's not what Yes want to hear. It's down to the nitty gritty now and in the harsh light of dawn the electorate will look at the economics where Yes is a mess. Anyone who thinks the Yes crowd have been convincing about the economy simply doesn't understand economics. The bad news which Yes were crowing about the other day when the £ dropped and the footsie slipped said a lot more about a potential Scottish economy than the UK. Nobody said naivety is a crime I suppose.

    Or..... It could be that today's gross media bias has been seen by more undecided voters who have now decided they don't want to live in a country where opposing political views don't receive fair coverage? I know the BT campaign were always banging on about Scotland having a currency like Panama, however I never thought the UK government would employ banana republic censorship of the media.

    As for market instability, its created by the referendum NOT by the possibility of independence.

  16. The four horsemen of the apocalypse started their first gig on their lovefest tour 2014 today , on vocals you had kamikaze cam , belting out his unique lyrics ( yawn) about total carnage ( sharing the pound) before changing to show his soulful side by vowing eternal love to his beloved union, he loves it even more than partying! Before showing his edgy side by throwing in a few expletives ' kick the effing Tories'

    In backing vocals you had big Ed or the Band as his fan calls him, his backing vocals are so eerily similar to Cams that when they are on stage he has to wear his trademark t-shirt dedicated to his fathers memory ( my dad loved Britain , he did!) , keeping the beat was Cleggy on drums, sometimes beating his drum to Cams rhythm, before very quickly beating to Big Eds, Cleggys earlier concerns that the gig was in a student union were soon dispelled as he realised that the whole gig was being filmed in a closed set with only tour management reporting on the tour.

    Unfortunately the fourth member of the band , naughty Nigel won't be able to join the guys till Friday, his kazoo solo of ' national front disco' was a big hit on the last tour of the Home Counties , however this is A DIFFERENT CROWD.

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