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    Tony Fitzpatrick

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Panel Pundit on SKY

Panel Pundit on SKY (14/14)

  1. Does anyone else feel that the BBC are similar to the church? They appear to have filled the gap left by the demise of the Christian church in the U.K., they tell you what’s right to believe and they have pontiffs (Gary lineker etc) who provide virtues commandments . They even have bbc verify which lets you know everything they tell you is the gospel truth! They also like to cover up and even praise there acolytes that have strayed……..
  2. More deflection, look if you think you made a mistake then be a man and own up to it ! You clearly stated that you think I have racist tendencies so the onus is not on me to prove it’s factual but for you to provide your evidence. If it’s so easy to see from my “back catalogue “ that I have racist tendencies then provide one example? I can tell you right now you will not find any, you may find political points which don’t align with yours but that is not racism. I await your apology.
  3. 😍😍😍
  4. Then you have good taste 👍🏻
  5. Your really showing your intellect, still can’t debate like an adult.
  6. More deflection, you made a very serious accusation against me that I had racist tendencies, where is your proof? why don’t you just admit your a bit reactionary and we will call it a day.
  7. Nice deflection, however do you have that evidence yet?
  8. I will try and make the point again. The difference between white extremists (the words used in the post you quoted) and Islamic extremists is when white extremists engage in protesting, such as riots then some cars, buses, get destroyed and some police get minor injuries. When Islamic extremists protest then lots of people can get killed and maimed. It’s not about the numbers of people involved it’s about the level of destruction.
  9. Another lefty reactionary who can’t have a grown up conversation, god help us.
  10. Oh dear, someone finding it difficult to win a debate? The last desperate trope of the lefty when they know there beat. I would love to see your evidence for these “racist tendencies “
  11. This sounds like you are comparing white rioters throwing bricks and setting police cars on fire (which has been happening since the Mods v Rockers ) with Islamic extremism which results in the Manchester arena bombing , Westminster bridge stabbings etc. Should all protesters be banned and locked up or only white ones? It’s just that there was a large riot in Leeds a couple of weeks ago and the police didn’t even bother attending which resulted in two police cars and a bus being destroyed.
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