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    Tony Fitzpatrick

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Panel Pundit on SKY

Panel Pundit on SKY (14/14)

  1. Because he fits nicely with “the message “ all men are all toxic misogynists.
  2. I was having technical difficulties which were made worse by my SFS (sausage finger syndrome)
  3. He has went up in my estimation
  4. I hope these guys never get to moderate on BAWA !!
  5. I hope these guys never get to moderate on BAWA !!
  6. I hope these guys never get to moderate on BAWA !!
  7. But he is still from Greenock so very smelly!
  8. Best one I have seen in a while
  9. Typical smelly greenochian
  10. Does light fingered Teutonic forward Jens Pasleck meet the criteria?
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