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Posts posted by ALBIONSAINT

  1. Just now, Long John Baldy said:

    68% :lol:

    Where is this poll, The SNP Weekly? :lol:

    The Herald, think it’s open until the 20th September for votes. I know it’s not a proper poll but if it’s a reflection of how readers are feeling then labour and the conservatives in Scotland will be wiped out in the 2021 election 

  2. 19 minutes ago, Slarti said:
    2 hours ago, Bud the Baker said:
    Interesting article for all us lefty types in The Guardian, Joe "deeply uninspiring" - Biden is ahead in the polls in 6 of the 8 key swing states the the Don won in 2016. that's 101 electoral college votes (a swing of 202 Trump won by 76 in 2016) - fingers crossed it stays this way.

    Biden isn't a lefty, it's just that he's less right than Trump.

    Who isn’t 😂

  3. 58 minutes ago, Sue Denim said:

    After sending the vulnerable and sick to their deaths in April by throwing them out of hospital, the U.K. prepares to cull a few thousand more this autumn.

    @Bud the Baker may want to shut down the discussion of deaths but you can be sure that when the death toll rises again as a result and it gets blamed on covid, he’ll be back on with @TPAFKATS cheering every death... just like they did in the spring.


    Yeh, can’t really see it catching on, the lyrics are diverse but what music were you thinking as an accompaniment?  

    “After sending the vulnerable and sick to their deaths in April by throwing them out of hospital, the U.K. prepares to cull a few thousand more this autumn“ 

    I suppose the chorus could be “ not in my name bonnie Scotland, the hills and glens will protect yee” 


  4. 2 hours ago, Sue Denim said:

    Ah, pointing out the harm that virtue signalling is causing is now virtue signalling as well?

    Another attempt to shut down the discussion about the damage of lockdown by another virtue signaller! 

    Not at all, but it’s hardly discussion when someone regularly and consistently just posts long screeds of cut and waste stats and charts. It all just becomes white noise after a while and discourages debate. I actually think you make some valid points but it’s lost in the tsunami of posts. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Sue Denim said:

    Thousands of stroke patients have sufferedavoidable disability because of disruptions to services caused by lockdown , according to the Stroke Association. Some 29% of those who suffered a stroke did not seek emergency help, while half of survivors had therapy sessions cancelled and 56% did not feel safe to attend an appointment.

    Is there no end to your vice signalling? 

  6. 25 minutes ago, Russian Saint said:


    I don’t know if that’s the answer chap. People are being shot in the UK every other day, when guns are illegal. I personally have friends (not in the UK I must add) that have licenced firearms, some are concealed carry, others for home protection. All upstanding members of the community.


    Not sure what the numbers are for U.K. gun crime? I would think knife crime was probably statically more prevalent, However if looking at the states, your upstanding friends may feel safe owning guns, but the evidence does not support there beliefs....



    Individually, several studies have found that the presence of a gun in a home elevates the risk of death. A 2014 review of the research published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, for instance, found that access to firearms was associated with a doubled risk for homicide and a tripled risk for suicide. A 2017 piece by Melinda Wenner Moyer in Scientific American also ran through the evidence, concluding that gun ownership was associated with a higher risk of homicide, suicide, and accidental shootings.

    People often think that guns will potentially protect them from a home invader. But these kinds of events are relatively rare (and even then, the presence of a firearm can make it more likely that such a situation will escalate into deadly violence) — while the chances that a gun could be used to fatal ends in a domestic dispute, suicide, or accidental shooting are much higher, as the research on individual risk demonstrates.

    This is true on a collective level as well: After controlling for other factors, higher levels of gun ownership are associated with higher levels of gun violence. Based on the research, this is one of the key reasons the US has much higher levels of gun violence than its developed peers.


















  7. 14 minutes ago, Saint@Johnstone said:

    Radio coverage only. Yet another defeat albeit by a lower margin than expected, which is no consolation however. Should we lose again on Saturday, things are looking grim. May watch highlights later.

    Looking grim after 7 games, getting 2 wins and a draw and also having played both the ugly sisters? 

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