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Posts posted by ALBIONSAINT

  1. 4 hours ago, Slarti said:
    6 hours ago, Ayrshire Saints said:
    Get this total and utter right wing lunatic banned mods. That is a disgrace of a post !

    Just stick all of shull's aliases on ignore, problem solved.

    I disagree, I have never put anyone on ignore on here. The problem isn’t the subject material (BLM) it’s the amount of videos from dubious sources such Bitchute (which is home to right wing extremists) I do wonder what has happened to Shull over the last 6 months, he used to make some great contributions to this site with very little political stuff. However now it’s a constant stream of polarised political views and conspiracy theories.

    so how did it come to this? My first theory is that Shull has been a sleeper agent for the Russians for some time, unbeknownst to him he picked up a Russian agent from the airport who whispered the secret words which triggered his mission to saturate our forum with misinformation with a long term goal of destroying our way of life within these hallowed threads. 

    my second theory is that Shull has had so much time on his hands due to not having any hires that he has been sucked into the dark web (Tron style) and is being controlled by his dark alter ego (Shulloid) while good Shull try’s to fight his way out of the dark web.

    Other theory’s are available 

  2. Interesting article about food standards post Brexit. Given that it looks like farmers and fisheries are going to suffer, Will this have an impact for on support for the union? 


    Under cover of the Coronavirus pandemic and headlines over the Government’s handling of the crisis which has seen Britain suffer more deaths than any other European country, another major public health story has slipped through barely noticed, and has rarely been mentioned inthe weekly PMQs.

    The most important farming legislation in generations passed its third reading in parliament despite warnings that in a bid to make the UK market pliable for a post-Brexit US trade deal, protections of minimum food safety standards have evaporated, as have safeguards for Britain’s farmers.

    With most MPs still socially distanced at home, MPs passed the legislation’s third reading in a virtual vote – 360 – 211 despite guarantees of a minimum standard to protect British food – and therefor British farming – being absent from the overhaul of UK agriculture. A full list of how they voted in this crucial legislation is below.

    As the bill moves to the Lords for a second reading amid outrage from UK farmers, this weekend former Ulster Unionist MEP Jim Nicholson expressed his disbelief that all eight DUP MPs had voted with Conservative colleagues for a bill he said has “the potential to be the last nail in the coffin for agriculture in Northern Ireland.”

    He warned: “the Bill opens the flood gates to cheap food imports into the UK from around the world. This food will not have been produced to the same standards achieved consistently by farmers in Northern Ireland. These imports will serve to drive markets down at a time when local farmers are under tremendous pressure.”

    It was sadly predictable to see Conservative and DUP MPs falling into line, despite previous concerns expressed by those very MPs that have rural constituencies or knowledge of foods and farming, or indeed Northern Ireland – where the farming industry now has big concerns with Boris Johnson’s promises of no border checks and alignment with the rest of the UK rather than Europe evaporating daily.

    Just ONE Tory MP rebelled: Helen Grant, Conservative MP for Maidstone and the Weald. Not one Labour, Lib Dem or SNP MP voted for the bill.










    George Carlin was an American comedian, actor and social critic, who had a net worth of $10 Million. George Carlin was famous for black comedy and discussing often taboo subjects like politics, religion, and psychology.

    Georgie boy sure knew which side his bread was buttered. 

  4. 15 minutes ago, freethinker said:

    Stupid question , not even in English.

    I do use articles from the Paisley Daily Express.

    Excellent, I also use articles from the Paisley daily express. Not sure if you will be watching this particular programme as it is about a “ communist “ 


  5. 44 minutes ago, TPAFKATS said:

    Saturdays rally in trafalgar square saw the British Union of Fascists flag being displayed for the first time since 1930s.
    The rise of fascism should concern us all.

    Absolutely, they are doing what they have always done, crawling out from under there rocks during a period of crisis and trying to take advantage of people’s fears. If ever the country needed a strong government then this is the time. I just don’t think Boris and co can provide the leadership required. 

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