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Everything posted by chunkylover53

  1. Thank you DivI knew I was missing something and that wee boxed being unticked resolved it. Thanks again
  2. Tried this and get the following messageSites added to this zone must use the https:// prefix. This prefix assures a secure connection Ive tried to delete the www from the address and it still doesnt happen. I notice the error message says https rather than http, Could this be the problem
  3. IE = Internet Explorere then yes thats what Im using
  4. Anytime I tried to add a webpage link using the options on here I get an information box pop up telling me This website is using a scripted window to ask you for information. If you trust this website, click here to allow scripted windows. When I click on it, Yes it allows me to add something 1 time and 1 time only - Can I change my options/settings on my PC to stop having to click this all the time Thank you everyone
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