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  1. What level of brutality justifies the guy kicking someone in the head whilst restrained? Indeed there will be another side to this but to quote Dirty Harry, ‘When Police start becoming their own executioners, where’s it gonna end?’. I know this wasn’t an execution, but you get the gist.
  2. 100%. As difficult as being provoked and being in the heat of the moment are this shouldn’t have happened. This is exactly the opposite of what the Police should do otherwise it’s common assault!
  3. Much much better than regular BBC gibberish. Insightful with some good facts.
  4. Have to be happy with that. If we’d been sharper it would have been around 4-0!
  5. Yeah, that’s the aspiration. It would great to be going into a full house with goal advantage. I attach a reminder of those bygone days….(none for the Tromso game, unfortunately)
  6. €12 which worked out as £10.12. Looking forward to the Saints bias commentary immensely and praying for the right result.
  7. I didn’t know we had a car park for blacks only. I abhor this kind of racism!
  8. Absolutely, play the beautiful game
  9. Your team lost, you’ll need to suck that up
  10. Likewise, this is as good as a Spanish victory!
  11. I want Morton to get relegated, that would be success.
  12. It’s ludicrous for a Scotsman to support England, our greatest football enemy. Like expecting me to support Morton or Rangers to start supporting Celtic. Come on ye Spain!!!
  13. Was that when Goodwin slowed up and started using his elbows more?
  14. This guys’ views are as relevant to me as that guy Goodwin. The glamour seeking Manager.
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