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Everything posted by BigYardsAndBasher

  1. Some of us do indeed work for a living, TPAFKA but when I posted the question where I tagged you and Weebud, you were online according to this website.
  2. Given that I've never been able to drive due to a medical condition, that's interesting that you think I'm a taxi driver! You're a deluded fool who I would normally pity but given your hostility towards others I will never pity you. Your parents must be very proud of you, filling the internet with complete and utter unsubstantiated nonsense. Or maybe they're just happy you're staying in your room and leaving them alone.
  3. The silence from Faraway's defenders is deafening. It's ok if it's him posting constant shite but no-one else it would seem...
  4. You had to edit that?! Why don't you just copy your usual nonsense to the clipboard? That way you'll be able to troll people much faster and get your post count up even higher? You didn't disappoint me with your usual standard paranoid ranting either. I'm not Shull, I never have been and I don't know who he is but you crack on.
  5. How about this, @WeeBud and @TPAFKA Jersey 2? Is this this "beyond boring", a "dull jibe" or "shite like that"? Or is it "just one more bit of crap [on] this site"?
  6. I normally enjoy reading posts by TPAFKA and Weebud. Indeed, I have given several "likes" to TPAFKA before especially when he's making points about matches and other subjects but I have to disagree with the two of them over this. Faraway constantly trolls this website and has "pops" at other form users all of the time. The other day, BuddieinEK called it correctly about 98% of his posts being garbage all with the aim of belittling others. If people enjoy reading that type of poisonous claptrap then they are free to do so but to rush to Faraway's defence when he is served up what he regularly dishes out himself is a complete joke in my opinion. If you think it's acceptable to Faraway to "rule the roost" over this forum then feel free to put Rascal, me or anyone else who might offend you if we give back to "Old King Troll" what we receive from him.
  7. Coming from the guy who can't go a day without logging onto this website, even logging on and posting his repetitive putdowns and poisonous claptrap when he claims to be on holiday or at a match!
  8. Well said, BuddieinEK! It's about time someone called out Faraway for what he really is. He had a cheek putting "Saint" as part of his username, a real Saint wouldn't behave the way he does towards others. He really is a despicable man with a severe chip on his shoulder. He belongs in the Sin Bin, along with a couple of others on here.
  9. From the guy who genuinely believes his opinion on everything is better and more important than everyone else's. You couldn't make it up with this chancer.
  10. I stopped going to away matches after witnessing the kind of behaviour that you describe and worse. I now go to a few select away games and try to keep away from any fences that may separate us with the home supporters. Up at Aberdeen, I've witnessed fans from both clubs basically shouting at each other instead of watching the match, I don't understand that either. One Aberdeen fan was pointing to the "Stone Island" logo on the sleeve of his sweater before spreading his arms out in a "C'mon, let's be 'aving you" gesture before pointing to his "Stone Island" logo again! Complete and utter stupidity and probably from a guy who wouldn't say boo to a Pomeranian without his mates to back him up! Then witnessing some of our supporters wearing balaclavas was the decider not to go to as many away games. Keep all that stuff, along with flares for the Glasgow mobs, it's not welcome amongst the St. Mirren support.
  11. An honest, sensible and positive post. You're too good for on here, Sir.
  12. Kenny McIntyre also said 1997 on the radio. I guess he was reading and saying what was infront of him. Poor, very poor journalism.
  13. Not many people hold their hands up regarding previous posts. Good post.
  14. Well, I didn't expect that today! A real bonus point after I didn't think we'd take anything from this match. Well done Saints! Well done also to the Saints supporters who travelled to the East End of Glasgow.
  15. I posted last week if we finish in sixth position, that's still a great achievement for us considering we've been trying to get into this "coveted Top Six" malarkey. I've enjoyed watching St. Mirren this season and very proud of how they have performed and what the management team have achieved.
  16. Off the post by Main?! Could the big man really have had four goals today?!
  17. I like Leanne Crichton. She's a good analyser of the game and very knowledge of the Scottish game in particular.
  18. Stephen Robinson certainly knows how to get the best out of him.
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