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faraway saint

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About faraway saint

  • Birthday 09/13/1958

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Panel Pundit on SKY

Panel Pundit on SKY (14/14)

  1. Regretting tuning in as Mrs Faraway has decided to say, quite loudly, EVERY flippin countries name as they appear on various boats. Oh, it's pishing doon in Paris. 😂
  2. Interesting, kinda, looking at attendances from way back and how the numbers have grown.
  3. The Olympic Games is a strange event for me. I could honestly not bother if it disappeared altogether but when it starts I find myself being drawn into various events that pass me by for the 4 years between each glitzy showpiece. The French are breaking with tradition and holding the opening ceremony On the river Seine. On that basis alone I'm intending to tune in at 6:30. 👍
  4. 100%, the minority ruin it for the majority, so often the case in many professions or groups. 😔
  5. Lunatics have already disrupted the games. Arson attacks on the railway system. I fear this won't be the last.
  6. It's fairly well documented that Facebook has a different level of walloper but THIS deserves the accolade of top post of the night..... 😂😂😂😂 ... I thought the 5-2 at Killie was bad, (Hammarbyesque) .... Tonight was as shameful as each of those. ... They played in their slippers. ..... Abject pish. .... See more guts, pride and effort in the amateur leagues. .....
  7. ^^^^^^^ Conspiracy theorists having a field day.
  8. As I said, more than decent. Plenty of research, came across as natural, heard a lot worse. Well done. 👏👏👏
  9. 0-0, final score. Could be worse, certainly there for the winning next week. C'mon Ye Saints.
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