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    Guni Torfason

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Panel Pundit on Radio Clyde

Panel Pundit on Radio Clyde (13/14)

  1. Great patter double barrel bawbag..what a wank
  2. Deflection, do you think your Paul Daniels ya fecking tit? Shitebag
  3. You must have big note book shitebag!
  4. Well u keep coming out with gay statements, either u r gay or homophobic?
  5. Chelsea fecked it 1st game of day anyway....by feck Hamilton must be fecking shite!
  6. What is it i like rough seeing as i have never met u? R u gay and scared to come out or just homophobic? Find ur sexual patter very creepy on a forum that youngsters could read...
  7. Hamilton on the coupon..mon the Accies, all the fuds can go pay £22 to get in them moan about it🤣🤣🤣
  8. Im voting Tory cause they make the rich richer, right up my street..come on Boris!
  9. Only decent thing if u went with that boring dik u would miss whole game sleeping💤💤💤💤
  10. Can still get cup runs and Europe being part-time..makes no difference to who finishes 3rd,4th etc...
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