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Everything posted by BuddieinEK

  1. Perhaps a forum is also a place where contributors can indulge in what is commonly known as 'banter'?
  2. Great post. Are you available for transfer? More teams will play with a lone striker than 442 this season.
  3. Why don't you go f***k yourself? Is that ok for you? Now elvis, I realise that you have been dead for 35 years now, but to some, punctuation is important. To help you out, I have corrected your post. A simple 'copy and paste' will suffice until you get the hang of it.
  4. I try not to mix up "expect" and "hope", but 40 years experience can cause cynicism to creep up on you unawares. I always think "expecting" to win is exclusively an OF trait. I believe we have the ability to win... but I "expect" my team to do their level best, nothing more. On that sole expectation I have been let down recently. I don't know how you cope with your higher "expectations" bud.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBRNfWGxBp8
  6. I actually realise the error of my ways... it should have read "two or more" in the interests of accuracy!
  7. Much better... and not a hint of sarcasm either. Now... is there anything in particular that you would like to know about Partick Thistle?
  8. faraway by name... faraway by maturity and debating ability apparently. Thanks for the niceties... at least I know what level to pitch ongoing conversations... ... (conversations... two people talking!!!) I support the club fine thanks. I intend to continue doing so too. Can I ask... why participate in a discussion forum if you are unable or unwilling to participate in reasoned adult discussion and debate without resorting to pettiness?
  9. so what do you reckon Danny and TC will base their tactics and formation on then and on what basis do you feel that by playing well we will hump them when DUFC, Jambos and Ross County have all failed to?
  10. YOU say "in depth", not me! YOU say "unknown quantity", not me! Danny sat not far from me at the last Thistle match I watched... he saw what I saw. You reckon his team talk will be "well lads... they're a bit of an unknown quantity really... ... but we should win"? Or is it possible that he will look at what he has witnessed and take it into account? They may have played less than a handful of SPFL (to give it the correct title... a pedant would point out they haven't played ANY SPL games this season!!!) so far... but if you had finished reading my post before formulating your insightful reply, you would notice that I said the core of the team had been the same as the one that won promotion!
  11. They are far from an unknown quantity. The core of their team has been together since last season. Decent keeper. Two full backs who like to attack. Solid but young central defensive partnership. Skillfull midfielder in Lawless. Struggling up front with Doolan usually starting for the cross balls and then Baird coming on for him later in the match. They will play a lone striker, give Lawless a licence to tear us apart if he can, and repeatedly try a long diagonal ball for their speedy right back O'Donnell to run onto. Having watched them twice in competitive games this season I fear they are at least a match for us and not to be taken lightly. They will bring a good supportive crowd, and when our home crowd gets tetchy, they will get a lift from that. We can beat them... if set up and motivated properly we should beat them... ... but as things stand, I make them favourites!!!
  12. As a country with weapons... we could only make things worse as per our track record! As collective individuals... I truly have no idea but welcome suggestions.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Z09r1Jvavk WILL WE EVER LISTEN? In the light of what is happening in Syria, this clip has never been more relevant! Go on... 2 minutes of your time... and if it doesn't challenge you, then I apologise for wasting your time. We are quick to share all the trash of the day on Facebook and football forums... ... but will we share something that might prick the conscience? This clip is from the amazing 2004 film... Hotel Rwanda... based on a true story set during the Rwandan genocide (only the UN never actually called it that... only admitting that there had been "acts of genocide"!!!). In this clip, Don Cheadle (playing Paul Rusesabagina) has seen footage of a violent machete attack and knows that it will appear on the main news in the West... ... The brilliant but almost unrecognisable Joaquin Phoenix, playing the part of the photographer Jack Daglish who captured the chilling footage asks challengingly how Paul will react if the West doesn't intervene after witnessing the footage... ... ... ... the quotes speak for themselves: Paul: "How can they NOT intervene when they witness such atrocities?" Jack: "I think, if people see this footage, they'll say 'Oh my God' that's horrible... ... and then go on eating their dinners!" For me, Jack has it spot on... live footage of atrocities hasn't angered us or spurred us into action... only made us insensitive to it and able to switch off at will. I know the question but I have NO idea to the solution... I only know that I am tired of my own and my nations apathy to the suffering of others when we collectively could make a difference. Anyway... ... go on eating your dinner... sorry to have disturbed you. Reality TV should be entertaining, not challenging like it is in the REAL world!
  14. Absolutely no arguments from me there bud... I'd just rather not put it to the test.
  15. Who says Harkins and Gowser cant play in the same team? I actually think that with Newton sitting just behind them and young McGinn giving pace on the left, it could be a potentially explosive partnership.
  16. I believe he can... but it's not a case of changing if being overran... we will quite simply be caught out then heads will go down.
  17. Or that rather than waste his ability in a holding role whete he himself said players would lose possession from time to time, he would waste him on the bench for a wee change as he was easier to drop and not in the shop window like the less effective McLean?
  18. I wish I shared your optimism Drew. Draw at best. I'd take it now if offered.
  19. Im a fan of the 4-2-3-1 but not for this match as Thistle will exploit it at will with the space on the left wing for O'Donnell to run onto. 4-1-4-1 or 4-4-2 for this match... But it is essential we have a left sided midfielder with pace who is prepared to put in a shift defensively.
  20. Bench Gowser.... damn... Why didn't I think if that masterstroke?
  21. Out injured. Will he be fit? DVZ had his backside kicked when Robbo was replaced by McGregor and McGregor retained the starting place despite being third choice. If dropping Goodwin then I'd be looking for Vanzy to step up and be counted. I do agree with you that Robertson has more to offer than we've seen though.
  22. Cornell DVZ McGregor McAusland Grainger Newton Teale McGowan Harkins McGinn Thompson I'd go with this team and shape for a number of reasons. Firstly... Goodwin is turning into Potter MK II and having a go at all and sundry around him... especially when he is at fault. I would drop him for a worse crime than that though... standing with his hands on his hips as Brittain netted the rebound after Cornell's save is worthy of disciplinary action!!! I advocated a 4-2-3-1 against Ross County, which I believe would have worked. However, having watched Thistle twice this season, I am sure that would play into their hands and give them a huge advantage. Their main source of danger is the long diagonal for their right back O'Donnell to run onto at pace... so Grainger needs support and we need pace on the left and in the middle to combat that. Gowser is wasted at the back and Grainger is wasted playing alongside Thommo. Newton has the engine to play in front of the back four... allowing DVZ to get forward and help Teale on the overlap. McGinn has the pace and tenacity to help Grainger take care of O'Donnell. With a back four and a holding midfielder, Harkins can enjoy a genuine free role and show us what he is capable of! He and Gowser can get up in support of Thommo, who will have a real battle against their young strong central defence.
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