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    • How is there something far wrong? You have no idea of their life circumstances. What if they’re raising a few kids, have a big mortgage, have other expenses, have carer costs, supporting partners with health issues? Putting everyone in the same bucket that a certain wage guarantees absolutely anyone’s living standards is down right stupid.    If these things were affordable to them years ago when their salary went further, and now they aren’t because of changes in inflation & cost of living, it’s hardly their fault. It’s also hardly going to be easy to fix in every circumstance.    Your ignorance is astounding, no blame at all for the Tories and just a complete coincidence that food bank use has exploded. 😂 I guess increase in child poverty after austerity measures was just a coincidence as well.  Your lack of political understanding is a great example of why we still have Tory voters in 2024. 
    • 30p meals. 🤣🤣🤣 If an individual on these salaries can't have a quality life and plenty of luxuries then there is something far wrong.  You wander into any working mans pub and ask if they could survive more than comfortably on them salaries and get back to me. 
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