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Everything posted by saintnextlifetime

  1. The refusal of the MHRA to consider vaccine injury makes a mockery of any pretensions they claim to have that their only concern is public safety . The figures are there they are no longer hidden. ETA : do you know who coined the term 'conspiracy theory' ? Oh aye , and where are are all those people that said mass vaccination of entire populaces , vaccines passports and mass 'chipping' were all conspiracy theories ? Is someone making and obscene fortune out of peoples fears ?
  2. Won f**k aw , only in by reason of the subservient 'Greens' , you obviously prefer diarrhea to shite. .
  3. If you actually listen to him he is making a perfectly valid observation(something you should try ) , rather than professing to have Scotland's interests at heart . Do you actually think that you are going to get independence from a bunch of globalists?? I don't think you have been dropped on the head but it does sound like you possibly have Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy , a touch of Stockholm Syndrome and right now perhaps in a River in Egypt.............................................
  4. Lol, you don't like objective truth, do you.............................................................................................
  5. You thought he would stop at mass vaccination , right? Unremarkably not . . https://www.rt.com/news/519904-sweden-experiment-dim-sun-gates/
  6. Indeed . Thick as Thieves? Sometimes you dangle the truth in front of people and they simple refuse to see it . The truth doesn't care who believes it. .
  7. The men who like to jab , inject and vax, how unremarkable. .
  8. We're public guardians bold yet wary, And of ourselves we take good care, To risk our precious lives we're chary, When danger looms we're never there, But when we see a helpless woman, Or little boys that do not harm, We run them in, We run them in, We run them in, We run them in, We show them we're the Bold Gendarmes
  9. https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1370560499952279553/pu/vid/640x800/JUMJMMOkwKwHRRp8.mp4?tag=12
  10. I fear that l may run outa popcorn watching this latest Scottish fiasco unfold . . Although it pains me to say it , it would now appear that Mr Stuart Dixon was actually on the money about much that he said about the SNP and stinking fish. . Who'd a thunk it..................................................
  11. You'd be safer just sticking to the msm , mate. .
  12. let all the poison that lurks in the mud. .
  13. Central bank , central bank , central bank . .
  14. https://www.facebook.com/royfieldsmusic/videos/2729572444026852/
  15. https://www.facebook.com/100000807983892/posts/3572260346144196/?d=n
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