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  1. Another top quality post,approaching 30,000,have you thought about getting a real life and ditching your virtual one ? Cancel that,all your little fanboys who "like" every shit post you make wouldnt know what to do,they might even start having their own opinions !!! Perish the thought
  2. maybe i need to get on twitter and join supporters with opinions,and leave you tragic bastards to your love in
  3. Only if the moderators are as tragic as you,and only if the st mirren player wasnt a ned.Will you be calling for all members who called mcgowan every name under the sun to be "looked at" too? thought not .Maybe engage your brain before you "try" to jump on the anti saints0 bandwagon,
  4. Quality !! do you have any thoughts on him as a footballer ? thought not ,top marks for brown nosing though.You may go now
  5. As are the happy clappers with nothing to say
  6. He is complete trailer trash,if you said that to his face he would spit in yours.Another ned welcomed with open arms because he is cheap
  7. season ticket holder for 22 yrs with one three year break,and if we sign proven shite i will say it .To label him as promising is laughable and to label me as a troll for pointing out he is crap is nonsense
  8. An absolutely pathetic signing,when you see him play you will understand why.A striker who doesnt strike,quality T.C ,VERY WELL DONE
  9. Three games too many.I dont have an issue with being young,i have an issue with him being pish
  10. Idont hate you and have never pm'd you,i find your expertise enlightening
  11. How many times have you seen caldwell ? zero,judging by your comments on the player.He wont be "coming good" he is total shite.I know you consider yourself an expert on everything but maybe you should keep quiet for once if you havent even watched the player in question,ive seen him about a dozen times,stands out for the wrong reasons
  12. If we sign Caldwell we will be the laughing stock of scottish football,pathetic doesnt do his abilities as a footballer justice.Centre back i havent seen so will reserve judgement ,but if T.C gives him a gig it will be a very sad day indeed
  13. "life is too short to be anxious about a football team " !! speaks volumes
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