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Everything posted by lenziebud

  1. Great attitude and doesn't throw the toys out the pram. McCarthy and McGrath have been great signing for SMFC
  2. I thought he looked decent. Good movement and quick. If he can get up to the level of Premiership and start finding the net, then I think we may have found a player with the potential that Ross Stewart showed when he was here. Thankfully we don't have Stubbs around this time
  3. Aye how many times have we said that. I thought that before the Dundee home game and guess where that all went ! You are right thought great chance to push on. Team starting to show a bit more confidence and belief. Maybe get back to performances like first 30mins vs Rangers at home where they couldn't get near us.
  4. All for JG to sign a few strikers. What could go wrong?
  5. I reckon he'd be there already if Sir Alex was still manager !
  6. I wouldn't go near Griffiths. Goodwin is a good man manager I agree but Griffiths is beyond man management
  7. Don't think those offers would be as quick this time. Anyway any SMFC manager who pushes us into top 6 could be off tomorrow ! Don't think Goodwin will get us top 6. Just my feel on his ability
  8. I've never seen Erwin do anything at SMFC. He's actually an indictment of Goodwin ability as a manager at our level. Goodwin for me won't take us any further. In reality what we should really do is show him the door and get Jack Ross back to finish the job. Fairly brutal but I think that would get SMFC to a better place long term
  9. He had bags of potential but Stubbs was so incompetent he couldn't see it. Worst manager in the history of our club by a country mile. Pity Jack Ross left as he did see his potential and ability. We would have ended up with the player that Sunderland now have if JR had stayed. I also think JG would have recognized his ability too.
  10. In our current situation, Doug Somner, Frank McAvennie, Paul Lambert
  11. Might be worth applying some of your critical thinking as to why that might be ?
  12. Correctly sacking an employee has nothing to do with your political views. The absolutism with yourself is that you never accept the chosen approach and always continually question it, not because its for the greater good but your own attention seeking motives.
  13. Government and scientists have been upfront about the effectivness and limitation of the vaccine all through the pandemic. Its always been obvious to me that it had limitations and what they were and it had been explained ? Also I don't have a problem if it was full on snake oil salesman, which I don't believe it was because I think anyone who refused the vaccine is a grade one moron. Nobody has said at government level or scientific level you will die if don't get the booster. What they have said is that your chances are diminished. Might help for you to be less cynical and get your facts right. Quite pathetic to be honest.
  14. I'd give big Doug Somner a phone and see if we can get a proper striker into our front line. Probably still good enough to run rings round Startfelt.
  15. I personally think Ross's sacking is a disgrace. Not one ounce of patience or loyalty in football today. No doubt in my mind he would have turned things around at Hibs. Doesn't help that Hearts are doing well. McIness, Neil etc will take them no further than Ross would. Really don't know what their expectations are. To sack him a week before a cup final says it all. For me Ross, if he's prepared, should go back down South and work his way back. Nice bit of it is that they are there for the taking and we should be looking for 3 points today.
  16. Big test now for Goodwin. Confidence draining and questions being asked. Needs to reset and get back to the team that played Rangers off the park for 30 minutes.
  17. Funny how Goodwin used Erwin every week when we were pushing for top 6 last season and now he's not quoted ?. Really odd management and decision making. I'm not wanting Erwin to play as he is shocking and should never have been recruited. 2 year deal also, beyond belief. What it highlights to be me is the utter farcical management ? Main hasn't cut it, so if you recruited Erwin would you not give him a run. The whole thing baffles me. 3 year deal for McAllister, dear me. Yes Henderson what has happened ?
  18. Agree, I just don't think its good enough and if it wasn't for the fact that he is regarded as a "club legend", I really wonder where we would be with the support. Lets see where we are after the next 5 or so games but have a feeling we will be right in the mire fighting relegation again.
  19. The difference is down to managers tactics we have generally been quite good away from home with the high press counter attack ball on deck tactics especially the 2 matches in Edinburgh but suddenly at home we hit panic mode from 1st minute last night it was like we were Livingston hit it as far up the pitch as you can and see what happens. I tend to agree with this. I'm not convinced that Goodwin is progressing us at all. I wasn't overly convinced last season either and felt that both Motherwell had a poor season and St J had an abysmal start. The recruitment in the summer on the whole has been abysmal. Youth development isn't all its been talked up as for me Erhahon seems to be going backwards, who else is in the pipeline that is even close ? There is no invention in the team, high ball tactics all the time, no moves being built from the back.. Forward line that hardly knows where the goal is. 2 points gained from RC, Dundee, Livi at home ? Where will we be come Xmas ?? We are an abysmal team to watch at home. The last 3 home matches have been shocking. So not convinced at all atm, a lot of work needing done in January. Really hacked off at the moment with where we are was really hoping we could push on and start to not being a side that was looking down but looking up. Not happening just now.
  20. Its probably the one thing i wouldn't say about Main is his level of effort. Honest player but not happening for him at SMFc
  21. I think i could get that quote from all fans in Europe about their refs ?
  22. Thought Steven McLean was exellant today. Maybe a bit of debate about wether a pen or not in last minute but other than he was decent. Scottish refs are no different to any others. Every referee would welcome Var, its a no brainer
  23. Plenty of talent in the Championship. Injuries are an excuse at Premiership.
  24. Yep impressed with Dennis yesterday when he came on. My issue with him has been when he's played from the start never seems to perform at that level. Thought Main was ok early inthe season but seems have lost his way. No end of effort and honest pro, maybe needs a couple of goals to get him up and running. No idea how McAllister gets a start with the players we had available.
  25. Decent result and performance to match. Nice time to be getting Aberdeen.
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