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About Hendo

  • Birthday 03/28/1969

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Panel Pundit on SKY

Panel Pundit on SKY (14/14)

  1. Aww, thats so nice, glad they are all pals. Do their respective lawyers get on too?
  2. So are you not even a tiny bit concerned that two St Mirren directors are seeking legal orders against SMISA, which has led SMISA to seek legal advice? Does that sound like a harmonious state of affairs? Buttoned.up.the.back.
  3. Thats not relevant. What is relevant, and concerning, is two members of the St Mirren board taking legal action against the supporters organisation that owns the club. Its a pity, this should have been able to work, unfortunately too many egos at play, together with it would appear weakness and lack of integrity from our reps on the SMFC board. Time to reconfigure the managemenr of the club without kibble involvement IMO.
  4. Just re-read the update - Kibble directors are seeking orders against SMISA who have had to use funds to seek legal advice. We have, of course, heard nothing from SMISA appointed board members of this.
  5. I know others think there's nothing to see here, but for me this is concerning. Why would Kibble directors prefer court action rather than engaging with SMISA, and why are SMISA directors on the SMFC board not engaging with the enquiry either?
  6. Are there any spare seats? Looking for two.
  7. Really sad news, he was the goalie when i started supporting Saints, between him and Money for our best keeper ever IMO. 64 isnt any age, RIP Billy.
  8. Triple signing along with John Rankin and Robbie Winters.
  9. Killie have been punching above their weight this season, 19 points is a very good return given how poor their squad is. Nearly all their goals come from set pieces or Armstrong, so as long as we're switched on and double up on their only good player we'll be fine. We have a much better squad than theirs.
  10. Missing tonights game but just booked tickets for this - looking forward to it. Judging by the wee map thing doesnt look like there's a lot of away tickets left. They should really do the decent thing and give us another stand.
  11. Every time I click on this thread and see you posted most recently, I always assume we've just lost a goal.
  12. I suppose its possible there was an out of court settlement before it got to tribunal, though I know thats not what he said.
  13. It was Andrew Dallas who gave 4 penalties in the one game. Robertson is the one who doesnt send off a Rangers player even when its the most blatant red card you'll ever see.
  14. Sad news, especially in the wake of similar news about another great striker from that era, Frank McDougall. Hope they both recover well.
  15. I think in amongst all the whataboutery and conspiracy theories about what certain things mean, there is also a genuine concern over transparency within SMISA. I've long thought of the SMISA board as well meaning fans who put in, doubtless, effort and time, but it has a real feel of a closed shop. Now that George has resigned, they come up with a statement saying they will announce his successor soon. Do they just decide that between themselves? Maybe they've decided to finally forego any illusion of democracy.
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