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Everything posted by BigYardsAndBasher

  1. Pat Bonner got Keanu Baccus and Ryan Strain mixed-up! He pronounced Baccus "Bacooos"!
  2. I didn't know that Kenny McIntyre's (of BBC Radio Scotland) daughter plays for St. Mirren Women.
  3. I think I'm correct in saying that's the first time Furuhashi has scored against us.
  4. Right, I'm going to take this to the very top to ask why we took the decision at Boardroom level not to give the Green Vermin a guard of honour. So, @bazil85, why did you make that decision?!
  5. Well said, Rascaldo. I couldn't have put it better myself. Welcome back, Sir. Your wit and wisdom has been missed on this forum.
  6. You've got to give Animal credit when it's due. This'll probably be another fifty odd page thread as well! Well done, Sir!
  7. Surely this thread will run and run?! Fifty odd pages maybe?!
  8. I think the "Bazil" alias belongs to whoever is the Chairman of the Club or is pulling the strings at any given time! So big Baz has been Mr. Gilmour, Mr. Scott and now John Needham, possibly Mr. Gillespie/McMillan also. In big Baz we trust!
  9. Our best finish in the top league for years and there's internal fighting between different organisations and boards who all claim to have the best interests of St. Mirren Football Club at heart. It's tedious and embarrassing. The Manager shouldn't be talking about and answering questions about all of this in the buildup to matchday. Get the folk involved into the Stadium for a cup of tea and biscuits (can we afford biscuits nowadays) and get their heads knocked together, kiss and make up and handshakes all round.
  10. This seems to be in our DNA for unknown reasons. I can't understand why, when we're in a fairly comfortable lead at Half-Time, we start the Second Half sitting back as though we're an army desperately defending our territory. I understand that footballers dont run full pelt for the full game time but it often looks like we're saying to the opposition "Okay, we're wining 2-0. Let's see what you've got." Then we hope we'll manage a winning goal on the break at some point. It just gives the opposition belief and any visiting team to St. Mirren Park know that we'll sit back at some point and allow them freedom of the whole pitch. Games in this league are never over at 1-0 or 2-0. Even at 3-0 we shouldn't relax as other teams are more than capable of getting back into the game.
  11. I felt Taylor had a great First Half. I thought it was a harsh booking although I didn't have the benefit of a replay. Without the booking, I think he would have been out for the Second Half. Michael Stewart is banging on and on about the penalty decision. Leanne Crichton doesn't think it was and she said "You could get a bus between Ryan Flynn and Ginnelly." Stewart thinks Ginnelly was running at pace and that's why the touch from Ryan Flynn took him down. I don't think he was running that fast was he? As I said, being at the game, I don't get the benefit of replays. I think Linwood Buddie is correct, I think we'll finish in sixth position. That's still a great finish for a club like us who have been striving for this "Top Six" malarkey for ages.
  12. It's another lovely day in Renfrewshire today. That's me on my way to St. Mirren Park now. Come on you Saints! 🏁
  13. It's the "Real Deal" at St. Mirren Park this afternoon.
  14. From the guy who has been grounded by his! Enjoy watching the game illegally in your hovel! Have you got your lucky sweatpants on today?
  15. I have no idea if St. Lucifer is a "warmer", as you put it, but they do say it takes one to know one...
  16. The Penguin and The Riddler going round in circles again instead of just acknowledging their love for one another!
  17. Closet Green Vermin Scum FC/Blue Vermin Scum International Franchise FC supporter in my opinion!
  18. And another of the "merry men" turns up to come to Faraway's rescue! All we need now is for Cowardly Cockles1987 and Slartibartfast to appear and I'll have bagged the whole collection!
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