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Everything posted by salmonbuddie

  1. Interesting: http://en.ria.ru/world/20140424/189345058/INTERVIEW-Chomsky-Favors-Scottish-Independence.html
  2. Could one of our No supporters explain what's going on here, I'm confused:
  3. That's the message Yes needs to get out. In fairness, they're at least trying their best to do just that.
  4. He could always read the report I gave a link to a few pages back and admit his comments were completely wrong. But I won't hold my breath.
  5. Can I ask everyone - especially the No voters/proponents - to ignore StuD's deflection and actually read the report (put together by 5 academics from Universities across the UK, not just Scotland) and referenced in the blog. This is a direct link: http://issuu.com/therobertgordonuniversity/docs/the_dreud_report_2013
  6. Statistics like these are basically hard sums. Sums are not one of StuD's strongpoints.
  7. Is this Rick's way of telling us that NI has finally made it to the 60's?
  8. Yep. And proud of it. What's your point?
  9. And word endings.... Cough. Bough. Rough. Through.
  10. There you go Rick, the nasty, bullying cybernats strike again..... To this day I regret the early passing of John Smith. If the Scots in the "Labour" party had been true Scots and had represented the wishes and aspirations of their countrymen instead of pandering to the lowest common denominator then this referendum wouldn't be happening. I have been a nationalist from the day that Thatcher took power - I could see the writing on the wall - but he was a man who I would happily have voted for. Instead we got the bunch of Tories led by Blair. Isabella, you think StuD has "at least" half a brain and you're calling Vambo a clown......couldn't make it up.
  11. Those fekkin Natsis and their silly windmills again. I blame aliksammin and yon fishwife, if it's a Yes I'm off to Wales, nae windmills to tilt at there.
  12. Ignore him, Vambo, he's trolling and looking for exactly that kind of reaction to give his sad life some gratification.
  13. She'll be missed, she was that rarest of things, an honest politician. Just wish she had lived to see the referendum - no matter the outcome, she was one of the main reasons it's even happening.
  14. He's already done that, ts, how many times has Kristalnacht been mentioned? That's why I don't engage with StuD anymore, I haven't lost the debate, just interest in anything he has to say because I know what he'll say before he writes it.
  15. I've got the free version of Spotify on my laptop and Deezer on my mobile through my contract with Orange. I've had a few "negotiations" with Orange about data charges connected to Deezer but got all my money back and eventually reached an understanding with them. In my favour, I'm glad to say.
  16. Chill, mate, we're all Saints in here, and we'll still be Saints after the referendum no matter the result. Except StuD, he's not a Saint, carry on firing at him.
  17. I did read it, here's what it says: "International expansion was cited as a priority by 64% of those taking part. Key areas for investment were Africa, North America and the Middle East." and "The survey found 46% of companies were already planning further growth in foreign markets over the next 24 months." and "A similar study carried out last year indicated companies in the sector would recruit an additional 34,000 people over two years." Simple arithmetic indicates that either 36% or 54% of those jobs are in the UK with the bulk of those in Scotland. And similarly, and also much more recent than your original post, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-26818852 Eta Lancashire? Typical StuDism, throw it in and mire the waters when in trouble. This is why I don't engage anymore, I'm done.
  18. Indeed. Meanwhile, in today's news,http://m.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-business-26871548
  19. Can't let that one go, bluto, she would have arrived anyway, she was in the post. Maybe a few months or a year later, but it was inevitable. If you bear in mind that Labour scuttled the first Devolution proposal resulting in the SNP scuttling them in the vote that deposed them, you can easily conclude that they only had themselves to blame for losing. Ergo, Labour were responsible for Thatcher, not the SNP. Edited for too many "ifs" - sound familiar, anyone?
  20. I still think it's unlikely but the closer we get to the referendum the more I start to think it isn't as unlikely as it was 6 months ago, mostly down to the cack-handed way BT have handled their side of the campaign, and that it won't be a freak if it is "Yes.". Many of the things the YES campaign are saying are not unreasonable and should be acknowledged as such, not dismissed out of hand. That charge could be levelled at the YES campaign, too, but I'm talking about perception here, and the effect of that perception. BT really should have taken on board the Scots' truculence when it seems to them they're being told what to do (and I think Munro's memo may have a similar effect with his employees) and that seems to be missing from their approach. I'm not sure if that's because it's being run by people unfamiliar with Scotland and its "mindset" or if it's because it's a coalition put together by Satan (only my opinion but a Labour & Conservative coalition? Really?) but it hasn't struck a chord with the don't knows and convincing them one way or the other is the match winner. You're right, there will be problems if we vote Yes, and they will take time to resolve, but they're not insurmountable, it's happened many times before and will happen again in the future. I think 2016 is a good start date but it doesn't have to be the finish date if you see what I mean. That's when the process begins, how long it takes is for better minds than mine to work out.
  21. Read what he wrote again, that's the view of people with half a brain. Those of us with full faculties consider independence the best future for our children & grandchildren. Edited to represent that it's opinion, not fact. It can't be, it hasn't happened yet.
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