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Everything posted by FTOF

  1. Maybe he didn't want another game on trial. We'll probably never know.
  2. Dyeing himself orange and auditioning as an oompa loompa.
  3. A destitute man's Billy Mehmet. No thanks.
  4. It speaks volumes for the character of the residents group if they've chosen to put their trust in him. I think there will be a wee bit less attention seeking behaviour with regards to this story.
  5. What's on your mind?

  6. FTOF

    Paisley Pubs

    I know it's not in Paisley, but it seeing that the Howwood Inn was closing was a bit unexpected.
  7. They'll have read what Sid posted on the trialist thread and transferred it to the 'fishel site, not knowing that Sid's exclusives are mostly wind ups.
  8. I see Neill Collins of Wolves (formerly of Dumbarton and Sunderland) has been put up for transfer. 6 foot 3 centre half. Might be worth inquiring about a season's length loan. Wolves bought him for £150K in 2007.Salary will probably be a major stumbling block though.
  9. FTOF

    Paisley Pubs

    It was too far to walk/stagger to in comparison.
  10. FTOF

    Paisley Pubs

    Used to drink in there regularly and then on to Backchat. IIRC Cannes was a favourite haunt of a certain Mr.McAvennie.
  11. He's probably got a trial for the green bigots. I hear they've got a free weekend around that time.
  12. I used to be able to see the floodlights from my house about a mile and a half away in an elevated part (i.e.up a hill) of Meiklegriggs/Corsebar.I wondered if I could see the new ground's too. However, even though there's the big Woodside crematorium hill in the way I thought I'd be able to see their glare in the sky. Howver, coincidentally, as I was reading the latest B&W magazine in the cludgie, there was an article by GLS stating that the new floodlights, being state of the art and despite being much brighter than the ones at the old ground, would emit no upward glare at all, as all the light was focussed onto the pitch.
  13. FTOF


    I have. The phenomenon is generally associated with hailstones and we get plenty of them in winter. The hailstones rub together inside the clouds where warm and cool air meet, producing a shitload of static electricity which forms the lightning. The fact that hailstorms are so localised meant that the one last night was probably directly above Paisley/Barrhead, so the lightning was almost instantaneously followed by the clap of thunder. Anyway, I'm holiday for two weeks, so enough of the unpaid scientific explanations, I'm away to get pished.
  14. FTOF


    Not that I'm an expert on plane explosions, but surely an exploding plane (or even a building) would emit a light of an orange hue? Therefore when I saw the white flash of light and heard a rather loud noise that sounded remarkably like thunder, albeit that it was very loud and resonant, I sort of assumed that it was thunder and lightning.
  15. My mistake.It was actually wee paper cones you collected the peanuts in. It's remarkable that we have progresed from paper cones to cans in 20 years.
  16. I seem to remember traipsing up there from Shuttle Street [in it's Shuttles, Earl of Cranby, Latin Quarter days], because it had a late licence until one, unlike some of the pubs in shuttle street. You could get wee bags of peanuts from a machine, which invariably ended up in each other's pints.How childish.
  17. It was 1983 when we were chancing our collective arms. Old bastard that I am.
  18. Favourite ever. Not favourites. What an indecisive lot you are.
  19. Did that used to be The Cellar before that? When we were in 6th year we used to walk up from the JNHS remove our ties and have a couple of pints in there.
  20. That was also a favourite haunt of mine.Especially since we knew one of the barmaids. Cheap beer? Let's just say a button got us round on one occasion. However due to such blatant acts of fraud she didn't last too long in that job. I seem to remember Schlitz and latterly Red Stripe being the beers of choice.
  21. Those were indeed the days! Although once it went off the boil, so to speak, we virtually lived in Corkers for about six years.I used to give my address as "The round table",Corkers. FFS I even "worked" in it for a short time, until they tried to make us wear red and white stripey waistcoats.
  22. Over the years (some of us more thab others) you will all have undoubtedly experienced the delights of the many drinking establishments in our beloved town. As it says at the top, which one was/is your favourite ever pub? Feel free to give reasons why. Mine was The Wine Bar [of Laverty's fame] at the bottom of New Street. Two bars of a very different nature, good beer and good looking birds.Followed by the bus to the cotton club if one wasn't too pished. Oh and I was young and carefree then.
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