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  1. Battle of the duffers next week then. Aberdeen managed to go around 80 minutes at HOME against that mob down to ten men without scoring
  2. I wasn't going to change anything. It's you that's got a bug up your arse about f**k all here. I just added acquis because the entirety of Eu legislation is commonly known as that. The part of it relating to the single market is contained in the EEA treaty. That's the single market acquis. If we left the EU and stayed in the single market then we are subject to around 20% of the current EU acquis. Although its not strictly EU as its EEA. But I'm sure most folk can work that bit out for themselves. Have you managed to admit that you're wrong about EFTA countries paying into the EU budget yet?
  3. The EEA treaty is part of EU law because it deals entirely with the single market. As there are countries in the single market but not part of the EU that treaty deals with all their requirements for single market membership as well as EU member states. You can be a member of the single market but not in a customs union with the EU. You can be in the single market and not be in the EU. The EEA treaty deals exclusively with matters relating to single market membership. Or the part of the EU acquis relating to the single market.
  4. The EEA treaty deals entirely with the part of the acquis communautaire relating to the single market. Was this too hard for you? Clearly it was. And then you decided yet again to get yourself totally bent out of shape about it. As you've been trying to shoot the messenger you better get down the range as you're a rotten shot. You keep mentioning intelligence. Is it because you are a bit chippy about the fact you're a half wit?
  5. Your frantic googling has left YOU looking a bit glaikit to be honest.
  6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acquis_communautaire
  7. or acquis if you want to be accurate
  8. so which treaty deals entirely with the single market?
  9. Just as the UK wont be paying into the EU budget after March next year.But they'll still be coughing up their share for Erasmus, and the various other projects that non EU countries can be part of. And pay to be part of as they wish.
  10. No, they dont contribute to the EU budget. They contribute to whatever EU projects they want to participate in. EFTA countries contribute to the operational costs of EFTA. Not to operational costs of the EU
  11. Well if you reckon thats what makes someone a racist then thats you're problem. As for who I believed, you'll probably have some evidence to back that up so that you can DEFINITELY call me a racist. as for foolishness, I'll just leave your post there as a monument to yours.
  12. Do you understand how research is done? There are loads of folk doing that as requested.
  13. Already been covered. Try actually reading and also reading the links. If you can manage to do it without dry boaking. EU expenditure in areas like Erasmus etc as shown to you already. Are absolutely NOT to do with operational costs of the running of the EU. you seem to be struggling with this.
  14. Which was totally correct. If Scotland had left the UK it was also leaving the EU. Scotland isn't a member state of the EU, the UK currently is. And when the UK leaves so will Scotland as Scotland voted to remain part of the UK. You were lied to by salmond who claimed Scotland would remain in the EU with all the same conditions and opt outs the UK had negotiated during its time of membership. He was lying. Scotland would have become a third state to the EU. None of the EU treaties would then apply to the newly formed Scottish state. That position was made clear by the EU at the time. It was Salmond who lied, nobody else. As for the raaayciiists stuff. I'm pretty sure plenty of racists voted to leave. 400,000 folk that had voted SNP in the 2015 general election also voted to leave. Plenty of blood and soil racists among them too. As for me, I voted to leave the EU, we decided back in 2009 that we needed to look at HOW we go about this as the Lisbon Treaty altered everything and rendered the old tory eurosceptics from the Maastricht days, and the likes of UKIP redundant. What they were peddling was no longer valid. And the method of leaving (article 50) had been written into the treaty so it had to be used or total chaos ensues. As it is, it looks like it will take us longer to leave because doing it via EEa has been made toxic by people like slartibartfast puppeteers who don't understand what the single market is. But it WILL be an orderly leave of sorts and it WILL look a hell of a lot like EEA. Which is daft. But politics can be daft.
  15. When you've got over trying to shoot the messenger how about you attempt to deal with the actual fact that you were wrong?
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