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Everything posted by spankin_panda

  1. Said the same before the game, Taylor was a bomb scare at the weekend and he’s continued that again.
  2. Maybe he won’t…. One slice of humble pie I won’t be eating
  3. That’s my concern! Why is Joe (if fit) not getting the nod? Taylor doesn’t fill me with confidence…. However - I said the same about SR at the start of the season so happy to be proven wrong (again)!
  4. Hmmm - Taylor looks a bit off the pace & got caught out a lot v Celtic BUT maybe this game will suit him more.
  5. This was the risk we took getting Brophy off the books. Will be interesting to see how SR deals with this….
  6. Pretty crazy timing?! odd right enough….
  7. Fair enough. I haven’t seen a lot of him but by all accounts he’s a decent player. The defence, Shaugnessey is the call for me. I’m not sure why he’s not getting much of a start tbh
  8. With Ayunga out now Grieve out and Tony Watt, well not quite looking settled - we are looking a bit light up front. Is there an option to call back Brophy? also - Shaugnessey has surely to get a start now?
  9. I was reading about this…. 1,500 is what I saw. I also saw some images of it and it’s tiny. IF they get promoted would this meet the league standards for SPFL? watching this with interest. The other potential is Ayr, would be interesting to see them up. Again, stadium meet criteria? Share with Killie? The championship is an interesting league this year with these teams doing well and Hamilton on the brink of sliding down a league.
  10. I actually remember this at the start of the season Tom English and Willie Miller talking us down saying we were in a battle to stay up. Willie Miller even last night showing how bitter he is. last laugh so far, is for us! Aberdeen I hope, go down, they have delusions of grandeur - truly believe they are something they will never be
  11. Daunting to look too far ahead. Enjoying this season so far. Some great results & have been a pretty competitive side. As the old cliche - each game at a time. Focus is just getting a result against Hibs.
  12. Munching through a slice of it as we speak. Happy to admit I was very wrong.
  13. Great wee day. Took my daughter and the rest of our st Mirren girls academy squad and they were mascots and ball girls. Great day, good result
  14. I think because we only have one game plan teams have found us out. ah well, was nice while it lasted lol
  15. Yup, it seems that the fakes aren’t streaming the game to their plethora of overseas fans, so assume it’s just not on. Which is shite
  16. I was never one to slate Main tbh, and he’s came on bounds since SR took over; one of the early good points. As for my thoughts on SR, I said a few weeks back I didn’t think he was the right man & hope he proves me wrong. If/when we pick up some more points against teams we should be looking to compete with… if we do this, then I’ll be back on this thread, eating humble pie for sure. in the meantime, there’s been a marked improvement - not just in results but performance too. So, see you, hopefully in a few weeks with a big ‘I’m sorry I was wrong’ 😂
  17. Hard to see a win today, or at all… but I’ll go in blind faith and maybe we can pull something out the bag and kick start our season….. most like be on here at 5 though, moaning about formation and my usual groans 😂
  18. Ok, we weren’t as bad as I expected and thought manager got most things right. Though, ain’t gonna get many games easier than that one… see what happens, onward we go. positives; Ayunga was better than I’ve seen him, Strain looks no bad and Errahon is looking sharp. negatives: too many long balls and no cutting edge & didn’t make the most of having wee Jay on the park
  19. The very small amount of the dire game I seen, yes, the fakes look pretty bad. All down to us now today…. Usually I’d make a prediction but I’m honestly not really sure as I can’t fathom the starting 11 or what formation etc as we’ve been a bit all over with this during cup run. so, going into this with an open mind and hoping for a strong start. Coys
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