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About spankin_panda

  • Birthday 02/07/1987

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International Call Up

International Call Up (10/14)

  1. Will this game be broadcast on tv in any way for a those of use who can’t go? I’ve not found any details on the web about it
  2. Will this be shown on tv or saints tv for those that can’t make an away game? I don’t see anything to suggest so
  3. Shame they aren’t showing the games on saints Tv - but will watch here for updates
  4. Shaun Rooney joining Saints - was always a standout with the Fakes.
  5. With the pressure off us and Hearts already guaranteed their place, I hope we go out, put on a good performance and get the result. players and staff deserve a big applause at the end regardless
  6. This is the first European venture in my lifetime. Can’t wait to see who we get and will do all I can to make the away game (I’ll be at the home tie).
  7. When we stopped playing the ball in the modelled and allowed them to launch long balls - that’s the moment we lost the game. Once the first went in, it was telling
  8. We were poor tonight and a draw probably fair. However - I can’t get my head around ‘VAR not checking the handball only the shirt pull’. As McFadden said ‘it’s inexcusable’
  9. I actually forgot about McMenamin 😂😂
  10. Interesting view from SR, wonder ‘why’ he’s behind… I’d assume just game time? But interesting view nonetheless
  11. Not heard much on this, how long he likely to be missing? May explain why he was soo off the boil for a while if he was carrying a knock.
  12. I think this game is a tough one - always is up there. But if we can put in the same sort of performance v Hibs where we press from the first whistle, I’m sure we can come away with 3pts.
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