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Callum Gilhooley

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Everything posted by Callum Gilhooley

  1. Paulo is a f**kin national trerasure GO PAULO!!
  2. Paulo has been amazing, a superb entertainer despite his "leanings" . Brilliant !
  3. What about that auld bampot spouting off about giving his life to protect the union ? !! Dimbleby with his head in hands was hilarious !!
  4. last nights game ? thats two hours of my life i'll never get back ! >_>
  5. 10 for that ? you must be mad !
  6. Dunno if he'd be too keen on a move to the west bank . too much a-ga -ro !!
  7. Just checked the guest list for this topic & guess what ? Yep , thats right , you`re not on it & no-one gives a f**k about your views !
  8. Sorry Bud , thats almost as bad as what we`ve got for this season!
  9. http://www.stmirren-youthacademy.net/index.html The photo on the home page is brilliant .
  10. Thats crap , hes not even signed for us yet & hes shrunk an inch !!
  11. Well , its because...... ah , nearly caught me ! ;)
  12. Andy has to up his game first . Already a set down !
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