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Everything posted by BuddieinEK

  1. There are a lot of needs in this playground that will and can never be understood!
  2. Yup... His corners were terrorising to any defence and keeper and did indeed result in goals. They were impossible to defend against.
  3. An absolute wizard with the ball at his feet. Struck terror into the opposition when he shaped up to take a free kick or a corner. Brazilian in his technique with ball control like nobody else in Scotland at that time who I can think of. I once took someone I was supporting down to see Celtic Park as he used to play for them and hadn't been for years. Once there, with nothing pre-booked, I chanced my arm and asked if we could briefly see indoors. Andy Ritchie went above and beyond... He personally conducted a full stadium tour, culminating in a walk down the tunnel and out onto the pitch. It meant so much to the ex player I was supporting at the time. Ritchie was an absolute gentleman. 😎
  4. Shhhhhh... It's not our playground!
  5. Six posts in a row Talk among yourself! 😂😂😂
  6. Six posts in a row. Keep talking among yourself. The playground is empty! 😂😂😂
  7. A porcupine would also suffice.
  8. Who went running to teacher to have me banned? Shitebag. 😂😂😂
  9. I have no idea who big yards is and no idea what you are referring to re singing. Now how about you crawl back under a rock you slimy nonentity.
  10. In fairness, the playground bully does unite unlikely allies. I love that he hints at personal details in his trolling but stops marginally short of anything worthy of a ban... You know.. the kind of thing he instigated when he went crying to teacher because someone dared call him out and stand up to him. He is a miserable sad old f{}CK who gets off on abusing others. At his age, that is sad yet hilarious. I might just earn myself another ban just to hack him off. 😂😂😂😜
  11. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 This is SO funny. Dad's Army quote alert... They don't like it up em! In the words of John McGinn when Brown went greeting to the ref... Wibble wibble wibble 😂😂😂😂 Your persistent petty name calling has escaped your mind? Your constant abuse of others is lost to your memory? You won't support Saints at home because bad boys say things you don't like... But you invest in the opposition because the fans there are virtuous. You total hypocrite! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  12. Gutted For our last game, I put a fiver on O'Hara and Kiltie to score. Separate bets. Would have won over £60... but neither scored. Was too busy to bet yesterday... Both scored! My last bet? A fiver on O'Hara to score the game he missed the spot kick. I'm cursed. 🤐😜
  13. Just watched the highlights. Fantastic result. Fantastic timing of a run by the captain for the opening goal. The penalty? Shocker. Lack of confidence evident. Confident Mark would have scored. Over to Kiltie for the spot kicks but full support for O'Hara. None of this dropping him for his own good crap. He's out Captain. Support him through this dip in form. It's the same player who had us third in the league for so long. The game was good viewing. We were clinical in attack and stoic at the back. Yet another great goalkeeping performance. Fully deserved all three points. COYS
  14. He prefers to report people and have them banned from his playground! 🤐😜
  15. Hmm... No moaning? I deffo saw some "strong points of view". 😜
  16. Nice of you to invest in the opposition like that, whilst depriving St Mirren of income because you don't like criticism. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Oh my aching sides. Irony in the extreme. Aye. I've ignored your last few petty digs and will ignore most of your inevitable taunts. But this was comedy gold! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  17. BBC News - Blackpool Tower 'fire' was fluttering orange netting https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lancashire-67835079
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