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Everything posted by BuddieinEK

  1. I disagree that I was abusing him. Merely pointing out his "contribution". As for those who say it is tit for tat, absolutely not. Bully boy has has a snipe at me three or four times recently with no provocation whatsoever. I refused to take the bait. So again, I say that posting on here is really not worth it these days when someone is constantly lurking, looking to dish out abuse without provocation. The playground is his.
  2. It's just not worth the grief. Bully boy owns it and just trawls the forum looking for people to abuse!
  3. Decided to break up our journey back from Torquay with an overnight stop in the Lake District to see Jill Jackson and Boo Hewerdine perform on the last night of their mini tour. Crowd not quite as good as the Kirkcaldy one, but both artists were in fine form indeed.
  4. Jill Jackson and Boo Hewerdine at The Polish Club in Kirkcaldy last night. Brilliant gig by two masters of their craft.
  5. McGinn and McLean honouring McQueen! How fitting. True Saints. ♥️
  6. That's what I was alluding to. Aye... But ye wur bein pyoor dead posh! 😂😜
  7. Could be worse, you could talk in jam jars. or jeely jaurs if going to the cinema! 😯🤐😜
  8. True... but prepare for incoming as the truth offends those who will not see, believe, or even consider the facts. Majority fan owned.
  9. Part fan owned. Selective quote. Stalker. Now bog off and ignore me. I didn't invite your shoite input.
  10. 😂😂😂 Fartaway negative post alert. Bully boy.
  11. Another Fartaway negative and derisive contribution to the forum. 😂😂😂
  12. Did I mention you stalker? Part fan owned as I have corrected you many times.
  13. Too late with the edit bully boy. You embarrassed yourself yet again. 😂
  14. Made? 😂😂😂😂😂 Just calling you out! Bully boy.
  15. More abusive derision! Typical of a bully.
  16. You wish, bully boy. I respond when I choose. Right now, I choose to call you out for what you are... A sad, bullying individual with absolutely nothing positive to contribute... To the thread. To the forum. To life. Jog on! 😂
  17. Wrong. I don't. Far from it. Jog on bully boy. Go find another target. One that might give in to your incessant put downs.
  18. About as constructive as anything you have ever contributed to this forum when not ridiculing or abusing others, bully boy! Sorry for intruding in your playground.
  19. But very easily fixed. The kind of thing fans of a fan owned club could sort out at no cost to the club!
  20. Laugh it off bully boy but you know it is true. It pains you being stood up to and called out. 98% of your posts on here are simply deriding others. You are a very sad individual. Called out.
  21. Laugh it off bully boy but you know it is true. It pains you being stood up to and called out. 98% of your posts on here are simply deriding others. You are a very sad individual.
  22. You get off on putting others down. Such a pitiful sad individual. For a bully you are so obviously vulnerable.
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