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Everything posted by magnus

  1. Hope Dennis stays fit. Great goal scorer. Not had one for a while.
  2. We don't look as dangerous with just the one striker.
  3. Radio says he was injured ! Maybe injured himself ballootering the ball on the way to the dug out.
  4. Erwin looking very pissed off at being substituted.
  5. Bit of a sitter there from Hamilton. We need to get in about them.
  6. Tony really needs to move on from the stonewall penalty...
  7. Commentor Tony getting my vote as the marginally bigger fud.
  8. Still would have liked to see Hodson in our squad rather than theirs.
  9. Great move by Saints. Big Jon should have done better with the shot.
  10. Aggrieved to the point of obsession. Now looking for hand ball. Pair of fuds.
  11. Senseless comment from Stubbs but that apart he sounds thick.
  12. We will have to learn to play two up front next season if we are to get the best out of Brophy.
  13. I think the opposite. No relegation dogfight, wouldn't drop any lower than 6th - I think we could have relaxed (for the first time in years!) and played some decent football. Not to be. We move on.
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