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Everything posted by lenziebud

  1. Really sad news. Poor man just couldn't get on top of alcohol. I really hate what it does to people's lives ! Met him a few times and always came across as really decent lad as was his wife Anne Marie. Great player and true St Mirren legend RIP Billy.
  2. Aye way to bright. Had to look away a few times, not good for keepers
  3. I wouldn't with Scott. He needs to stand up and be counted. He has let his career drift and needs to get it back on track asap. Its up to him and nobody else.
  4. Jamieson I agree, never seen a Premiership player in him Scott has lost his way big time. Was a superb player at Motherwell and got the £1 million pound move to Hull where he had very bad injury. Never got anywhere near his best since and been bought by managers on past glories. I think he has been bought with a view to next season and trying to get him back to what he can be. Also looks to me to be trying to hard and just needs to relax and play his best game.
  5. Instead of the usual criticism of officials what would be better is to look at the bodies that set the rules that the officials have to interpret. I challenge anybody to referee in today's environment but just remember we have VAR because fans and clubs couldn't accept the referees decision in the first place. You reap what you sow ??
  6. Probably checking build up to it took time but i agree it seems far to long
  7. Fair enough, maybe should have checked that Still, issue lies with players. Hopefully they turn up with the same level of fight and attitude tomorrow, that they have displayed all season. Total joke of a squad.
  8. The problem at Aberdeen is not Warnock. Its players and board and probably the vast majority of it is with players. They lost to Darvel that tells you where the issue is. No excuses for them, in a corporate environment they'd be managed out a long time ago. Warnock has been a success virtually everywhere he has been. He may seem a maverick in the media but he's a shrewd operator. No idea why he even bothered with Aberdeen at his age. Never really spend a lot of time listening to Miller on football matters. Hopefully they maintain their form tomorrow and we can get another win.
  9. Which makes me wonder why we play Jamieson. I know Jamieson is young and has potential but at the moment he is just not good enough. The difference when OIusanya came on was there for all to see. Scott is a quality player who has suffered with injury and his mother was seriously ill also, thankfully from what i last heard was much improved. That said he needs to get back to where he was or he is going to waste a serious amount of talent!
  10. I thought it was Greg Aitken on VAR tonight ??? Grant Irvine was ref on Sat
  11. Agree with all of that. Perfect
  12. Scott has been poor but he was player at Motherwell and needs to get back to that. The real issue for me is why Jamieson was given a deal !
  13. Aye he is a good football manager and it stops there
  14. So it depends IMO on whether you want to outlaw that type of challenge that Bolton and Sterling both did. For me Sterling's is a stonewall red as he is out of control and flying in at speed, caught the player on toes but it could have been way worse, so definite red. For Bolton if the instruction is to outlaw that type of challenge then yes a red, otherwise i would say yellow. I would say that the instruction from the top is to outlaw that type of challenge. Bolton needs his backside kicked btw. I thought Don Robertson was 100% correct to stick with his on field decision and overrule Greg Aitken (surprised Robertson was even asked although with Greg Aitken maybe not !). I agree with you on McLean only sticking with his decision based on what Robertson did previous night.
  15. First time I can remember our pitch being questioned so maybe something has changed ?
  16. He is meant to wait till that phase of play is finished i.e. a goal ? For me linesman followed correct procedure but got the decision wrong. Not easy running the line despite how easy many fans think. In this case VAR is a plus !
  17. I think he just took a shot at goal and Carson made a complete @rse of it. Nothing to do with the surface. Docherty moaning about our pitch and penalties is pathetic and probably gamesmanship trying to influence referees in future games. The problems are in his dressing room and nowhere else
  18. Its bull, he suddenly found out last night that his team will not be top 6. We were streets ahead of them even when we have a bit more in us. Really good run of fixtures on paper coming up. Looking at Killie's we have a much easier run to the split. Its St Mirren though and we all know what that means !!
  19. Got to build on this by beating Dundee. Fixtures coming up are decent so good opportunity to get on a run
  20. Scott is a quality addition and we only have because of the influence Robbo has on him. Young guy who has lost his way a touch but he will get back to his best under Robbo and then we have a real talent
  21. Bad injury at Hull. Weight problems at Hibs. Needs to sort himself out and get back to what he is capable of. No hiding place for him with Robbo
  22. Aye we are linked with him supposedly. so if we signed him ??? We have tried to sign him already on loan previously. His mum delivers my post !
  23. Robinson got Main at his best for us. If he could get Scott back to his best then we have a player
  24. I agree on ref today, for me Napier isn't Premiership level and never has been.
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