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Everything posted by Saint@Johnstone

  1. As someone old enough to have seen all saints euro games, I’m reminded of listening to radio coverage of our away match against Hammarby ( I know, I know). Brian Gallagher scored a hat trick in Sweden and the commentary team were very impressed of course. Can’t remember who they were but one wondered “ when was the last Scot to score an away hat trick in Europe?”. Not that common , certainly not nowadays. Came the answer from a listener, “ er, it was last night. Paul Sturrock for Dundee Utd. “. So much for our knowledgeable presenters, eh. Plus ca change. 😁 Anyway I plan to watch the Killie match on tv and listen to Saints on the wireless. No doubt fingers bitten to the quick. Hoping for a good result and got my ticket for the second leg. Coys.
  2. Bit like the Fleetwood game , we seemed slower than Carlisle and often caught in possession. Goalie didn’t impress either. Unless a vast improvement by Thursday, fear an early exit. Hoping for much better though. 🤞🤞
  3. Due to your insufferable unpleasantness, I’ve had you on ignore for a long time. I’m sure I’m one of many who find you as someone who contributes nothing of any value. If you had been to the match yesterday- some hope- you would have seen how far short we fell. Please do the forum a favour and stay well away. And put me on ignore if my comments upset you.
  4. Fleetwood looked much the better team, faster and fitter especially in the first half. Hope we radically change yesterdays team or I fear for us this season. Perhaps it’s still early days, hope so.
  5. Although I didn’t see other than the goals from the England game, they have 4 points from 6 , more or less through and still have the likely easiest game to play. Their fans are calling for the managers head generally,as expectations are very high. In contrast, Scotland, with one point from six, and having suffered their worst ever euro defeat, have one game left to salvage things. It’s been made clear that 4 points was the expectation for qualification. Hope they can get the win v Hungary, but it looks like , if they do, Spain lies in wait. 😬
  6. Very sad to hear this. A great player for Saints, had all the qualities for a captain and of course legendary status having lifted the cup for us.
  7. Clarke should be replaced after the tournament, he has selected players either out of form, unfit or lacking match fitness. Add in relying on players from the English second division and thinking they could compete at this level. The goalie for one, is hopeless, Hanley, Ralston, McGregor ,McKenna and others rarely play recently. Back before the postcards as usual, while even smaller countries than ours make a fist of things. ‘‘Twas ever thus.
  8. All games are on normal tv thankfully. Wonder if that might be the last time it happens. Looks like a great atmosphere building over in Munich, hope the fans have a great time. As for the match, I anticipate a defeat and unfortunately a first round exit as normal. Seems like the team peaked about a year ago and have lost form since then. Hope to be wrong about that.
  9. Why don’t you have me on ignore ?
  10. Thx for the info, that’s why I’ve never heard of him. Personally don’t agree that players with only an ancestral connection be selected instead of Scottish players. Goal scorers are thin on the ground but Murray would have been a more obvious choice. He has also been on form. Four goalies also not required for what will likely be three matches, so drop two and bring in Danny Armstrong. Just saying.
  11. Germany will be terrified ,I’m sure ,of this change. Never heard of him, is he Scottish ?
  12. On loan reserve goalie again. That’s where we are nowadays.
  13. We don’t seem able to hold on to a lead at times, but I suppose Celtic just about deserved to win.
  14. Killie are a good side with a few really good players and a top rank manager. We ran them close but no shame in losing to them. Still in with a good chance of qualifying for Europe so not all bad. Steve Clarke could do worse than include Danny Armstrong for the Euros, a tricky wee winger who puts in a great cross.
  15. Wasn’t overly confident pre match, given our away form, but we were streets ahead of Dundee and thoroughly deserved the win. Just within touching distance of a Euro spot now. Let’s not blow it next week. 😋🙏
  16. Fair enough, that’s your take on it but I thought Rangers were marginally the better team. Whilst Dundee are two points behind us, our away form is dreadful and I expect a defeat up there next week. We have really slipped recently and it wouldn’t be a surprise if we lose the next three matches. Celtic is a cert, Killie are a bogey team and Hearts look to be our best hope of points. Certainly hope to be wrong about this but have a bad feeling.
  17. Goalie to blame for the first goal, should have left it to run out. Rangers were quicker to the ball as expected and some of our passing was a bit careless. Not much in it but Rangers probably deserved the win although we had a few chances. Have to say, Scott doesn’t look much of a player, very disappointing as a permanent signing. Would be great to qualify for Europe after such a long time but can’t see it somehow. You never know, though. 🤞
  18. The expected defeat- no such thing as a “free hit”. - and it seems every other team is still fighting apart from us. Very disappointing despite reaching the top 6 and with five games remaining it’s hard to see other than sixth place. However, with a dodgy defence and poor attackers we have certainly punched above our weight. Let’s see what the remaining fixtures provide.
  19. The wind definitely spoiled the chances of a good game. Having said that, Saints were poor and rarely looked like scoring. Hearts are no great shakes either though, and certainly nothing to be afraid of. However, our recent form seems like the end of last season and whilst it’s good to be in the top half of the league, the possibility of no further wins has to be considered. All In all though, a decent season. I’ve witnessed far far worse. 😁
  20. I was at that game but couldn’t remember the goals other than the o.g. 😁
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