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    Kyle Magennis

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Panel Pundit on SKY

Panel Pundit on SKY (14/14)

  1. What does this say about a quest for "law and order"? There is only one answer. NOTHING! No police officer is above the law they are empowered to uphold. The officer was a thug. He MUST be rooted out and he MUST be charged. Otherwise we must allow those who trespassed against them also to walk. We can't have two rules. There can only be one.
  2. Anyone who could be bothered watching maniac Trump during his latest rant yesterday must be amazed at his power of recuperation. Bandage off and not a mark on his ear. This man is truly a remarkable individual!
  3. No matter what happened previously, NO police officer should be kicking and stamping on a person's head when they are lying on the ground. There is NO excuse for that brutal behaviour. The officer in question should be sacked and formally charged.
  4. We should be happy with a draw away from home in Europe, but this tie should be all but done and dusted. Still. First competitive game and we controlled much of it.
  5. I was thinking. Not for goal scoring but, IF things go awry on Thursday, perhaps have the team come onto the park out to another Gerry Rafferty song for the second leg.
  6. Old Dracula. They'll need to nail down the coffin! On a serious note. RIP Ray.
  7. Oh. Something else. Is anyone else concerned about our new number 1? He looked suspect at both goals and didn't fill me with confidence throughout. This might be the season we look to Urminsky.
  8. Lacovitti? Around four minutes and he's injured. A bit disconcerting given his track record. As for the game. A wee bit of a damp squib. Rooney looked better when he came on. T took his goal well but we're still passing the ball sideways and too slowly for my liking. I think, on the evidence of this, plus the Valur game, the Icelanders are favourites in my book.
  9. Was at the Fleetwood game and will be there tonight. Be interesting to see how ready Iacovitti is for a match. Rooney too as he looked a bit off the pace last week.
  10. One ticket is no use to us, hence why we refused it in plenty of time to allow someone else to get and early shot at it. I realise there weren't a lot of tickets but the club could have made an allowance for families, even if it were just a couple of them. There was no chance of any of us going on our own. Add to this the confusion it drew when I got an email stating I had been successful without clarifying. Until I finally managed to get down to the ticket office I had no idea if we had one, two or three tickets as my grandson comes under the 12 to 17 category.
  11. And they shouldn't have. If families ALWAYS order tickets as a group then there should have been a method of putting them in the hat as a group. When I got the "successful" email, nowhere on it did it even tell me for whom, or how many, tickets we'd actually got and there was no answer to my phone calls. I had to go to the ticket office only to be told my wife was the only successful applicant in our block. It actually took some prodding to get them to make sure a 12 to 17 year old would be accompanied FFS, It was a shambles.
  12. 0-4 Valur. Iceland it is then. ETA We've already knocked back the ballot ticket as we are a group of 3 and Saints, in their infinite wisdom drew ONE of our names out even though we all share an Email as I order ALL our tickets as a group.
  13. I think you'll find we're already expected in Europe due to managing 5th place. 🤣
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