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Dirty Sanchez

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Everything posted by Dirty Sanchez

  1. To me, his first booking just looked like a player who was over eager to impress on his debut. Trying to hard. I think if he was ten games into his Saints career, it's a challenge he wouldn't have made.
  2. I think, safe to say, if the referee hadn't shown a card, there wouldn't be anyone anywhere bringing the incident up and saying that Lyons was lucky to stay on the park.
  3. McGinn turns away with his head in his hands, while Tansey runs over, ready to take the free kick! Noticed from Goodwin's interview that the stadium looks great with his head filling in the corner.
  4. Indeed. I've seen a lot more dives than I've seen bookings given for dives. Seems to be totally random whether a card is shown. I also can't differentiate between dives where there's contact and dives where there's no contact. You either deliberately dived or you didn't.
  5. Makes me look pish. 10/1 at half time in a pretty even contest?
  6. Feels like I've seen that before somewhere... Ropey Saints team score three in last 20 min v Alloa
  7. That's fine if every dive in world football today is punished with a yellow, which I'm sure it will be. Was going to post before the game that Alloa have scored at least 2 in 10 of their last 11 games.
  8. I notice Man City lost 4-0 to Dumbarton in the 1986 tournament. Nothing's changed there then. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1986_Tennent's_Sixes
  9. I quite like a bit of football tourism these days. I've even *shock horror* missed Saints games for this. Instead of watching the same old fixtures I've been watching all my life, I like to try and get away and experience something a bit different at least once a season. e.g. Last season I passed up the opportunity to watch Saints v ICT for the umpteenth time in my life, and instead took in Valencia v Atletico Madrid at the Mestalla for not much more than the cost of attending a few away games (that I've seen umpteen times before). I didn't plaster it all over social media though, to be fair.
  10. Unlike the other games v Celtic that season, we took an absolute pummeling in that second half. It was an extraordinary feat to hold out for a 1-0 win. I'm in the camp that says it wasn't on the telly. I'd be willing to bet a right few quid on that, in fact. The other Love Street game with Celtic was televised that season. It was an unlucky 0-2 loss, and the feeling at the time was that it was a pisser that the shit one was televised while the good one wasn't, which happenend to us a lot in the 80s.
  11. This is at the Love Street end. I believe one of the guys in the picture moved to the USA, became a citizen and was then subsequently killed in the Vietnam war. Edit: John Love http://www.vvmf.org/Wall-of-Faces/31334/JOHN-LOVE-JR
  12. Don't know if anybody has mentioned, but the big striker already has a goal at St.Mirren Park. Four minutes into this:
  13. Can't embed this video for some reason, but he scores a last minute equaliser in this derby game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bt21qtMRIwE
  14. Just had a peek a whatshisname's new club's message board. Quality. Kidderminster Who?-rriers
  15. That's what I remember too. Even at that rate, the two of them combined would have cost less than Stickroth's transfer fee.
  16. Pushed the boat out when Hammill came on. Raging I didn't have three or four quid on it.
  17. At the last game at Livingston there were a couple of dozen Saints fans outside without tickets after kick off. By the time everyone was directed round to the Main Stand to buy tickets we went from 1-0 up to 3-1 down and most people just made a sharp exit without buying tickets.
  18. I could be talking pish here, but that doesn't look like the Burton's building opposite the cenotaph. If the cenotaph is there, but the Burton's building isn't yet, it would make it the late 1920s.
  19. I remember that one. When the guy was caught he admitted that he'd been trying to hit Jimmy Bone.
  20. It's most peoples' response when confronted with wave particle duality.
  21. Falkirk needed us to lose and for them to beat Rangers, plus a 5 goal swing in goal difference. They ended up losing 5-0 instead. In fact, the previous week they thought they had drawn level with us when they scored a late winner at Dunfermline.....only to come into the dressing room and find out that we had ended Hearts 27 game unbeaten run at Tynecastle.
  22. Yes, I did. I've got a pristine copy of it. If you want to send me a private message here we can arrange something.
  23. Abandoned game was the last day of the 82/3 season. I was one of the extra 4000 who wasn't at the first game but made it along for the replay when it was free to get in. There's a good chance I've got the 87/8 programme. I'll have a look.
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