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Dirty Sanchez

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Everything posted by Dirty Sanchez

  1. It's not a case of whether we need it. The challenge is in how they use. It has to be done in a way that suits the sport, or they'll lose people. We've already got a faction who are still hostile to a goal being correctly disallowed by VAR. I'm all for it, but I saw an Aussie game where they twice stopped the match to hand out straight reds for tackles that had happened in the previous passage of play, both of which only the likes of Chris Sutton would have been calling for. That's going to turn people off. Handball is a separate issue. It's not a VAR problem.
  2. My heart always sinks when a I hear a commentator utter the "Was it deliberate?" line at the sight of a handball. The Sportscene guy is good for it. I rejoiced the other week when I finally heard a pundit, Michael Owen, clear things up. He said words to the effect of, in nearly all cases ***OF COURSE IT'S NOT DELIBERATE!!***. Who in their right mind deliberately handles in the box? It's the new interpretation that's the problem, not VAR. VAR only gave that ref the means to confirm it was a penalty under the new interpretation, instead of having to guess, like they've always done. By definition, a penalty is penalising an offence. Focussing on genuine intent should surely be the route they are going down with this law, rather that any such pish about making your body bigger or whatever.
  3. Let go of the ball you f*cking clown. I'm a great believer in equal opportunities shouting.
  4. That what I thought when I saw her icloud leaked pictures.
  5. Penalties for that type of incident have been a shitfest for years in football. Willie Collum would have booked her as well. That's one of his signature moves. I'm not sure that they'e going down the right road with the changes to the law, but it's very hard to come up with a law that will work for these handballs.
  6. Fair play to the Coronation Street writers for trying to recreate the away leg of the Slavia Prague tie in that case.
  7. Cheapened by the fact that he was playing as the blue team.
  8. Don't know, but from 00:14 onwards he takes a few seconds to beat half the Scotland team by himself too.
  9. 'Won a World Cup by himself' isn't an accolade many can legitimatley claim.
  10. Wonderful assist from Steve Hodge. Steve Hodge genuinely has Maradona's shirt from that game. No doubt a gift in appreciation of his pinpoint cross.
  11. I presume I'm seeing this advert as a result of reading this thread.
  12. Could do with some VAR to break this free flowing shite up.
  13. The streaker had clothes on as well. FFS. The beautiful game?
  14. Phantom tickets are for W1. Been informed they've been sent out, when I collected my real purchase today. If I get them it won't be an issue because I've been promised a refund, and I'm sure I could easily shift them anyway without taking them back. The issue will be if they don't arrive, which isn't out of the question since the street name on the address is jibberish. Fortunately the postcode and house number are correct, so we'll see. Would be a waste of two tickets for someone who needs them and a waste of £36 for me. Of course, I was dismissed as though it was obviously my fault when I first highlighted it today. Because that's what I'm known for. Lying about buying tickets I don't know anything about.
  15. Just logged into the ticket website to check my purchase history. Glad I did. There's a transaction for £36 for two additional tickets for Sunday that I know nothing about! WTF?!
  16. I've bought tickets online. Then I notice my address is spelled comically wrong in their records. Inevitably the change address form doesn't work. Called the ticket office and was informed that the voicemail box is full but thanked me for using it. Odds of tickets arriving?
  17. I heard exactly that at the time of Morton's turnstile fiasco.
  18. Don't forget, the season following the Alan Main game, St Johnstone were relegated and Alan Main broke his leg.
  19. I'm in Dundee already. Fecked if I was getting up at the crack of dawn on a Saturday. FYI, it's raining.
  20. I'd like to pile on about the offside decision, but there's only one Rangers player between Lex Richardson and the goal line, so it's offside for the same reason that Dundee United's goal against us in the Scottish Cup Final was also correctly given offside.
  21. Done in a nice chart here. Crowd v **** only the 6th biggest.
  22. Should we stay up, next season will also be our 100th full* season in the top league. So, also at stake is the opportunity for the commercial department to hold a 100 years commemoration dinner, and range of merchandise. *Not counting the season that was canned after a few games when WW2 broke out.
  23. If you think about it, the two long stands are about 180 seats long, and the South about 120 seats long. Using those numbers, it would only take an average of one empty seat per column of seating to make the home ends about 500 empty. One empty in each column would make the stands look totally sold out.
  24. I've been wondering if this is cultural misappropriation, or perhaps just a good laugh.
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