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Everything posted by smcc

  1. Unfortunately the number of people turning up at A&E departments with trivial complaints which could be dealt by themselves, by a pharmacist, a practice nurse or a GP has sky-rocketed because people have lost all common sense and expect to have instant medical attention for the slightest complaint. It is an unfortunate result of the "I must have the answer immediately" culture in which we now live. For many of these it would not matter whether they were seen within 4 hours or 4 weeks. One answer to this problem would be for people who turn up at A&E as the result of neither an accident nor an emergency to be directed to a more appropriate source of advice/treatment. It is also true that a large proportion of patients presenting at A&E are elderly and suffering from muliple pathology, many with dementia. When I was in practice it was not unusual to get a letter from A&E about patients who claimed they had been unable to get a GP appointment when we knew for a fact that they had not tried to contact the surgery. Finally, the target is not for patients to be seen within 4 hours of arriving at A&E but for them to have been seen and discharged or admitted to a ward within 4 hours: investigations naturally take time. Some of the delays are due to there being no spare beds in the hospital, a direct result of the reduction on hospital beds which has occurred over the past 20 years.
  2. Richard Gordon has just announced that SG will be interviewed on Sportsound.
  3. Are you really suggesting that the loss of 5million people will reduce the "inluence and power" of the UK, of which Scotland is such a relatively small part, and how much influence and power do you really believe the UK now has? The days of the British Empire are in the dim and distant past, although the present UK government( and several of its predecessors) still seem to be living in the past. PS The word you were looking for is beneficiary.
  4. Benefactor a person whose actions benefit another. You are just a little bit confused, Stuart. How can Scotland be a benefactor to the UK if it is on the deficit side of the balance sheet, and( something I cannot get my head around) why, if Scotland is such a drag on the UK's finances, which I think is what you meant to say, is the UK so keen to hang on to us. I am sure that if you were responsible for a loss-making enterprise you would drop it like a hot brick.
  5. I came across this comment today when Oaksoft quoted it. Who on this thread has done most ridiculing and smearing and who doesn't reply to posts to which he has no answer? Who uses a redundant apostrophe and can't even manage to get it in the right place? Stuart, you are a legend only in your own mind.
  6. The Sunday Herald editor on Radio Scotland this morning said that the main reason for coming out in favour of a "Yes" vote is transparency. None of the newspapers(including The Hootsmon) whose stance is obviously anti-independence has had the courage to say this openly.
  7. It is ........... a football strip with black and white stripes. I can't understand why anyone can get so upset about it. Now, if it had been green and white hoops or Ibrox blue ...............!
  8. Much better article here. http://www.heraldscotland.com/sport/football/goodwin-victim-of-reputation-sabotage-claims-lennon.24114512
  9. Saturday 10th May Sat 10th May TBC Scottish Premiership 12:15 BT Sport 1 / BT Sport 1 HD Sat 10th May Inter Milan v Lazio Serie A 19:45 BT Sport 1 / BT Sport 1 HD Sat 10th May TBC Ligue 1 20:00 BT Sport 2 / BT Sport 2 HD
  10. If you are going to be pedantic, get it right. However, in that siuation, should be preceded by and followed by a comma!
  11. Try this for size, Stuart. http://dbd-data.co.uk/bb2001/uk.htm It seems to me that the vast majority of the UK continental shelf surrounds Scotland.
  12. Proof again that you only see what you want to see or that you are dozier than you seem to think I am.. The headline of the Reuters article says it all UK posts big current account deficitI can find only one reference to household finances - "But a fall in household incomes - down 0.1 percent from the third quarter - and a decline in the savings ratio to 5.0 percent from 5.6 percent raised concerns about how long the recovery could last." - and this seems to me to make no mention of current accounts but to refer to a fall in household incomes and savings in the UK, largely as a result of Coalition government policy which is designed to reward their rich friends. You have, as usual, made no mention of the fact that the UK figures assume that the UK gets all of the North sea revenue at present,which it will not do after Scottish independence.
  13. I was not aware that I mentioned personal bank accounts anywhere in my post, but, of course, you only see what you want to see, and I have never said that I think that independence will make me better off. Perhaps you might care to have a look at this and tell me what you think. "In 2012-13, the estimated current budget balance for the public sector in Scotland was a deficit of £14.2 billion (11.2% of GDP) excluding North Sea revenue, a deficit of £13.6 billion (10.6% of GDP) including a per capita share of North Sea revenue or a deficit of £8.6 billion (5.9% of GDP) including an illustrative geographical share of North Sea revenue. In 2012-13, the UK as a whole ran a current budget deficit, including 100 per cent of North Sea revenue, of £91.9 billion (5.8% of GDP). In 2012-13, Scotland’s estimated net fiscal balance was a deficit of £17.6 billion (14.0% of GDP) when excluding North Sea revenue, a deficit of £17.1 billion (13.3% of GDP) when including a per capita share of North Sea revenue or a deficit of £12.1 billion (8.3% of GDP) when a geographical share of North Sea revenue is included. In 2012-13, the equivalent UK position including 100 per cent of North Sea revenue, referred to in the UK Public Sector Accounts as ‘net borrowing’, was a deficit of £114.8 billion (or 7.3% of GDP)." It seems to me that if Scotland had the receipts from a geographical share of the oil and gas revenue the figures and rUK had its geographical share then the two would have very similar figures.
  14. We all know that you think that anyone who does not agree with you is stupid. As for the Scottish Government increasing its deficit in the past year, can you tell us what has happened to the UK deficit? (Here's a clue - http://uk.reuters.com/article/2014/03/28/uk-britain-economy-idUKBREA2R0H520140328 " For 2013 as a whole, the current account deficit stood at 4.4 percent of GDP, the widest deficit since 1989."). Check this out too. http://www.nationaldebtclock.co.uk/. Is this indicative of good governance by the UK Government?
  15. Sutton was sent off after a clash of heads with Jim Thompson of Queen of the South in a Boxing Day match at Palmerston, resulting in a laceration on Thompson's eyebrow and one on Sutton's temple.No foul was committed. I know this because the QoS doctor was absent that day having spent Christmas with his family, and I stitched up both wounds. Jim Thompson did not sugest that any foul had occurred. My recollection is that the ref sent Sutton off after provocation by some Queens' players including the goalkeeper who ran outside the penalty box to make his point.
  16. David Wong would not have been in the boardroom. Could it have been the Directors' Guest Lounge?
  17. Stu D thinks that everyone south of the border would react as he would.
  18. Folowing this post, I went to the Trussell Trust website and, struggle as I might, I could find no reference to the provision of food banks in Bulgaria nor to the transport of food from the UK to Bulgaria. I think that anyone who contibutes to the collection at Greenhill Road can be reassured that that their contributions will be used locally.
  19. Where was it suggested that NATO wants to disarm Faslane? All that mosts Scots want is for the UK to move the subs, preferably to somewhere close to London.
  20. Could that wonderful country, the RUK, not find somewhere to berth their nuclear submarines? No one is suggesting that a single Scottish sub could replace the nuclear subs.
  21. I have you on ignore but unfortunately others keep quoting your strange opinions. For your information, Salmond has never said that he wants NATO to do what you suggest with their nuclear weapons and, if he had done so, he would not have put a full stop in the middle of the sentence. What he and a large majority of the Scottish population have said is that they want nuclear weapons to be removed from Scotland. I don't think that the "Yes" camp have any intention of closing Faslane as a naval base. I see that you are still insisting that we are living in the time of the Third Reich. I suggested some time ago that that was wearing rather thin but I am not at all surprised that you continue with it. On a large number of occasions when someone has refuted something you have said you have failed to reply.
  22. There were more than 39 in one tenement close! Bring back John Buchan.
  23. Hannay Street lay between Clavering Street and Arthur Street, parallel to both.
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