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About StanleySaint

  • Birthday 10/14/1964

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    The Thommohawk

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    Stanley Co Durham

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Panel Pundit on SKY

Panel Pundit on SKY (14/14)

  1. My main concern about Thursday is playing a team 14 domestic and 2 European games in to their season while we're still getting warmed up, result not a given no matter what the bookies think.
  2. No disruption to LNER at all so nice journey home today.
  3. Yeah, same here, just back from London and considered it a bit tight to travel up today.
  4. I'm prepared to give it a go, happy to take the money and make it clear I want them to lose, what would motivate the players more than that? I suspect though that my application would fall on deaf ears.
  5. I agree, the level of expectation he gave to English fans only to have it replaced by abject misery not once but twice is worthy of a knighthood in my book.
  6. I'm not sure we need cover for Kiltie at this stage, more important is another central defender.
  7. No doubt the post mortem will be well underway, I think it might have been Ferdinand who said that the England players didn't play like they do for their clubs but looks at their team mates, the English flair players are surrounded by overseas players who create the opportunities to play well. They also need to remember that had the group results been different they might not have got to the final. I know my colleagues will be expecting me to get in touch but I'm going to leave it until I get back. I always say I don't mind them doing well, just not too well, hopefully Southgate goes and we get a period of decline because the last two Euros have been too close for comfort.
  8. For me the issue with England is that they have repeatedly over the years tried to play their best players rather than their best team, not that I'm disappointed mind but it will be my conciliatory analysis for my colleagues at work, just a shame I'm off this week.
  9. Nice, remember me saying that they looked tasty after the first match!
  10. Thank f*CK for that, to be fair, the best team in the tournament won!!
  11. Aye thought they'd messed it up but Cucarella managed to get the cross in.
  12. Cracking equaliser but t you have to question the starting 11.
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