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Cookie Monster

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Everything posted by Cookie Monster

  1. *Warning* This person gave false information regarding pies in the past. Albion Rovers, were far from award winning. [emoji852]
  2. Hopefully just for 3 months. Has been suggested that they'd be OT day shift at the weekend available. Mmmmm safe working environment or having to put up with moaning face players and supporters because they don't like a decision I've made. [emoji6] As for the deleted part of your post, hell would freeze over before I listened to anything that plick said.
  3. The team plays in the Scottish Championship [emoji54]
  4. So to summarise #TAF social distancing helped a bit before the lockdown reduced folk contracting CV19. Therefore saving 000s of lives.
  5. I believe it was FFS that was copyrighted not ffs!!. Nevertheless your sentiments were correct. FFS indeed [emoji16]
  6. Looking for some advice. Been lucky over the years to have worked early and day shifts. Done the occasional back and from memory only did 4 night shifts. Not including any call outs. In the near future I'll be transferring onto 4 x 12 hour Night Shifts 6pm - 6am Monday to Thursday. If you've done anything similar what do you suggest as in sleep/eat pattern?
  7. That's my night shift TV schedule sorted. [emoji2958]
  8. It was my understanding it was deaths that had CV19 on the death certificate that weren't counted in the daily hospital/care homes figures. They come out if memory serves me correctly about a week later.
  9. Do they numbers include the additional deaths that are reported periodically?
  10. Poor soul, obviously his mind is wandering.
  11. Me [emoji23] With all your OG's, he doesn't have to hit the target. [emoji1787]
  12. I thought he said he didn't watch foreign football. Were the games on any free to view channels, I could have sworn he said he didn't subscribe to any PTV sports channels? [emoji23]
  13. You could start a new thread, Just Ask Faraway. [emoji6] Naaaaa, he wouldn't would he. [emoji23]
  14. Poor delusional fool, the only folk I've put in hospital weren't threatened. They might have been punched, kicked etc etc but i never threatened any of them. So why would I need to threaten someone as insignificant as yourself? Come to think about it, I've worked it out. Now my knowledge of psychiatry is limited, but as you made it public I hope you don't mind me reminding you. I've traced back this lying to a time that you might have had a traumatic experience. Remember that time when your wife mutually agreed separation two months before you did, it's so obviously fried the limited brain cells you had. Now run along and let the adults talk about grown up stuff. [emoji23]
  15. Yeah, it should have been locked up. [emoji1]
  16. Immigration was the wrong word, international arrivals was the words I meant. [emoji106]
  17. Not just SMISA. Our club as well. [emoji106]
  18. We're not in control of immigration where in 5 days time most entering the UK will be required to self isolate for 14 days. Ehhhhh why didn't we have that from say.... 25th February https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/feb/25/britons-returning-coronavirus-italy-self-isolate-quarantine-regions Before it was cancelled on the 13th March https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/priti-patel-coronavirus-self-isolate-travellers-uk-new-york-italy-china-a9446381.html PS, If I go on holiday and return, I've got an exemption from self isolation due to my work status. [emoji6]
  19. BBC News - Coronavirus: Sweden's Tegnell admits too many died https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-52903717 Sweden's controversial decision not to impose a strict lockdown in response to the Covid-19 pandemic led to too many deaths, the man behind the policy, Anders Tegnell, has acknowledged. Sweden has seen a far higher mortality rate than its nearest neighbours and its nationals are being barred from crossing their borders. Sweden has counted 4,542 deaths and 40,803 infections in a population of 10 million, while Denmark, Norway and Finland have imposed lockdowns and seen far lower rates. Denmark has seen 580 deaths, Norway has had 237 deaths and Finland 321. Now he has told Swedish public radio: "If we were to encounter the same disease again, knowing exactly what we know about it today, I think we would settle on doing something in between what Sweden did and what the rest of the world has done." So basically don't listen to anyone known as #thichasfcuk
  20. So still a risk. [emoji6] Even at 1 metre can't be true, wasn't there an expert on here saying it can't be transferred from person to person through the air. [emoji848] Again he is well named i see as #thichasfcuk [emoji6]
  21. You think that folk that are showing their support for innocent folk that have been murdered is a laughing matter? In fact no need to reply, your true beliefs are showing for everyone to see.
  22. I was sure I read the OP the other day. Thought it was myself then realised who wrote the OP. Poor soul. [emoji22] https://www.blackandwhitearmy.com/forums/index.php?/topic/50726-Season-2020/2021
  23. He's waiting on his Tick Tock moment. [emoji6]
  24. See for that, I'm not telling you what my source told me. [emoji14]
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