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Everything posted by salmonbuddie

  1. If only Mr Munro had taken a calm and measured approach like Sky http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-26871555 I can't believe I said that about something Murdoch owns; then again, I can't believe that StuD wrote this: I'm still waiting for an answer to a question I asked him directly and repeatedly over 2 years ago on a different thread on this very subject. In much the same way, he hasn't answered tony soprano's direct question in this very thread, despite ts asking for an answer several times now. No doubt he'll come back and tell me to prove it but we all know about the latter and his behaviour lends reasonableness to me in the argument. His presence in this debate is the main reason I don't chip in much these days; typical nazi, jackbooted, brownshirt, behaviour.
  2. Do you mean the public park pitches? Shanks Park is the full name, I think, you'd pass Johnstone Castle on your left along Beith Road to get to the park. Keep going along Beith Road past the woods and the next scheme to your left is Cochrane Castle, named after the same castle, with the public park on your right.
  3. Any idea what's happening with Jimmy Blue's? There's a shed load of work going on and I noticed they've kept the Wallace Tavern sign in place so wondered if it was reopening as a pub.
  4. The tower in snlt's pic's still there, Rick, they built the scheme around it.
  5. And another from him/her http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/scotland/scottish-politics/10735711/Alex-Salmond-to-replace-the-Queen-on-new-Scottish-pound-coin.html
  6. From the same source http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/exclusive-un-draws-up-peacekeeping-plans-in-event-of-scottish-yes-vote-9226892.html
  7. It was indeed, Miss Saint, I met my missus in there. Burning wasn't good enough for it.......
  8. Am I the only one thinking he's been drinking it straight from the blue bits on his map of the world? Would explain so much.....
  9. It's an interim measure, snlt, until we decide what suits us best. Historically it's what just about every nation has done when it's left the empire, albeit for varying lengths of time. It's the sensible thing to do, short term anyway, to avoid major disruption.
  10. Naw! And that's the only time I'm saying that in this thread
  11. I`m assuming it's not Gallagher & Lyle you're talking about but do you mean Jimmy Jewell? He played with Gallagher & Lyle, too, didn't he.
  12. I'm not sure why, but I've been listening to him a lot recently, Small Faces, Faces and Slim Chance - sadly missed. Off topic, I know, but a better subject than StuD's economical ramblings......
  13. That's disingenuous, Rick, the pressure applied by Darling meant that due diligence couldn't be carried out. But you knew that was the point ts was making.
  14. Wonder it it'll end up like the old Cross Keys in Renfrew. Rumour at the time was it was going to be an Indian but it's lain empty since it was refurbed about 3 years ago.
  15. The Emirates aircraft is a 777-300, the one that's disappeared is a 777-200 and 10m shorter. Still a big fekker, mind
  16. It's story in the Daily Mail about a minority. Who could possibly doubt the accuracy......
  17. No, he wasn't, but it's amazing what years of practice will do.
  18. The scary thing is that I was sober when this thought occurred to me. Opened a bottle of wine as soon as I read it back to myself, though......
  19. Thanks, z_a, I thought this was (mostly) agreeing with what you were saying. I stopped offering opinions on the EU when you put your thoughts on here, I recognise when someone's speaking sense from a position of knowledge. If only others would, too...
  20. The Wee Hurry - the only chippy I've been to that rivals the Anstruther Fish Bar. The East Neuk's another place well worth a visit.
  21. His wife was okay, though - as I said, we were planning on camping at Victoria Bridge so our bags were at the Inveroran Hotel. She let us borrow her car to drive over and collect them and arranged the pick-up the next day. Mind you, I think she'd had a few so couldn't drive herself..... He never came near the three of us, but we're a (retired) rugby front row so maybe that explains it.
  22. A thought occurred to me ( it's that time of the year). If we're being selfish by wanting independence and looking after ourselves while ignoring many others like us, how come it's all Thatcher's disciples telling us not to go there? I've just realised why I don't like thinking.......
  23. I've got to side with Drew on this, bluto, and it's nothing to with being a fellow Nat, I think you know me better than that. He was basically agreeing with my post i.e. more people like Tony Benn in positions of power in the UK and less like Thatcher and Blair would mean that we in Scotland wouldn't need to think about independence.
  24. On the EU front (here comes StuD on another of his rants), I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere - genuinely, z_a, what are your thoughts on this? It expresses in a much more learned way what I've always felt would be likely to happen in the event of independence. http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201213/cmselect/cmfaff/writev/643/m05.htm
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