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The one

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About The one

  • Birthday 10/27/1986

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    One Up
  • Interests
    St Mirren,Cars,Art and Design,Property prices,Good Food and Good Wine.My girlfreind.

The one's Achievements

Ball Boy

Ball Boy (2/14)

  1. Another thread of mine deleted by a mod!!!

  2. The entire watsons building will be opening up in 2011 as a high class lap dancing venue with girls from the hottest clubs in Europe appearing every week.
  3. Got 8 Xbox kinects left @ £70. PM if interested

  4. Ha ha nice witty reply,Garry be honest if you didn't run a bus frond there would you chose to drink in it?Fact is Paisley has no decent pubs a shame really.
  5. Station lounge what-a shithole,Tacky dosent even begin to describe this place mirrored roof. And picture of the godfather on walls oh dear.
  6. pussy pussy pussy

    1. santaponsasaint
    2. scottd


      Self praise is no praise.

  7. Fifa is for wankers

  8. How can the fans be the 11th man anyway?
  9. Francie and Josie what a f**king liberty,get this pash shifted.
  10. At the risk of sounding likecthe shull the celebration meals are outstanding value!!!
  11. No but the one in Glasgow is one of the best places I have been!!!
  12. You logged onto my account?I have pms from a few female forum members that are private I'm raging.
  13. The one

    I Phone

    I have an iphone 4 and smashed the screen into a million pieces
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